Soft bean

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I have an art trade to do but first some doodles of one of my many precious sons

Fun fact: out of the entire cast of my "series", Conner's name is the one I'm least satisfied with. Firstly, I accidentally used a name that two irl people I know well-ish have (my brother's friend and my sister's boyfriend's . . . . rude acquaintance? I forget tbh) and secondly, it just doesn't fit him very well. The irl thing really bugs me. I mean, one char shares a name with my sister's cat, one with a guy at my school, one with my cousin's dog and one with a horse I used to ride so they all have weird connections, but those are fine for some reason. Don't question it.

Yeah, moral of the story, I may change Conner's name. (I really want to do Carter but Kane Chronicles kinda already did a geeky older brother archetype with that name,,) Suggestions are welcome, but knowing me I probably won't take them.

Okay that was a boring ramble and a half let's actually get to some sort of drawing

Obviously some of them are less finished than others. My personal favorites are the ones I started some actual lineart for, aka the second blush, sleepy, and laugh that apparently looks angry, according to my parents.

Bit of info on my geeky boyo: he's a big softie, super up front about his protective, saccharine feelings when it come to Bailey, his little sis, but with his relations to anyone else he wants to portray an uninterested persona, or at least a "yeah I'm cool and chill and calm" (especially around that crush of his) and,, fails,, tbh. He's the "smart guy" of my heavily modified five man band of OCs. (I've got a leader and big guy archetype all in one and two hearts?? And my lancer isn't really a lancer?? And there's like nINE NOW???? Help.)

Oh, and did I mention he has freckles? 90% of my characters have freckles because I love them so much.

Anyway, I wish a good day upon all your faces. Pearl out.

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