Chapter twenty-six

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   When I got home, I saw my mum and dad waiting for me and when they noticed me, the bombarded me with questions like, 'why did you skip school today?', but I told them not to worry and I don't want to be called for dinner, I bid them goodnight and went to bed and thankfully none of them followed me upstairs. Although, my mum came to check up on me later, but I pretended to be asleep, so she didn't bother me.

Today came really fast and everyone  is so excited for the second round. Jenny asked me if I was okay and I told her I was fine and gave her a fake smile. I don't think she bought it, cause she handed me 5 chocolate bars, which I'm currently eating right now in chemistry class, since I didn't eat breakfast.

"Are you okay?" Bill asks me as I jot down what the teacher is saying. Thank God we are not doing practical, I don't think I can chew on chocolates with acid in my hand without mixing both of them together, I'm that clumsy.

"I'm fine." I lie very smoothly, I think I can be a lawyer with the way lies just roll out of my mouth.

"Your eyes are red and you look like you can pass out any minute from now." He states.

I guess I'm not so good at lying too.

"I didn't get enough sleep," which is the truth. I cried my eyes out last night and when I got hungry, I went downstairs to make cheerios, I think I finished the whole carton.

"The competition?" He asks.

"Yeah," I stifle a yawn, "and mid terms too."

"Oh, don't worry, I know you'd do good."

"How would you know that?" I spit, I didn't mean to be rude, so I quickly apologize, "I'm sorry. I just don't want to talk to anyone right now."

"It's okay, I should have noticed that." He smiles and goes back to his note.

Great! I don't think he'll be talking to you anytime soon.

I  sigh and go back to my note as the bell rings and the teacher dismisses the class after he rounds up. Everyone leaves and I pack my things slowly, I'm in no rush to go anywhere. I feel like my life is crumbling again.

Before you know it I'll fall into depression, I'll start doing drugs or probably underground fighting, get in lot of trouble, flunk my grades, my parents will notice, they'll either send me to rehab or get me a therapist and my life would be normal again.


I mean, whatever could a girl like me want. I have a family who loves me hell and back, a friend who likes me and a former bully, who all of a sudden cares about me. Any girl in my shoes would be happy.

I don't actually know why I'm feeling this way, maybe I'm sad because, my parents don't have enough money or maybe because the girl I trusted for practically half of my life has turned her back against me andi now threatening me or because, I have worked my butt off for an opportunity like this and now that it's here , I don't have a chance.

I groan in annoyance when my books fall out of my bag when I want to carry it. I bend down and start picking them, putting them back into my bag and zipping it up.

"Colton!" Will shouts immediately I step out of the class. He's leaning against the locker opposite the class and James is beside him. I quickly look away from James to avoid eye contact and walk towards Will.

"Hi," I say giving him a fake smile. Have I mentioned how happy I am, that I'm no longer his right hand man or woman as he calls it. Well I'm happy, glad thrilled, you name it.

This guy is so childish and needy and annoying, ugh! But the money was worth it anyway.

"I have to get to class, I'll see you later bro." He says and leaves.

"But you're free now!" Will protests, but he was already gone. "What's wrong with him?" Will asks no one in particular, before he turns to me. "Hey, what class do you have now?" He asks.

"Um, I'm free." I answer.

"Me too."  Do we share the same schedule? Nope I didn't see him in chemistry class. "Do you want to work on the song now?"

"Is Stephanie free?" I ask,

"No, she has History. Why?"

"Nothing," I shake my head, I just wanted to be careful. "Let's go." I say and we make our way to the music class.

You would think, there was a musical competition, people would actually make use of the music class, but no, they find it boring. Since the only instruments in there is the Piano, Saxophone, Tuba, who plays a tuba?, drums and other lame instruments.

"I didn't know she writes such amazing songs.." Will says as we enter the classroom. "...I always thought she was another Barbie." He jokes and I laugh a little, well, she wasn't always a Barbie. I defend her in my head.

"So, I have an idea for the song." He picks up his guitar and plays a few chords.

"Bring out the book, so you can sing with it." I suggest and he rummages through his backpack.

"She didn't give me her book for some reason...." We all know the reason, "..but she wrote it down in this paper." He brings out a neatly folded paper and gives it to me.

"Okay," I take a look at the paper, even though I know what is written in there.

"Chorus...verse...bridge... Chorus," I say following the order of the song. "Let me try this." I say dropping the paper on the too of the piano and play the actual chords I used for the song.

so maybe I can't be a lawyer but I'm an amazing actress.

I sing the first verse in my head and stop playing. "Whoa," Will smiles, "how did you do that?" He wonders and I shrug.

"I tried finding the right tune. It took me all night, but it didn't rhyme. That was amazing." He says and I smile, "hey! Can you play that again and I'll sing to it?"

"Sure." I say and I start playing the song ad he sings along.

"That was dope." He says after he finished singing.

"Will you be here after school, so we can play it for Stephanie?" He asks and I shrug.

"Sure," I say through gritted teeth, "um...Will actually..."

All I do is win win win no matter what!
Got money in my mind I could never get enough!

Will's phone rings.

Are you kidding me?!!!.

Will shoots me an apologetic smile and moves to the end of the class to answer the phone and I sigh. Maybe this is part of the universe trying to tell me that it's just not meant to be. I think back to the conversation I had with Stephanie two weeks ago about how we shared the same dream, maybe now it's her time and not mine.

"I'm sorry, I had to answer that." Will says as he hangs up.

"No, problem." I say.

"What was it you wanted to say?" He asks.

"'s nothing, don't worry about it. Me and my selflessness!.

" okay." He says and puts his phone back into his bag, "can we go over the song again? I'm so hyped." I roll my eyes, but nod anyway. So he sings and I play over and over again.

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