(Don't know what to call this)

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Art style sat at a desk, twirling a pencil idly. It scribbled a few random sketches, then yawned, content.

The calmness was shattered at the sound of a slammed open door. Art style jumped in surprise, knocking over a cup of colored pencils. The cup rolled to the one who had made the noise.

Pearl kicked the cup away, a storm in her eyes. Lightning crackled, and forced out sparks of fury. She crossed the room in three strides, fuming.

"All right art style, you listen to me!" Pearl thundered, grabbing art style by the collar. It struggled a moment, then hung like a limp rag, shaking with fright. "I'm sick and tired of your proportions. I'm sick and tired of you making me so embarrassed of my drawings that I have to hide them at school. I'm sick and tired of you drawing humans, then never taking pictures of them!"

Art style whimpered pitifully, "I- I'm sorry, Pearl... I've been trying, I have!"

Pearl's gaze narrowed to the desk, on which several ugly drawings were strewn. Still, her face softened a little. "I'd prefer quality over quantity, but I suppose you are trying." Relief surged through art style.

Pearl sighed, setting it down. "I'll make a deal with you."

And that's how Pearl and her art style decided to try and improve together.

To conclude...

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