Chapter 23 Misaka Subaru

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Soma is walking on the road until he is stopped by a man, who has greeted him. Soma notices him as the one who gets into fourth place in his own Area A.

"Yukihira Soma. Don't glare at me so much, I was just going to ask you to go inside with me." The boy says.

"Huh? Right...OK, I guess." Soma says.

"Alright, wait a sec." Soma notices that the boy is trying to chain his bike, and then he says, "Sorry for the wait."

"Yeah, you really made me wait. I never thought you'd even put a cover and a rope around it."

"Because this cautious is only natural. Of course, my bike's registered in the bike registry...and it's also subscribed to a GPS service. So, even if it's stolen, I'll know where it is right away."

"Even if you tell me all that...wait, you have a license?"

""Right down to a gnat's eyebrow" is my Motto. Whether it's in cooking or anything else." The boy says. "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mimasaka Subaru. Don't forget it."

"Well, best regards. Hey, don't you need to hurry?" Soma asks.

"Don't worry about that." Mimasaka says, and Soma is a little curious about the boy in front of him.

As Hayama and Arato's match begins with their theme being Hamburgers, Megumi rushes out of the stadium as she is finding Soma.

"Soma-kun! Hurry! They're already begun cooking!"

"Sorry. But I already know that the match is Hayama vs. Arato, and then Takumi vs. Mimasaka in the end." Soma says, but then he thinks, "But why does Mimasaka knows about this? He wasn't a member of the Elite 10."

At the same time, Mimasaka is thinking, "Yukihira Soma, his home is a diner...he makes use of the creativity born from his experience there in his dishes, he's great pride in his restaurant's name. Not only that...he has the ability known as Angel's Eyes, something that exceeds my Perfect Trace...That's why I'm very interested in you..."

Mimasaka then notices Takumi and also thinks what he knows about him, after all, he is the opponent he needs to face next.

Back with Soma and Megumi, they are still finding the entrance to the stands, until they are stopped by the guards. Before they can ask the guard where the gate is, Mimasaka appears and says, "In that case, you can just watch it from the monitor in my waiting room. It's over there."

At the same time, Takumi is walking past as he is surprised to see the couple there as well/

The four of them are sitting in the room, and Takumi explains what he is doing, "The ingredients I just came, so I was checking them over. Good grief! To think you overslept, that's something a cook can never do."

"Well, I didn't oversleep, though..." Soma says as he glares at Mimasaka, who isn't fazed at Soma's glaring.

"So why I am here as well?" Takumi asks.

"Isn't it alright? You finished checking your ingredients, right?" Mimasaka asks as he prepares the tea and snacks for them.

"So, how does this match look to you, Tadokoro?" Soma asks.

Megumi replies, "Erm...the theme is hamburgers, it's a dish where you can make great use of spices, which are Hayama-kun's specialty, Arato-san is good enough to be Nakiri-san's secretary, so her ability is real. Her specialty "Medicinal Cooking" might be a bad match for the theme..."

Arato's Soft-shelled Turtle Hamburger goes first, which causes Senzaemon to be intoxicated by its flavor, but Soma knows that the match will go to Hayama, but Mimasaka beats him to it, causing the boy to look at Mimasaka with curiosity.

Hayama goes for Kofta Kebab Burger, as the aroma exceeds Arato's burger. Hayama says, "I'm aiming for the top, there's no way someone who's always desperate to be No.2 would be able to be a worthy opponent."

"What did you say?" Arato asks.

"Everything about you is limited. Your will...and your world of cooking, too." Hayama says.

And the match goes 5-0 for Hayama, and at the same time, Eizan walks into the waiting room and says, "The fourth match will begin shortly. We'll have everyone but the contestants move to the guest seats."

"Sorry for bothering you and thanks." Soma says.

"Don't be, I couldn't do much for you." Mimasaka says.

But after the fourth round arrives, Mimasaka asks for a Shokugeki with Takumi, much to everyone's surprise, especially Soma. After getting back to his friends, Ibusaki says, "Mimasaka actually plans to have a Shokugeki from the very beginning. He doesn't have the least bit of respect for ingredients or tools. You wouldn't find a kitchen willing to hire Mimasaka anywhere in the world. He's only interested in winning. He thoroughly investigates the students he targets, and he's willing to provoke...threaten...or use any other means in order to bring it to a showdown. The number of SHokugeki he's won is 99, with him being a first-year, this number is abnormal no matter how you look at it."

He also reveals how he has won other chefs' knives as winning, one of which is a memento of his opponent's late mother, that causes Soma to be angry.

"So he is targeting Takumi's Mezzaluna..." Megumi says.

The theme of the match is Desserts, and they are surprised to see that Mimasaka is using the same ingredients as Takumi. And Ibusaki continues to tell them what he knows about Mimasaka.

"He likes to investigate every opponent, after taking information, he analyzes all the data and predicts what exactly they're making, and then he arranges the dish so that it goes one step further than his opponents." Ibusaki says as it causes everyone to gulp. "But the only one who he couldn't find out is the Phantom, which is why he hasn't challenged him to a Shokugeki yet."

"I see." Soma sighs in relief considering that he has always hidden his identity so well.

After the match, it is Mimasaka's victory, which means Mimasaka gets to take away Takumi's Mezzaluna.

"All of the matches in the first round of the Autumn Election are finished. The second round will be held in one week. The brackets will be decided by the end of the day...and we'll notify everyone then! That's all." Eizan says.

After getting back to the hall, Yuki is very angry as she grabs Ibusaki's shirt. "I can't accept it! Just what the hell is wrong with that stalker!"

"I got it! Don't vent your anger on me!" Ibusaki yells.

"I'm sure Takumi-kun is shocked." Ryoko sighs.

"I want to cheer him up...but I don't know what to say to him..." Ikumi adds.

"Soma-kun?" Megumi looks at her boyfriend, who sighs and says, "I'm going to the dorm."

Everyone is surprised to see that Soma is not going to talk to Takumi about his loss, as they follow him back to the dorm, only to see that Mimasaka is there waiting for him.

"Mimasaka? Why are you in Yukihira's Room?" Yuki yells.

"I have a duplicate key." Mimasaka says as he takes out the key, causing everyone to be surprised.

"So, what do you want?" Soma asks.

"Right, I had something to report to you." Mimasaka says.

"Ok, wait just a bit." Soma says as he is going to prepare some tea, Yuki yells, "Kick that guy out right now!"

"No, but, he even gave us sweets when we were in the waiting room." Soma says/ "I must do something for him too. With that said, I'm going to talk alone with him for a while."

He turns to Mimasaka and says, "That's right, Mimasaka. You had dinner yet? There's still some of the beef stew I prepared left. Want some?"

"I'm glad to have some." Mimasaka says as he takes the plate.

Everyone is surprised as to what Soma is doing, but Mimasaka says, "It's about the brackets for the second round. They were decided."

"If you're going to tell me that, I already know about it." Soma says. "Kurokiba vs. Hayama, and I am facing against you. The theme for both matches is a "Main dish for a Western-style meal." And you came all the way here to tell me that?"

"You know already, don't you? Let's do it, a Shokugeki." Mimasaka says. "The knife you always use. If I win, I'm taking it. From what I've seen, it looks a really sharp one. So much so that it's a wonder why a punk from a Diner has it. In return, I'm betting Mezzaluna for that."

Soma just stares at Takumi's knife and says, "Well, I do think it's a shame. We got to be on such a big stage, so I thought it'd be nice if I could face Takumi. But Takumi wouldn't get crushed by something like this. And one more thing, the pathetic one is you, Mimasaka."

"What?" Mimasaka asks.

"I'll take you up on the Shokugeki, but what I want isn't just the Mezzaluna." Soma says. "I want all the other 99 tools you've stolen so far. Give them to me."

Everyone is surprised as to what Soma is talking about, and Mimasaka yells, "Don't fuck with me...what are you saying? Those aren't remotely worth the same. You'd have to take on a risk that balances out those 100 tools."

"Then I have two more things I can offer you. First, if I lose to you, I'll quit being a chef." Soma says. "I'll never shoulder Yukihira's sign again, and I promise I'll never stand on a professional level."

"Yukihira! What are you saying!" The people outside Soma's room can't hear it anymore as they rush into the room and scold him for being reckless. Mimasaka says, "Yukhira. Shokugeki's laws are absolute. You understand you can't brush it off as a joke, right?"

"Of course. And there is still a second thing. That thing is...I know the true identity of the Phantom." Soma says.

"What?" Everyone is shocked about the whole truth, Mimasaka says, "Yukihira, I know that you have Angel's Eyes, which might overpower my tracing, but if you want to joke, then it is not funny."

"I'm not joking. The reason I came to this school is because of the Phantom, he was my inspector during the Transferring Exam." Soma says. "And he has been taking good care of me, I am willing to bet this in order to get 99 of your knives. If you're fine with those conditions, then let's do it."

Mimasaka thinks, "To think he would know the Phantom's identity...what is he planning? He saw my match with Aldini, a match where I perfectly predicted what my opponent would make, so how can he say such things?"

"That's right, Mimasaka. I'll take this chance to lessen your workload. The theme was a western-style main dish, right? I'm making this." Everyone is surprised as Soma points at the beef stew he made for Mimasaka.

"You Idiot! Why were you blurting out!" Ikumi yells at Soma. "To think you would reveal the dish you're making of your own accord!"

"But if he's going to predict it anyway, it's just the same." Soma says.

Mimasaka hesitates, he says, "This guy is hard to investigate just like the Phantom...but does he think his bluff would work? Has he planned to make one dish here and then make a different dish for the real deal?"

"At any rate, I'll thoroughly investigate the dish you're making. Saying the first thing that comes to mind like this."

"Naturally, I'm not just saying whatever comes to mind. With this, it's become a beef stew contest." Soma says.

After the arguing from his friends, Soma turns to Mimasaka once again, "Mimasaka, in a way, you actually have my admiration, you know. To think you could recreate what Takumi was planning to can't do that without being incredibly skilled. But why do you have such stupid challenges?"

"It was in one of those stupid challenges that Aldini was utterly defeated, you know? I completely surpassed him as a cook and-"

"You're wrong there. You only skimmed the surface of Takumi's efforts. Repeating trial and error, and failing many times, it's that process that makes the dishes shine. You're so pitiable, you don't know the true joy of cooking. That's why you can laugh in those kinds of matches. You just steal your opponent's pride with a superficial win...I'll never accept a cook like that. I'll return those 100 tools to their rightful places. If one knife isn't enough, even if I have to bet those two conditions, Mimasaka Subaru, I'll defeat you."

"Then I'll go even further, and trace you perfectly. That's all." Mimasaka says.

"That is if you can." Soma says with a smirk, causing Mimasaka to sweatdrop as he leaves.

Here is a new chapter, and as you can see, Mimasaka appears into the story, and he challenges Soma into a Shokugeki. I hope you like it.

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