Chapter 27 Final Match Part 2

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Kurokiba Ryo is the first one to finish his fish, and Hayama says, "You sure rushed things, Kurokiba. I just hope you didn't overlook anything."

"Say all you want now while you still can." Ryo says. "My dish will crush your weapons."

Soma isn't looking at what Ryo and Hayama are doing, as he continues to do his cooking. Ryo manages to bring all five plates in front of the judges, as they open the bag, they can see shrimp, mussels, manila clams, and pacific saury.

"The more I smell it, the lighter my heart feels...and I just end up smiling." Leonora says.

Katsu says, "Those sure are a bunch of seafood, don't you think? Daniel?"

Daniel says, "If the director can get a grin from this, then it might be good."

Ryo says, "The name of this dish changes just by wrapping it with heat-resistant film, but the ingredients are almost the same as those of an Acqua Pazza. "Cartoccio"...the dish I made is an "Autumn Pacific Saury Cartoccio"! Now taste it!"

As the five judges are tasting, they are amazed at the fresh Pacific Saury's fat. And Ryo also adds Herb Butter inside to make the fragrance.

"Looks like my mother is going to strip." Alice says, which causes everyone to get shocked, but instead when she eats a delicious dish, her broken Japanese strips away and she gives a fluent opinion. And the other five judges feel like they are becoming one with the sea.

The next to serve is Hayama, after seeing the dish, Ryo yells, "Don't fuck with me! A Carpaccio? Are you trying to beat me with Hors d'oeuvres?" That's out of the question! What do you think this match is? Was the guy who fought me in the semi-finals someone else?"

Hayama says, "You just don't know, that aroma can change the concept of a dish. My Carpaccio is worthy of being the main dish."

Everyone is surprised to learn that Hayama is trying to win with a Carpaccio, and much to their surprise, the aroma is comparable to Ryo's Cartoccio. Hayama reveals that it is Kaeshi, before searing the dish, he smeared some Kaeshi on the surface of the fish meat.

"The heat scorches the pacific saury's surface fat and the Kaeshi's sugar content, in other words, a one-track pony of a cook who only has brains for spices, was it? That was what it means to subdue the aroma." Hayama says as he taunts Ryo.

"You bastard!" Ryo yells.

After the judges taste it, they feel that the dish has a hit right on target. It is also magnificent.

Soma is the final one to come, and he presents his own dish. "This is the end."

Everyone notices that the destructive power of the fragrance causes reflexive smiles in those whose diet consists mainly of rice.

"It's Takikomi Gohan!" Soma says. "It will be ready soon. So please wait for a longer."

The judges can't wait to eat the food, as Soma is now presenting them with five bowls. After the five judges tasting it, Katsu says, "The pacific saury's blessings brought out by autumn are permeating throughout my body."

"Indeed, the flavor is so was cooked together with the rice after grilling it once on the Shichirin. That kind of detailed work is what makes the rice so fragrant."

"And the pacific saury is marvelous by itself. The deep taste among the saltiness and soft smell and flavor spread inside my mouth with every bite." Leonora says. "The quality of the dish is not at all inferior to those of the previous two."

After realizing that Soma is using Nuka Sanma, a popular traditional dish made since ancient times, mostly in Kushiro, Akkeshi, and Nemuro. It serves to bring out the ingredients' flavor, remove the bad smell, and increase the nutritional value. It's said some of the local fishermen groups consider it to be the most delicious way of eating pacific saury.

"It was an all or nothing battle against time." Soma says as he explains how he has bought the best Pacific Sauries he could find and then curing them while testing new dishes. He was being treated as a wordsmith forging iron to create a sword.

But everyone sees that the director didn't strip, and everyone thinks that Soma is not going to win against the two of them, but Soma smiles and says, "My dish is not done yet. I want you to eat seconds, but is there anyone who wants more?"

As a soldier who doesn't like to beat around the bush, Katsu asks, "What is your deal, Soma-kun?"

"If you had asked for seconds, I would have let you eat it after pouring this on it." Soma takes out a white soup, and the headmaster is the first one to say, "Let's try it."

After pouring another bowl of rice with the soup, Alice asks, "Yukihira-kun, it's fine for you to try resisting some more in the end, but isn't this just adapting a previous idea?"

"Wait, it is different." Daniel says. "The lightly viscous soup is merging with and softly accumulating to the Takikomi Gohan..."

And after eating the dish, Senzaemon finally strips, and they realize that the soup is made of Soy Bean, with miso and Parmesan Cheese and carefully simmered.

Soma says, "This is my Pacific Saury Dish: Oja-style Pacific Saury Takikomi Gohan!"

Everyone is shocked to learn Soma uses Soy Milk as dashi, and Dojima says, "I can't get enough of it...! The Parmesan Cheese's Viscous Body and the miso's light flavor entwine together with the rice! And they were mixed with small pieces of Pacific Saury. The red thing that resembles a this perhaps..."

"Crispy Plum." Soma says, causing everyone to be surprised.

Daniel says, "The plum is yet another key point. The crispy, fun texture and appearance are vibrant! Even in regard to the sense of taste, the Pacific Saury's abundant fat is gently cut off, which brings in a refreshing flavor. He made full use of the appetite-increasing effect of sour flavors."

"And the plum itself was pickled in salt! It's perfect to adorn the cured Pacific Saury." Leonora says.

Everyone starts to realize that Soma is really amazing as everyone can't stop eating the food, and now it is time to give a verdict.

After some time of thinking, Senzaemon says, "Well done. It was a clash of individualities worthy of competing in the final. You three showed us your own unique flavors! First are the cooking skills! You were on par in terms of those. Next, in terms of the judging of ingredients, Kurokiba and Hayama, you both choose the best Pacific Sauries. Nevertheless, Yukihira Soma splendidly caught up using his original ideas. In terms of creativity, he was the best by far."

The Polar Star Dorm is excited to hear what he has said, and Senzamon continues, "What decided the match was whether the dish you could show you the face of the cook."

"Indeed, a dish really full of originality makes the face of the one who cooked it appear in your heart, just from tasting it." Katsu says.

"On the other hand, you could's a dish only that cook could make, a dish made with true creativity. That's the kind of cooking." Dojima says.

"The cook to stand on the top is the one who has delved deeper in search of his own cooking! The one who truly faced the question "What is my own cooking"! And we have a 2-2-1 vote!" Senzaemon says.

"That means there are two winners of the match." Daniel says, much to everyone's surprise.

"Which means only one of us is going to lose..." Soma says with a smile. "Interesting."

And finally, Senzaemon says, "Hayama Akira! And Yukihira Soma! Both of you are the winners!"

Both of them are surprised as they are the winner, and Shiomi Jun rush to the stage to congratulate Hayama, only to be given a hug.

"Ryo-kun! To think you lost in front of me!" Alice is not happy as she yells at Ryo, who returns glares and yells, "What the fuck are you doing, you bitch?"

"Oh my! You're calling your master a bitch? We're through! Come apologize after you've reflected on your actions!"

Katsu and Daniel walk to Soma and say, "Well, this sure is a good result for you, Soma."

"Though...I can't believe I tied with Hayama...I promised my Dad that I would win the Autumn Elections..." Soma says with a pout.

"Don't worry about him, we'll explain everything." Daniel sighs.

Katsu greets Shiomi and says, "It sure has been a while, Shiomi."

"Katsu senpai, Daniel senpai! It really has been a while. I never thought you would be the judges." Shiomi says.

"We were surprised as well, since Gin is the one who called us back." Katsu says.

"He has tried to call others, but they are either busy or unavailable." Daniel says.

"Hayama, Yukihira. Both of your dishes are marvelous." Dojima adds as he leaves. "But such immense talent will eventually bear its fangs at you. Praying you can get along well with that talent."

Soma turns to Hayama and says, "To think we would tie in the finals, can you still make that Carpaccio? I want to see why we will be tying together."

"Let me have some of your cooking too! Damn it!" Hayama and Soma can see that Ryo is glaring at them, as they decide to make the dishes for each other. After eating, Ryo says, "Keh! I can do this better."

"Are you making excuses now, Kurokiba?" Ryo asks.

"Say that after you manage to beat me for once." Soma sighs.

"Don't you two get cocky now! We can have a rematch right now!" Ryo yells.

"I don't mind, the results will be the same." Hayama says as he turns to Soma, "So what about you?"

"You did a pretty decent dish as well, I can see why we tied." Soma says.

Hayama also tastes Soma's rice and he says, "Yours is not that bad as well. I can tell why you would be having that title."

Soma stiffens a little, and Ryo yells, "What title? Huh? Yukihira?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Soma says as he glares at Hayama, who almost exposed his secret.

After the match is over, Megumi and the others are now with Soma as Megumi says, "Soma-kun, you really did a good job! I mean, even though you tied with Hayama-kun, but you are still the best, right?"

"Yeah. That's a good reason for a party!" Yuki also cheers.

Soma gets a call from his father as he gets it. Joichiro asks, "So? How was the election's main tournament?"

"Well...I tied with someone in the first place." Soma says.

"Huh? You tied?" Joichiro asks as Soma reveals everything.

"Shiomi's disciple, huh? C'mon, like this, it's like I tied with Shiomi!" Joichiro says. "But truth to be told, aromas are amazing when you master them."

Soma says, "And I noticed that beyond his dish, he had some kind of tendacy...I'm glad that I came here instead of staying at Yukhira. I wouldn't have noticed many things if I didn't do that..."

After Soma ends the call, he decides to find the others as they have a party.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, you can see that I change Soma into tying with Hayama in the end. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be original before the Stagiare.

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