Chapter 17 Family Showdown Part 1

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While the students are eating with the Alumni, they are now talking about the Polar Star Dorm and Fumio says, "As you can see, the Elite 10 in front of you are the central pillars that brought upon the Polar Star's Golden Era."

"Fumio-san is exaggerating." Qiu says. "But it is true that we have been doing a lot of Shokugeki to make this place better."

Daniel says, "Indeed, we have to cover the kitchen equipment costs by ourselves, and also the fields outside the dorm, it is thanks to our efforts that we managed to make this an independent nation of Totsuki."

Shizuka says, "I have noticed that the fields are planted with vegetables, I assume that you're the one who made it?"

Isshiki nods and says, "Of course, it is my duty to protect the fields of Polar Star Dorm."

"I see you have protected them well. Despite we managed to win all of these through Shokugeki, there are still enemies who try to ruin it using dirty tactics." Katsu sighs.

"Yeah, thanks to the Phantom, they aren't able to do anything." Ai says.

"Wait, the Phantom?" Yuki asks in shock. "You mean there is the Phantom ever since your generation?"

"Oh? I thought that was just a forgotten tale." Daniel says. "But it seems that you know about the Phantom?"

Everyone then explains what the Phantom did to the Alumni, except for Soma, Megumi, and Isshiki, who are just staying silent about it. Joichiro already knows what's going on as he smiles, "Well, looks like the current Phantom might be a pain for all of you."

Dorabu asks, "Joichiro, do you know everything about this? You do know who is the first Phantom, does that mean this second Phantom is..."

"Related to her? It could be." Joichiro looks in Soma's direction, who flinches a little. "But I'm sure that the Phantom will only reveal after beating him in a Shokugeki, or someone that this person fully trust."

Megumi thinks, "Does that mean Soma-kun fully trusted me? No way..."

Fumio decides to change the topic and says, "Anyway, even though Gin never forgets to send new years' cards and gifts, but what about you guys? Couldn't you guys send at least one letter?"

"That's why we said we'll come here once in a while." Dorabu says.

"Give me a break! You guys all just come suddenly and then go away whenever you want! You almost send me a heart attack after seeing all seven of you at the same time when I open the door!" Fumio yells.

"Though it is a shame that Saiba-senpai never graduated, though..." Qiu sighs.

This causes the others to frown, including Soma, who knows what's going on. Everyone is confused, but they didn't realize the seriousness as they continue to chat.

Once everyone is back in the room, Soma is the only one who stays as Joichiro and the others are talking to him. Joichiro asks, "So what have you been doing, huh? Little Phantom?"

"So you know that it was me the whole time, huh?" Soma sighs.

"Please, you are Tamako's son. And I know Tamako wouldn't want her secret to be revealed to people who ridiculed her." Daniel says. "But I admit, getting the so-called Seat Number 0 does not happen in the history books of Totsuki."

"Indeed. Looks like young Soma here is having such fun." Ai says.

"Anyway, Dad, will you sleep in my room?" Soma asks as he spins the key, Joichiro notices the key which says 303 as he smiles, "Haha, Soma! You're in Room 303?"

"It sure is a coincidence." Katsu says, "Around the center of the room, there are the remains of a burn caused by a falling pot. Right?"

Soma is confused as Joichiro says, "That 303 was my room, and the pot is made by Katsu who wasn't careful."

"I'm sorry about that, though." Katsu sighs.

"And I noticed that you were eyeing at that blue-haired girl, Tadokoro Megumi, that's her name right?" Shizuka asks.

"So? I admit that she is the first friend I made in this school." Soma says with confusion.

"The room she stayed in, Room 302, was the same as your mother Tamako. I wonder maybe we'll be seeing those two together?"

Soma blushes a little, and Joichiro laughs, "It is too soon to think about that, but don't make me a Grandfather yet, Soma."

"Just shut the hell up! You guys! Are you guys done teasing me?" Soma yells at the Alumni, who laughs at Soma's reaction.

The next morning, Soma is still sleeping until he hears a voice, "Soma, are you awake? I'm in the kitchen right now. Bring your knife and come downstairs."

"Okay..." Soma says in a sleepy tone as he looks at the clock, which is still 5:30. "Guess we are preparing breakfast?"

After coming to the kitchen, he sees that Joichiro, Katsu, and Qiu are there. Joichiro says, "Oh, you're here, Soma. Is your knife sharpened?"

"Of course, I did it last night to get rid of the grindstone smell." Soma says.

"Well, that will be perfect then. I'm sorry for being so sudden, but show me how much you have grown." Joichiro says.

" contest...against Dad?" Soma suddenly feels not sleepy anymore as he gasps.

"I thought that was your own family thing." Katsu says, "Or are you scared?"

"No, just when I thought your return was quite sudden, you come up with this, Dad?" Soma asks.

Joichiro smirks, "Hm? What's wrong? Are we doing this or not?"

"Of course, we are doing it!" Soma yells.

Qiu says, "And what's best for the cooking contest? That will be the judges, and luckily, Katsu and I are early ones so we get to be the judges."

"What?" Soma asks in surprise, and Katsu says, "Being in a military needs to wake up early for training."

"Then about the cooking theme...what do you think, Fumio-san?" Joichiro asks as Soma realizes that she was there the whole time.

"Fufu...that love for contests runs in the blood, huh? You two are really alike." Fumio says.

"Well, this is quite the spectacle." Just then, Isshiki sits besides Fumio, causing the woman to be surprised. "Isshiki? Why are you here?" You surprised me."

"I was on my way back from working in the field. And I caught wind of an interesting contest around here." Isshiki smiles.

"Looks like you have sharp eyes, the military welcomes a nice boy like you." Katsu says, but Qiu slaps him and says, "Don't try to do that."

Qiu turns to Isshiki and says, "But sorry, Isshiki, we already have an odd number of judges." But she is cut off after seeing Megumi walking to the sink to get a glass of water.

"Tadokoro?" Soma asks, and the sleepy girl says, "Soma-kun...good morning..."

"What happened to you?" Soma asks after seeing her crazy bags under her eyes.

"I just couldn't sleep...I started thinking about the election, and got nervous over it...hehehe..."

"Eeh...there's still one more month left, though. What will happen to you if you're like this now..." Soma sighs.

"Ah, but you came just in time, Megumi. Come here." Fumio says. "Now that we have five judges, then about the theme...I'm old, so I won't accept anything overly filling first thing in the morning. We also have a girl that's staggering from staying up all night. Let's see...the theme is "A dish that energizes you first thing in the morning"! We'll have you make it for us. You're free to use any ingredients in the kitchen, and the time limit is one hour. You may proceed to cook as soon as you decide what you're making. Begin!"

After a while, Megumi is now fully awake as she notices what's going on, she asks, "Why are they having a contest?"

"Oh, you're finally awake, Tadokoro-chan." Qiu says with a smile.

Then Megumi realizes who Soma is fighting and she asks, "Soma-kun! Your opponent is a former member of the Elite 10! You know! Even though you are the Phantom! You can't win this!"

"Oh? Tadokoro-chan also knows that Soma-kun is the Phantom?" Isshiki asks, and Megumi realizes that she accidentally spits it out, Soma says, "Don't worry, Tadokoro, they already know my identity before you did. And you see, this was an everyday occurrence in the Yukihira Diner. I first challenged him when I was in 6th grade."

"That's just like you...but don't tell me that you've won..."

"Well...I don't really remember..." Soma thinks.

"You haven't stop putting on airs, Soma's lost 500 times to me and 200 times for my wife." Joichiro says.

"I didn't! It was 489 times for you and 168 times for Mom!" Soma yells.

"You even remember the exact number." Joichiro sighs.

Megumi and Isshiki then realize how Soma is capable of being the Phantom and also the strength of never give up the battle even though the opponent is someone who might be stronger than him.

After the time is up, Soma presents his dish first. "Here is my dish, it's an Apple Risotto!"

Qiu says, "A Risotto in the morning...that sure is unexpected."

"Not to mention that there are apples in it, which are cut into cubes." Katsu adds.

"It has a bittersweet and really refreshing aroma...and it's apple and lemon?" Megumi asks.

"Yeah, it has wonderful freshness. This smell rouses a heavy stomach and stimulates the appetite! It even feels as if it's getting rid of my drowsiness." Isshiki says.

After they take a bite, they are amazed at the taste as the crispy apples with mild sweetness, onions boiled they become thick, and crunchy fried bacon. Megumi even thinks that she is being a Snow White who was kissed by the Apple Prince.

"You can also add some black pepper to your liking. That makes it taste good too."

After tasting it, they are amazed by the taste as it is just like they are having a black and white waltz.

"I'm going to feels like it's seeping into my sleep-deprived body." Megumi says.

"You can get vitamins, lipids, and carbohydrates from it. And since the rice is soft and superbly cooked, it's also easy on the stomach." Katsu says. "It's undoubtedly a dish perfect for when you just wake up."

"But I have a question." Qiu says, "I mean, the rice and onions are permeated by the apples' flavor, but if you boil the apples for that long, they would normally crumble. So why are they still crispy?"

"Oh, I used this." Soma takes out a bottle of apple juice, and they realize that Soma is using the juice to boil the risotto, and the apples are put in later.

"That's a wonderful idea. To think that the uniform apple flavor that spread throughout the dish was something that was made using apple juice..." Isshiki says.

"To think that he would come out with such a precise answer for a theme I came up with on the spot...just how much potential does this kid have?" Fumio thinks.

But after Joichiro comes with the food, and Fumio realizes that Joichiro might surpass the risotto quite easily as he places down the food.

And I'll cut the chapter here like in the Manga. As you can see, I've decided to add two more judges into the cooking showoff, and I also add a lot of original plot into this chapter, considering I added six of my OCs into the story. I hope you like it.

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