Chapter Two

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Wanda mumbled an apology with misty eyes after breaking the stool. Tony dismissed her with a look while Steve, Clint and Rhodey stood up to go after her. Natasha held out a hand to stop them from leaving the room. Wanda stumbled down the hallway, wiping her eyes furiously. Clint looked at Natasha impatiently.

"What? Why did you stop me from trying to help her?"

Steve placed a calming hand on his shoulder. He trusted the red haired assassin more then most. If she thought they shouldn't go then she was probably right.

"She needs to be alone right now," Nat said, watching the hall worriedly. "You'd only make it worse."

Clint sighed but sat back down. "How could it be any worse?" He mumbled.

~ ~ ~

He managed a full hour before the waiting became too much for him. They were all the in the living room, arguing about everything. New laws were being put into place concerning mutants and other super-powered individuals. Horrible discriminating laws that are just going to make them angry and lash out. Or keep them in line. All they had to do was stay low and not use their abilities. That was the current argument. Most of the Avengers were taking the sides of the war. Team Cap vs Team Iron Man. Clint, Nat, Bruce and Thor weren't paying attention.

Mostly Clint was staring behind him, sitting on the back of the couch. Wanda hadn't come out yet. The hour had been too long already. Maybe he should just check on her? Though he was silent as he did it, everyone noticed and quieted down as he dropped off the furniture and went off without a word. Nat watched solemnly. They all knew what he was doing they just hoped their youngest teammate was alright. She seemed to take it hard earlier.

"Wanda?" Clint knocked. "Are you okay?"

He didn't get an answer.

"Wanda, please," he begged, thinking she was in there ignoring him.

Still the room remained silent.

"Just tell me you're okay?"

Shit. Now he was getting worried. She was probably just asleep right? Maybe. Or not. How was he supposed to figure it out? Barging in felt wrong. He was sure that the girl wouldn't appreciate him picking her lock if she turned out to be in there. He wandered back into the living room where the team sat quietly staring at him.

He ignored him and paused whatever was currently on the TV screen and shouted, "FRIDAY can you bring up Wanda's room's security?"

"Yes Katniss."

Clint glared at Tony's smirk. He had better things to do at the moment thought, so he let it go. Like taking care of Wanda. The sharpshooter turned back to the screen and squinted. There was only static.

"FRIDAY what is this?" Tony spoke up.

"It seems the camera has been disconnected."

"What?" The billionaire asked in shock. "How did that happen?"

"Would you like me to play the last recording?"

"Yes please, FRI," Tony said. The team stared intently at the screen.

Wanda rushed into the room and slammed the door shut. She leaned against it, tears streaming down her face. She melted to the floor, and hugged her legs, burying her head in her knees. The team held their breath. They hated seeing her in so much pain and it made Steve regret his decision to stay away. Scott swore and put his head in his hands. Bruce groaned. Thor stood up as if to find her but Clint stopped him.

"She's not in there anymore," he hissed.

Wanda lifted her head to glare up at the camera with red rimmed eyes, sniffing. In a single movement she reached up and jerked her hand to the side and the screen turned back to static.

"Shit," Clint swore. He stood to go back to her room, not caring that she wasn't answering, but Bucky was already down the hall.

"Wanda I'm coming in," they heard him shout followed by the breaking of the door knob.

Clint was by his side in an instant quickly followed by Steve, Natasha and Thor. The rest of the team split up to search the compound for signs of something, anything. All they found was the girl's empty room, half full dresser and a car missing from the garage.

~ ~ ~

I gripped the steering wheel tightly, knuckles turning white. Tony had tried to teach me to drive, though I wasn't ever very good at it. It was dark out, nearing ten thirty. I had been gone for thirty minutes, and was only just then getting off the property and on the actual high way. I wasn't sure where I was going or what I was going to do. I was thankful for the untraceable credit card Tony had given each of the fugitive Avengers. I wasn't sure how much money was on it but, knowing Tony, probably a lot. My biggest fear was he would pause the account or track it down. It was his money I was using after all. So I had to use it the least amount of times possible.

I had tried to find the most conspicuous car possible, and that turned out to be a Ford convertible. I had the top down, enjoying the wind on my face and in my hair, but I had to wear sunglasses so that traffic cameras couldn't pick up my face. Wearing sunglasses at night? Not smart. For your average person. But, thanks to my abilities, I could see just fine. I just had to trick my brain into seeing things lighter.

It took me an hour and a half, but I managed to get to the city without being found by Earth's Mightiest. There I knew I had to ditch the car because of the license plates, which meant finding a new ride. Then I could get a plane ticket to a country that didn't want to kill me and maybe get a job. But before that I knew I had to do something. Something to prove I'm not just running, I'm helping. And I know what I was going to do. But first I had to get to Germany. Somehow.

I drove all the way through Brooklyn before coming out in a rougher looking part of a city. I had forgotten the name but when I heard a police siren, I panicked. What if Tony had them scanning license plates? Would he do that? Could they have spotted me? No, no, no, no, no. It hadn't even been two hours!

I hurriedly parked the car and threw the keys at a homeless guy with a beard that had been digging through a trash can. He caught them with fingerless gloves and looked at me in awe.

"Just change the plates," I ordered softly. "And it's yours."

He nodded enthusiastically as I took my backpack from the seat and threw it over my shoulder. Pulling the cap lower down my face, I walked down the sidewalk at a fast pace. What the hell was I doing? I had nowhere to sleep, no where to go. Unless I wanted to check into a motel, all I had was an alleyway. I could have just parked the car in one and slept in that. Stupid! Oh well, what's done is done. I couldn't ask for the car back when the guy obviously needed it.

As I walked through the dim orange light of a street lamp I realized how messy the city really was. Fast food garbage and soda cans laid on the side of the road and I could practically smell the predators across the street, waiting for someone to mug. I couldn't have picked a worse place to run to with a bag full of stuff and a million dollar card.

I sped up the pace trying to look taller then I actually was. It didn't help much seeing as I was short. Probably the shortest member of my team—my ex-team.

Predictably, it didn't take long for someone to grab my arm and jerk me into an alleyway. I dropped my bag and opened my mouth to scream, but mid-way through I was cut off by a grimy hand. An arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into someone else's body.

Oh no you don't, I thought darkly. I wasn't just some damsel in distress. This was one of the times I had thought about in the past that made me ask Nat to teach me son moves. Drawing attention to my powers would be bad.

I pulled an arm forward and drove it into the man's side, earning a grunt as he released me. I was about to congratulate myself, but I hadn't counted on the two others that came out of the shadows. They grabbed my arms in vase like grips, holding them steady. Shit. Now I couldn't use magic if I wanted to. With my hands immobile, it was too hard to control. If I tried to use it, I would risk blowing up a city block. This was bad.

A shadow passed over head, causing everyone in the alley to look up. A lean figure jumped down onto a fire escape easily doing a flip. I caught a flash of red and blue as the figure reached out an arm, palm upwards.

The name of the city decided to pop into my head at that moment. I swore in my native language.



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