Author's Note

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In the media I hear a lot of stories about rape. Girls being persecuted for being a "slut" just because they were flirting while intoxicated. The shaming these girls receive from males and sadly, females disgust me.

While I have the utmost respect for those willing to stand up and tell the truth, I thought about all the rapes that went unreported. Stories that would never be told. And while it's good fighting for justice and putting those behind bars, I think sometimes we forget who we're getting justice for. The victims. They're the ones who matter.

I also think it's important to be a good friend. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own worlds we forget to watch out for each other. If you see someone acting differently, becoming isolated—anything—don't be afraid to ask if they're all right.

Be there for someone.




Even if the person that needs help is you.

And maybe, just maybe, we'll have made a difference.

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