Halftober - Day 5

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Day 5 options: flowery or iced

Well this is late

"Pearl, how dare you? I thought you were above such procrastination!"

pEaRl, HoW dArE yOu?!1!1!1! I tHoUgHt YoU wErE aBoVe SuCh PrOcRaStInAtIoN!!1!1!1!1!

Okay, but seriously, I have an explanation. Yesterday I had four tests plus another two tests to study for plus it was el cumpleaños de mi muy simpática madre, so I didn't really have much free time. Which is fine, not complaining or anything, especially because fall break (see my current s/mb in a few moments for my thoughts on the matter) but it did make completing the sketch I had started kind of difficult. I realize posting late isn't the best idea on the eve of the eve of a trip which will make my prompt responses rough and spaced weirdly for over a week, but hey, can't always control these things. Enough waffling, onto the drawing!

I also really wanted to do hanahaki, since that corny romance quiznakery makes me drool, but I had a lot more inspiration for this fairy lady . . . thing?

I obviously had quite a field day with the blending, since dirt-cheap Crayola pencils and a serious lack of solvent can't prevent me from thinking I can grade properly.

This is so different from the human style I've been working on (woah I just realized I haven't posted much recent progress) but it was actually pretty fun

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