"Why I like Taylor Swift's Romeo and Juliet..."by Summer Cheng

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  "Why I like Taylor Swift's  Romeo and Juliet..." by Summer Cheng

    Why do I like Taylor Swift's  Romeo and Juliet,

   In the song, 

"Love Story?"

  Instead of the one,

in William Shakespeare's  play, "Romeo and Juliet?"

  Well, for one thing,

  in the play,

both characters met

 as parts of two different,

families that are at war:

 with one another,

while in Taylor Swift version, 

they met because the guy,

passes by her house everyday!

Second, in the play,

the characters secretly meet,

get married and later,

they are both dead,

makes Shakespeare sound,

like a depressed man,

while in Taylor's song,

they fall in love,

and they survive!

Last, the ones in Shakespeare's play,

might have brought an end to the fight,

with all their might,

by their deaths,

but still it stays a depressing plot:

 However, in Taylor's song,

 the girl thinks the boy,

 has done her wrong,

because he has not been,

seen in awhile!

She questions him,

when she sees him quite by chance,

  or circumstance in town,

and she might even cry!

The boy surprises her with  a ring,

  they get engaged,

and married,

but unlike in the play,

both are happy,

and their is no doom,

or deaths of the lovers!

Personally, why I like Taylor Swift's  Romeo and Juliet...

 Is because it starts of sad,

but ends glad!

It is a love story,

 where they have a second chance,

and their loves continues to grow!

In years to come,

if you have to pick one,

 to study,

who wants to read the Shakespeare play?

 where the bride and groom,

meant their doom,

and are buried six feet under?

Who rather sing the song?

who rather hum along,

in tune,

to the wonderful word picture,

Taylor Swift paints for us,

with her masterpiece?

If I have my pick,

I would rather go,

with the melodious melodies,

of the song,

as it is so close to home:

 it is not so lame,

 or  such a bore,

as a play,

where the people,

never see the light,

of day again!

Yes, I know,

death is a part,

of life,

like anything else,

but this still,

does  not  change my mind,

that the Taylor Swift song,

is one of a kind,

cool, romantic and full of life,

so it wins every time for me:

 as you can see!

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