Chapter 15 End of the Camp

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As Soma continues to make the omelet, he manages to reach 450 until he runs out of eggs. He sighs and he turns to the crowd, "Sorry, guys, I have run out of eggs to serve the dish..."

The crowd is a little disappointed, but the children are gathering around Soma as they thank him for the nice dish. After the times run out, Soma secretly takes out two more omelets, as he wants to share them with two of his friends.

"Tadokoro. Looks like we made it." Soma says with a smile.

"Yeah, Soma-kun, I saw your performance. But what were you doing?" Megumi asks.

"It is a good thing I have prepared one more for you to eat." Soma says as he hands over the Omelet to Megumi, who tries it out and she gives out a satisfied expression. "What's going on here? It tastes like an omelet, but the texture is that of a Souffle served for dessert...Since the outside is cooked and the inside is a fluffy foam, if you press it with a spoon, it resists change..."

"I know. And people really like watching shows, so I think that live cooking is the best." Soma says.

After counting the results, Soma is in the first place with 452 meals in total, with Erina coming in second, with 407 meals. Both of them are the only students who reach 400. Soma turns to Erina and says, "You're not bad as well."

"What's with that "Did you see that" face?" Erina is angry as she yells at Soma, but before she can do it, Alice appears and she says, "Wow, Yukihira-kun! You managed to beat Erina! That is very surprising!"

"Oh, Alice." Soma says with a smile. "It is a good thing that I made another one for you, what about mine?"

"Don't worry, here it is." Alice and Soma exchange their dishes, and Megumi asks, "Soma-kun, do you know this girl?"

Soma says, "Oh, she is Nakiri Alice." He looks at Erina and says, "Oh, Nakiri is related to you, right?"

"Yep, Erina and I are cousins, we lived in the same mansion until we were five." Alice says as she takes a bite on Soma's dish. "That is great. Yukihira-kun."

" were here...what are you doing..." Kurokiba Ryo is standing there as Alice says, "Oh my, you have the perfect timing. Do you want some?"

Ryo takes a bite of Soma's dish and he mutters, "I can do it better."

"You're expression and your words are not consistent..." Soma retorts.

"But, cooking while relying on reckless stunts like that won't let you reach the top. What's needed is a work constructed with an approach based on cutting-edge theories." Alice says. "Still, that only applies to other people, but Yukihira-kun is different."

Soma and Megumi are looking at the food and Megumi asks, "What is this? Boiled Eggs...eggs still within a shell, and split eggs?"

"Knowing Alice, this is not what you think they were." Soma says as they take a bite, and Soma says, "I see, this one is diluted ocean water Gelee, and the egg yolk is a salted Salmon Roe Gelatin. The rose pop like bubbles and their flavor spreads slowly. That flavor is wrapped by the smooth feeling of the Gelee when it passes through my throat..."

Megumi takes a bite of the boiled egg and she says, "And this is White Asparagus Mousse...and the yolk is a Hollandaise Sauce made of Egg yolk...the balance of the rich body of the egg and the Asparagus faint bitterness is superb!"

"You're right so far, and for the last one, you'll need to put a straw here." Alice says as she does it, and Soma slurps it and says, "This is a Milkshake. Maybe your dish is better than the other Nakiri."

"You do know I'm here right?" Erina yells in anger.

"But how do you know them, Soma-kun?" Megumi asks.

"Alice's father founded the "Nakiri International" with her mother's homeland, Northern Europe...Denmark, as its headquarters. There they first researched new cooking techniques based on molecular gastronomy, and now they also research the mechanisms of the senses of taste and smell and they even include brain physiology in their research. When Dad takes me around the world, we have managed to stay there for a month and that's when I met both Alice and Ryo there. Though I thought you were staying at Denmark, Alice." Soma says.

"I came here when I was 14, since I have a goal, that is to defeat Erina and the Phantom to stand on top of Totsuki."

Erina smirks and says, "Hmph, to a cook that only appreciates new techniques, my cooking will never lose."

"Oh my, such hatred! Erina! You're always like that! When we were three you took my toy away, you said that the cake I baked for your fourth birthday was horrible. And I will never forget that when we were five..." Alice pouts.

"Th-that's unrelated with this!" Erina yells back at Alice.

"Oh, and I forgot, you too, Yukihira Soma-kun." Alice says. "You sure talked big at the entrance ceremony, maybe it is because of your parents that made you like this. But the era where artisan skills were highly praised is over."

"Maybe, but maybe not." Soma says. "But it is nice seeing you again, Alice, and Kurokiba."

Alice says, "It sure is, I'm waiting expectantly for the moment I get to defeat you personally."

After the two of them leave, the announcement arrives and it states that everyone has only 4 hours of free time to use before the next assignment. That causes everyone to start working in the kitchen.

On the fifth day, Soma and Megumi are looking around the area along with the others, as he says, "What can it be...? They suddenly told us to gather in the lobby..."

Ryoko says, "There's nothing written on the guidebook either."

They are afraid that the same thing as the breakfast task is happening again, but Dojima appears on the stage and he announces, "Currently, 352 students have dropped out and the remaining student number is 628. It might seem cruel, but the cooking profession isn't but a microcosmos. To survive as a chef, every single ability and readiness is necessary...You must not lose your cool in unknown situations and keep interacting with the ingredients. As a chef, you'll always be under heavy pressure. You must resist the nights where you are tormented by anxiety and hesitation, and be able to deal with and conduct yourself in diverse situations. Living as a cook is similar to roaming about alone in the wilderness under a storm. The more you master cooking, the more your feet will tangle and your objective blur. There might be people that lose even the way back and get stuck on the summit by the time they notice. However, I don't want you to forget that on this place called Totsuki, you had comrades that left their footprints together with you in that same wilderness. Because that's the fact, what will encourage you eventually on your lonely travel. I wish you the best of luck."

The final program of the training camp is actually the modest banquet to celebrate the completion of the training camp, with the full course made by the Alumni. That causes everyone to be excited, and they all enjoy their meals.

While eating, Soma is thinking as Megumi asks, "Soma-kun? What's wrong?'

"Nothing, I was just thinking that this school is more interesting than I first thought." Soma says. "And because I have new friends, and you."

"Eh, what? Sorry, I couldn't hear you." Megumi says in confusion.

"Nah, I'm just talking to myself. Now let's continue." Soma says as they continue to eat.

The final day has arrived, and everyone is going back to school. Soma and the others are also walking to their bus until they see the alumni, including Shinomiya. Soma asks, "Shinomiya-senpai!"

The man turns to Soma and Megumi, he says, "It seems you two managed to survive."

"Well, somehow thanks to you." Soma says.

"That're already going back to France?" Megumi asks.

"Yeah, I can't keep the restaurant closed forever. Besides, I've decided on my next objective. I'll make "Shino's" Paris' most famous restaurant and get three starts. The Purusupooru isn't enough for me now."

"Three stars, huh..." Soma thinks.

"Wow, no Japanese chef in France has got that before." Megumi adds.

And then, the other alumni are trying to ask both Soma and Megumi into their restaurants, and they are surprised. Dojima says, "To think they're already calling out for students who are still enrolled, I guess they have recognized their skills."

Hiromi nods, "For the sake of coming to this training camp, they have closed their restaurants temporarily or left them to their sous-chef. Doing that much for free wouldn't really be worth it, right?"

Soma says, "If you think of it, that is a point."

"Ultimately, this training camp also serves to look for potential recruits before they graduate." Hiromi adds. "A cook gets more training as he moves from one restaurant to another, depending on your talent, you'll move to new stages, that's precisely why for an owner-chef getting trainees is a matter of the highest priority. How hard getting the "Right stuff" needed on a kitchen is something that Alumni know best. That's why they come to evaluate Totsuki's enrolled students. This training camp is beneficial for both the Academy and the Alumni."

"I see." Soma nods.

" could prove successful, even on Totsuki Resort. You're always welcome to come here." Hiromi says.

"Well, I have come here a lot of times thanks to my parents, who own their own restaurant, Yukihira." Soma shows them the uniform.

"Tamako's restaurant." Dojima says, "It sure has been a while since I went there."

Soma says, "And Uncle Dojima, thank you for everything here. We really appreciate it."

"Uncle, huh?" Hiromi asks Dojima, who sighs and says, "Yukihira-kun is the son of two alumni that are very close friends of mine in school. I'll explain more later."

As the others are now on the bus, Soma finds that the headband that her mother always wore is left in the hotel room, so he tries to get it and misses the bus. Fortunately, Erina also misses the bus as she already calls the hotel's own car to take her, so Soma joins her in the car.

"Want some cookies?" Soma asks, but Erina replies, "No."

"Come to think of it, you said that you were looking forward to seeing on which day I would drop out, but I survived, any comments on that?" Soma taunts.

Erina turns away with anger and says, "Kuh...I can picture your triumphant look...You should just continue struggling on the base like that. You won't be chosen for that election after all."

Soma is confused, as Erina decides to tell him about the Autumn election, an election that might be capable of picking the next Elite 10 member.

"Are you really that sure if I won't be chosen?" Soma asks with a taunt, "Just because you don't like me doesn't mean that I won't be chosen. I mean, the Phantom and Isshiki-senpai really like my cooking."

"Grr..." Erina is frustrated, and she doesn't say anything, she starts to remember the time when the Phantom talked to her.

"What makes you think you can beat me? Is it because you have God's Tongue? That won't be enough if you want to beat me."

Erina says, "If you want to talk to me, then I want to know, what is so special about this Phantom?"

"The Phantom?" Soma asks, "Isn't he a member of the Elite 10? Why are you asking me?"

"Just answer it! He seems to know you a lot and vice versa!" Erina yells at Soma, who sighs and says, "Fine, he has the ability known as Angel's Eyes, just by seeing the ingredient, no matter good or bad, he will change them into a great dish."

"So it is similar to my God Tongue." Erina thinks.

"But why do you want to know about him?" Soma asks, and Erina yells, "It's not your business!"

"Fine." Soma sighs as he turns away, he thinks, "But it is my business since you are trying to know my secrets..."

And this is the end of the chapter, as you can see, the Hell camp finally ends, and the next chapter will be starting the arc of Autumn Election. If you want to ask about the Karage Wars, I'm going to skip that. I hope you like this chapter.

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