Chapter 48 Red and White Battle

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"What? A Regiment de Cuisine on Rebun Island?" Eishi is surprised to hear the news, and Azami replies, "Yes."

"How exactly did we end up...and you seem to be in quite the good mood, headmaster. Did something especially good happen?" Tsukasa asks.

"Send word to the other Elite 10 members. Tell them to continue moving northward." Azami says. "We'll deal the final blow to those rebels during the final exam phase."

And at the same time, Erina has gone to bed, leaving the others in the cabin. Dojima says, "I'll explain the content and the intention of the special training begin tomorrow. The Regimental Shokugeki and the normal Shokugeki have a clearly defined difference between them. Teamwork is the deciding factor of who wins and loses."

"But when you face your opponent, it's still 1 on 1, isn't it?" Takumi asks. "While formally it may be team vs. team, in the end, it's a battle that relies on the power of the "Individual", am I wrong?" Takumi asks.

"In a Regimental Shokugeki, you're allowed to help your teammates with their preparation and cooking." Katsu says.

"While it is true that you clash with your opponent using your own cooking, you can also assist your allies with their cooking as needed. Thereby increasing the completion rate and degree of perfection of your whole team's dishes." Dorabu adds.

"In summary, while everyone on the team is acting as a chef, they're simultaneously also acting as sous chefs." Shizuka replies.

"Even if your individual strengths are insufficient on their own, so long as you cooperate well, with your teammates, your chances of victory are by no means 0. Even against the Elite 10."

"But of course, for that purpose, you must acquire teamwork that far surpass anything your opponents have." Qiu says. "That is the significance behind all this special training."

"If I'm working together with everyone, it might just give me the courage I need." Megumi sighs.

"Maybe it won't be bad for Teamwork." Soma sighs. "Though I really want to battle them one on one..."

"With that out of the way, starting tomorrow, we will conduct 2-on-2 mock battles. Or, in other words, "Red and White battles." Dojima says. "With that, I'll divide you into teams taking each of your aptitudes into account-"

"Okay! We're gon' draw straws! Got it?" Joichiro says, causing Gin to get angry.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing, all willy-nilly like that?" Dojima yells.

"Who cares! We're gonna make 'em batt;e it out over and over anyway." Joichiro replies. "Alright, so? What's the punishment for the losers gonna be?"

Fujiwara says, "Um...Saiba senpai, we are not trying to emulate actually victory and defeat here. The objective is running simulations!"

"Okay, then. How about this? The loser has to taste-test one of my new strange cooking creations! Sounds good?" Gin is about to burst into anger as he mutters, "It's all coming back to me about you have a seat right over there, old buddy?"

The other alumni gulp as they see Dojima and Saiba fighting, it is also the same time when Erina walks into the cabin.

"Did they fight like this very often?" Megumi asks Daniel, who sighs, "More than ever."

"To think that he could engage the normal cool-headed chef Dojima just like that..." Takumi says.

Megumi notices Erina and says, "Sorry to cause such a disturbance while you were resting, Nakiri-san. But let's do our best together, okay?"

Erina smiles and says, "Yes, of course."

But deep down inside, Erina is still hesitating, as she wants to save everyone, but she can't even muster the determination to stand up against him. Senzaemon notices this and he says, "Well then, I understand the situation! Allow me to mediate this red and white battle! The teams shall be split like so!"

And in the end, it is Dojima, Megumi, and Takumi in one team, while Saiba, Soma, and Erina are in the other team.

"Even Dojima and Saiba are in this?" Shizuka mutters in shock.

"Somehow it turns from 2-vs-2 to 3-vs-3..." Qiu sighs. "But it sure has been a while to see both of them cooking against each other."

"I elect Dojima and Saiba as the leaders of their respective teams! The other two shall act as support and assist with preparation where appropriate!" Senzaemon says. "And the dish I would ask both teams to make is "Hachis Parmentier"! It is exemplary comfort food in French Cuisine beloved by all! The time limit is 50 minutes, and for the final rule, you have all forbidden from uttering even a single word during the cooking process. Now let the cooking commence."

As they are making the food, Takumi manages to see what Dojima's doing as he goes to assistance, and so does Megumi, who realizes that everything is no different from the cooking they've been doing.

As for Soma's team, both Soma and Erina are still watching what Saiba is doing, since they have no idea why will try to put a Crepe inside the dish. The same thing happens in Dojima's team, as he adds Anchovies and Basil in the dish.

They realize that both of the chefs are testing them, and Takumi realizes it and decides to make an Achoiade sauce and Soffritto. As for Soma, he starts to make the portion of the Hachis Parmentier, but he also adds Sardines inside, much to everyone's surprise.

Erina thinks, "Something like this could never amount to any proper dish...I have absolutely no idea what those two are, the truth is that you should have realized it by now, Nakiri Erina. Please think, and recall everything you've experienced at Polar Star Dorm."

Then she starts to remember the clashing of every dish that is trying to find more possibilities, and then Erina takes out a steak and starts cooking it. Everyone, even the conductors and the Alumni, is confused about what they are doing, especially Erina, they can't believe she is going to do such an over-the-top style of cooking.

After the time is up, both teams are ready as they look at the two dishes. For Dojima's dish, the Caramelized Cheese and the mich meat sauce are great, as for Saiba's team, they are curious as to what they are seeing and wonder how it tastes like.

"Now then, let's begin tasting." Senzaemon says. "I will be judging both dishes as precisely as I can. At least I want to, but...for this match, you four will be the ones to decide the victor and loser."

Everyone is shocked as they are going to taste the other team's dish, and they taste it as they all feel satisfied with the dishes.

"Now then, which team won?" Senzaemone asks, and they all point at their opponent team, much to everyone's shock.

Katsu says, "Both of them admit defeat...this is unexpected."

"But Nakiri Erina, possessor of the God pointing to the other team..." One of the staff says.

"Meat sauce in the top-class restaurant is nothing but ground beef, in the other team's dish, this stew has formed a foundation on which flavor has been constructed. Thanks to Aldini-kun's Soffritto, the ground meat developed an even deeper sweetness, additionally, Soffritto plays an important role in the preparation of sauce Espagnole. And that's what Tadokoro-san struck upon, right? Wonderful. The Anchoiade starring the basil and Anchovies provides just the right bit of accent! By serving in that dop-like arrangement, the flavor profile remains subtle and yet still remarkable...if I was to compare it to something..."

Then she describes them as a session played by the best of jazz bands, but Takumi refuses, as he says, "If we're going to go that far, then what about the radicality of your own dish? You so boldly re-interpreted the three main pillars of Hachi's Parmenter! What about the radically that carved out space for a whole new realm of possibility?"

He said that they use finely-grated potato in the crepe batter to create the chewy texture of the Alsacian style, and mix with the Sardines and cheese and potatoes to create a crispy Pomme Galette, which adds the essences and flavors of seafood. He thinks that the three of them are like artists that made avant-garde art.

After that, the others decide to try out the food, and they taste great. Dorabu says, "As expected from Dojima-senpai and Sabia-senpai. Those are great food."

"Indeed. I say this match should be a tie." Qiu adds as the others agree.

Senzaemon walks towards Erina and says, "That was an interesting dish. You looked like you were having fun."

"Don't tell me that you're going to tease me too! Grandfather!" Erina yells. "It's just that that father-son duo set me off. Normally I would never do..."

"Yes, those two have aimed for greater heights all this time doing exactly that." Senzaemon cuts her off. "For those two, butting heads like that is probably part of their every day, and that's why, in this battle, he was able to fearlessly show his own dish before Joichiro-san. "

"But in front of my own dad, there's no way...if it had been me in Soma's shoes, I'd have ended up feeling like I was just being a pain, there's no way I could have been so self-indulgent." Erina frowns.

"Why not? Indulge in yourself a little." Senzaemone says. "You are his daughter. You should at least learn how to be selfish with him, Erina."

Erina is shocked, but she looks at Soma as she nods. As for Soma, his phone is ringing as he decides to take the call. After getting out of the cabin, he asks, "Tsukasa senpai? Is that you?"

"Yukihira! What is the meaning of this? I suddenly heard from the headmaster that you guys are challenging us for a Shokugeki?" Tsukasa asks. "Are you crazy?"

"I can tell you that I am not crazy, and I am just doing this because of my friends." Soma says. "Of course, you and Rindo senpai are my friends as well, but what I mean is the people you have defeated."

"Why are you trying to go this far to save them?" Eishi asks. "They have lost against us Elite 10, it is no doubt that they will be expelled."

"I don't hold a grudge against you Elite 10, why Central is doing it has been a part of my family's fault. I am going to right his wrongdoings." Soma says. "And if you are asking how he agrees for the Regiment de Cuisine, we have made a bet with the 69th to 70th Elite 10 Alumni joining Central if you guys win."

"What?" Eishi gasps in shock. "You mean...all 10 of them from the Golden Age?"

"No, considering that my mother perished and Uncle Azami was a part of them, that means 8 of them." Soma says. "But remember, I will be participating in this, even it means I am going to show everyone in the school that I'm the Phantom."

Eishi gasps in shock, everyone challenges Soma is just because they want to know his true identity, but now he reveals his identity even if it means winning the match, Eishi knows that he is very serious.

"Well, I don't know what to say, all I can say is good luck..." Eishi sighs as he ends the phone call. He can't believe everything comes to this, but he can't blame Yukihira Soma considering what he has suffered from. Now he needs to do is to inform the rest of the Elite 10 about this match.

And this is it, Eishi decides to call Soma to learn what is going on with the Regiment de Cuisine, considering that they are friends. I hope you like this chapter.

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