"Shoes Poem" by Summer Cheng

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            "Shoes Poem"

              by Summer Cheng

            Shoes come in a variety,

           of   different sizes,

           everything from medium,

           to wide, to narrow,

           so that there is  shoes,

          available for almost anyone,

          under the sun.

          Shoes are by far,

         something that work well,

         when you travel,

         by car,

       by  foot,

      ship, train, or plane,

      by bicycle, tricycle, or motorcycle,

       it seems they come in  handy,

     no matter what you are up too,

      to have on a pair of comfortable shoes.

        Shoes are made in different colors,

         as well as styles,

        for all the miles,

       that they are worn,

        by the young,

        the old,

       the sad,

     the mad,

     the glad,

     the tall,

    the short,

     the thin,

     the not so thin,

     the mom,

     the dad:

     the child,

     the baby,

    the uncle, aunt, cousin,

     nephew, niece, son, daughter,

      brother, sister, friend,neighbor

      and plain old stranger.

       Shoes can be worn,

       for different types of events,

        for house chores,

        for rainy days,

        for snowy days,

      for sunny days,

     for cold days,

    for school days,

     for church days,

     for weddings,

    and for funerals,

    for picnics,

   for vacations

   to the beach,

   the mountains,

    and anywhere else,

     in the whole wide world.


       Shoes have been around,

      for a  long time,

      everything from bedroom slippers,

     to sneakers (otherwise known as tennis shoes),

      to boots,

      to sandals,

      to  flip flops,

      to  snow shoes,

      to  loafers,

      to   ballet shoes,

      to   tap dance shoes,

     to  boating shoes,

     to    crocs,

    to clogging shoes,

     to firemen's special boots,

     to    soccer cleats.


   Oh, are  shoes so neat,

    to wear in the cold,

    or so I have been told,

    and in the heat,

    they are still so neat.

     As your feet,

     retain the heat,

     and begin to sweat,

      it   is nice to know,

      that you have the right,

      kind of shoes to wear,

      for just the right occasion! 


      Shoes are often,

     something people take,

    for granted,

   as many have more than one pair,

    to wear,

   while in some places,

    even today,

    there are people,

    without any shoes,

    to wear at all.

   Shoes are something,

   that we give away as gifts,

    to those we hold dear,

    and to those in need,

    as  a kind  deed,

    as we try not to shed,

    a tear,

   in front of them.

    Shoes are a neat thing,

    to have indeed,

    some come with a sort of string,

   known as shoe laces,

    while others come with none at all.

      Shoes can be made by hand,

      or  bought from a store,

       No matter how you got them,

     one thing is for sure,

     that you should be grateful,

     for your shoes,

     as they take you on all sorts of adventures,

    in life,

    that you never thought possible,

     from one day,

    to the next one,

   as you enjoy your life,

    under the sun.

      Shoes can be forgotten,

       time and time again,

       as they sit on a shelf,

       on a shoe rack,

      or the floor,

      to the store,

      or closet,

     in your room,

     at home,

    as you talk on the phone,

    read, write, or go about your business,

    think about all the shoes,

     you never wear,

    as you get out of your bed,

     or chair,

    and  donate them to someone in need,

     for later you will be glad,

    you did such a fine deed,

    as you visualize the use,

    they will have for their new owner,

   as he or she,

   wears them one day at time,

    as I complete this little rhyme.




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