Chapter twenty-two

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Jenny parks her car in front of my house and I smile gratefully, "thanks." I say and unbuckle my seatbelt.

"No problem," she answers.

"Bye Riley." I say getting out of the car.

"Bye Maria!" She shouts and I walk to my front porch and stop when Jenny called me, I turn around and she approaches me.

"What do you think about Sebastian?" She asks suddenly.

"Sebastian?" I ask, "as in the Sebastian from art class?." She nods shyly. "I don't know, I think he's a cool guy." I say truthfully.

"Why?" I ask and her face turns red, my eyes widen in realization, "it was him you were with earlier right?" She nods, "you bi...." She put her hand over my mouth.

"'re shouting." She whispers taking her hand away from my mouth.

"You like Sebastian?" I ask.

"Yes," she admits.

"Since when?"

"Since the competition started." That soon?!

"So are you guys together or....." She shakes her head sadly. "Why?"

"I don't know. I mean I was in class today and everyone got out leaving the both of us and we talked, so one thing led to another and we kissed"

"What happened after that?" I ask with interest.

"We stopped and he said see you later and walked out of the class."

"See you later?" I scoff in disbelief, "why would he say that?."

"I think he was in shock, just like I was." She explains and I nod.

"Do you want to come in?" I ask, I feel like we should discuss this while sitting down.

"I'm sorry, I can't. Riley has to get to work and I'm her ride." She says and I nod in understanding.

"It's okay, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah." She says and walks back to her car waving at me before driving off.

"I'm home!" I shout when I walk into my house.

"Hey!" Tiana says turning away from the TV and facing me. I stop abruptly when I see that she isn't alone, beside her seated is Michael, the next door cutie.

"Hi?" I say furrowing my eyebrows trying to take in the sight.

"Hey Maria," Michael greets giving me a dimpled smile.

"Hi Michael, what are you doing here?" I ask as i sit on the couch opposite them.

"Maria!" Tiana scolds.

"What?" I ask innocently, "it's not normal that he's here.

"it's okay, Tia," he chuckles and turns to me, "we finished classes early today, so Tia invited me over to watch a movie." I nod in understanding, but what is going through my mind is, when don't they always have early class?. How  am I sure she's even going to school.

I glance at the TV and see what they're watching, "the fault in our stars? Seriously?" I raise my eyebrow at him. I didn't peg him to be the mushy kind of guy.

He chuckles again, "your sister picked the movie, since she was the one that invited me over, so I couldn't argue with her." He explains and I can breathe properly.

"I like him already," I tell Tiana and she blushes.

Looks like somebody has a crush.

"Okay," I say and get up from the couch, "as much as I would love to sit with you and watch sappy movies," Michael laughs, "I have to go to my room to finish my homework and do what teenagers like me do." I head for the stairs.

"You're not like other teenagers," Tiana snorts.

"I know, I try." I shoot back. "Leave the door open!" I shout climbing the stairs.

"We're in the living room you, bozo!" She yells back  and I hear Richard laugh.

"Still, no funny business!" I yell back and enter my room. I'm sure her face will be red by now.

It's weird how two of us are branching out. I never pegged Tiana as the girl who would date in college, I always saw her as the type that will date when she's 30. Honestly, I'm happy for her, and Michael looks like a great guy, he should just not break my sister or I'll break his face. If I can't do it, I'll hire someone to do it for me.

After 3 hours, I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say, closing the novel I was reading on my bed.

Tiana opens the door and her head pops in, "mum and dad are around. Mum says it's time for dinner." She says and leaves.

I get up from my bed and straighten the oversized, T-shirt I'm wearing. It belongs to my dad. He bought in the mall 2 years ago, he said it was too small for him, so I took it.

"Hey guys." I say when I get to the kitchen.

"Hey," everyone says back as I take my seat.

"What's for dinner?" I ask mum.


"Yum!" I lick my lips and my dad shakes his head at one.

"Can you help me set the table?" She says to no one in particular. So, Tiana and I get up to set the table.

"Who was the boy that left the house this evening?" Dad asks.

"There was a guy in this house?" Mum asks turning away from what she was cooking, "that's new."

"Was it Will Tucker?" My dad asks and I shake my head and point my finger at Tiana.

"He is a friend from school." Tiana says simply.

"A friend from school?" Mum echoes t the same time dad shouts, "you have friends?!" In shock, you and me both dad.

Tiana glares at dad, "yes dad, I have friends. I'm not the loner you think I am." She spits.

"I didn't mean it like that," dad mutters taking his  eyes away from her. You can tell he is offended.

"I'm sorry dad." Tiana sighs, "it's just that I am tired of everyone treating me like some freak."

"Tiana..." My mum says and I keep mute. I have  never seen Tiana like this. She always acted happy that she didn't have friends. I didn't know it bothered her.

"It's okay mum, I have friends and Michael is the new neighbor across the road." She explains.

"Oh, the Thompson's." Dad says nodding in understanding. "So has he been coming over or this is a first."

Tiana shakes her head. "No, we finished class early and no one was in his house, so I invited him over."

My dad nods and my mum goes back to cooking.

"Do you like him?" Dad blurts out.

"Dad!" I shout, horrified

"What?" He defends himself, "I have to know so I can give her the talk."

"I think that's mum job." I say pointing to mum.

"Whatever. I mean do you know how boring it is that you girls never bring a guy home or that you never go to parties. Not that I'm complaining, but we need a little drama in this house!."

"You have all the drama you need right there." I say still pointing to mum.

"You're right, but I need to threaten some boys, that if he hurts my baby girls, I would hurt his babies before they are born."

"Ugh! Dad can you not." Tiana groans.

"Yes, I can. So back to the question. Do you like this guy?".

"No, dad," lies, I sing in my head, "I do not like this boy, I mean I just met him." Tiana says.

"But you find him cute," I nudge her, wiggling my eyebrows.

"No, Maria. I don't find him cute." She says bluntly.

Dad and I share a knowing look, "so that means, you won't be dating any time soon. You know your mum and I will soon be asking for grandkids." He smirks, Tiana wanted to say something but mum interrupts her.

"Dinner is ready!" She shouts.

"Finally!" We all say in unison.

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