I Love You

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Kyomia Remember that I took part in your competition long ago. 😂😂
So, this is the one shot.

Hope the Best Winner wins 😊😊

Oh yeah.....and one more thing.....Instead of Lucy, you can also read it as Suzi. No difference though. 😂


There was a teenage girl named Lucy Heartfilia who lived in Paris with her father.She lost her mother when she was just five years old. Lucy was a loving,caring and a kind girl. She loved her father a lot.She loved him more than anyone else in the world.

Her father [named as James] also loved her a lot.He wanted his daughter to study we and gain something in life.He couldn't afford it but he put her in the Royal High School,in which all the rich students students studied.As Lucy's father didn't had a job,he started working as a cook. It was a tiring job for him but still he did it.

It was a nice morning when.........

ALARM !!!!!!!!!!

ALARM !!!!!!!!!!

ALARM !!!!!!!!!!

Lucy was having a good sleep but it went to hell when that stupid alarm of her rang.

"Oh god! This alarm !!!!!" Lucy went back to sleep again.

Some time later.........


Lucy quickly opened her eyes and glansed at the clock 🕒 . "What in the world!!!! It's 6:45 already!"Lucy ran downstairs as fast as she could.She quickly took a bread 🍞 peice and ran out of the door.She was eating it while she was running.

When she reached at the school's gate,the bell rang.She ran and ran and opened the door of the class and wished her Sir "GoodMorningSir!CanIcomein?" She took a long breath.Sir said "Yes, Come in Lucy." She was really lucky that she didn't got any scolding from her Sir.

After she sat on her bench.....

One of her friend said "Hey Lucy!!!! Do you know that there is a new transfer student in our school?"

"What!!! A new transfer student?....I can't believe it."Lucy replied with a shocking look on her face 😱

"And you know what!!!! He is so handsome.I think I really fell in love with him" Lucy's another friend said.

"Oh! Now I really want to see him." Lucy replied.

"Students......I want to tell you all that there is a new transfer student in our class........" The new transfer student entered the class.".......His name is Kyoichi Shido!"

"There he comes Lucy....that dremy boy about whom I was talking." Lucy's friend said while looking at Kyoichi.

"She was right.He is so handsome."

Kyoichi looked at everyone in the class.He glanced at Lucy for a couple of seconds and then looked somewhere else.

Lucy's face turned red 😳 when Kyoichi saw her again.

Lucy's POV

Oh god!!!! He is so handsome.I think I really fell in love with him.Ohhhh!!!!!
Kyoichi I want to tell you that how much I love you.I love you Kyoichi , I love you.

Lucy's POV [over]

"Kyoichi go and sit on that bench. "Sir said.

"Ok Sir" Kyoichi said.

He went and sat on the bench.

The bench on which he sat was besides Lucy's bench.Lucy was starting at him continusly but she was distracted when her friend poked her nose in between "Hey Lucy! Can we exchange our places.....please!!!! Can we, can we????

"No way" Lucy replied with an angry look on her face.

"But why???? "

"I have my personal reasons.Got it!!!!"

"OK Ok !!!! I got it." Lucy's friend said with an annoying look on her face.

"Now everyone !!!! Look here, can any one of you solve this question?" Sir asked them.

"Sir! Can I try? " Kyoichi said, raising his hand ☝.

"Ya sure!" Sir replied.

Kyoichi went closer to the blackboard and took a chalk and solved the sum.

"Wow! Kyoichi.You are so brilliant.You solved this question in no time." Sir appreciated him and he had a big smile on his face.

"Arigato Gosaimas! [Thanks a lot] Sir"Kyoichi said.

Lucy was shocked.She thought mentally Sugoi! [Wow] he is brilliant as well as handsome."

~Time Skip~



The telephone ☎ rang.

"Moshi Moshi!" [Hello! Hello!] There came a voice from the phone.

"Moshi Moshi!" James replied.

"I am the head of the Shido family and want a cook in my house.I heard of you a lot Sir. You are a nice cook.Your food is very delicious."

"Arigato Gosaimas! Sir" James said.

"Do Itashimashite!" [Welcome] The Head of the Shido said.

"So now Mr. James, for your new work you have to come and live with us." Mr. Shido said.

"Umm... ok Sir. If you say so then no problem." James said.

"Alright then I will give you my address on your mobile phone 📱." Mr. Shido said.

"Ok Sir I'll give you my number.Please note 📝 it down." James said.





The number was given to Mr. Shido and he also sent his address.

On the other hand, the school was over by then and Lucy was coming home in her own thoughts [Of Kyoichi] , when suddenly her phone's rang.She opened her bag and removed her mobile.Then she saw a message from her dad which stated:

Dear Lucy,

When you reach home, get ready and pack your bag and stand at the door of our house.Then a car will come to pick you up.In the car someone will come to pick you up.Then, you will reach where I am now.


After reading her father's letter, Lucy went home and packed all her things.She then messaged her dad that she is ready.

When Lucy was standing in front of her house's door, she saw a car coming towards her. The car came and stood before her and the door opened and........

"Nani [What!]" Lucy thought.
Lucy continued thinking
"K-Kyoichi !!!!! What is he doing here? Did that someone (which Lucy's dad told ) meant Kyoichi?"

Kyoichi came out of the car and told Lucy to sit in the car. Lucy and Kyoichi sat besides each other.

Lucy's heart was pounding very fast. She was very nervous that she was sitting beside Kyoichi.

Lucy couldn't stop her imotions any more and she finally spoke up "Did dad sent you to pick me up?"

"Yes!" Kyoichi replied.

"W-Where are we going?" Lucy asked him desperately.

"We are going to my house." Kyoichi replied.

Lucy started "But why are we even going to your house? What is the reason? Where is my father? Whe-" Lucy couldn't complete her sentence.

"Will you just shut up!!!!!" Kyoichi said with an angry look on his face.

"But-" Lucy's sentence was cut off.

"SHUT UP!!!!" Kyoichi was very angry on her this time.

Lucy didn't speak another word until Kyoichi's house came.Both of them came out of the car and Lucy finally spoke up.......

"Sugoi!!!!! Do you live here Kyoichi? Is this your house? " Lucy asked Kyoichi with a shocking look on her face.

"Yes, I live here." Kyoichi replied.

A few seconds later Mr. Shido walked out of the door and James was also standing behind him.

"Welcome! Miss. Lucy. Welcome!"Mr. Shido said with a huge grin on his face.

"Arigato Gosaimas Sir." Lucy said.

"Yokoso" Mr. Shido said.

"I... ummm.....I want to ask you something Sir...... "

"Ya speak up dear "

"Why am I here Sir? "

"Ok I will tell you............. "

Mr. Shido tells her everything (conversation that happened between James and Mr. Shido).

"Ohhhh! So, that's the reason why yo-"Lucy couldn't complete her sentence as Kyoichi spoke in between.

"Ya" Kyoichi said.

"Kyoichi!!!! Is this the way to talk to our guest!!!!!" Mr. Shido said angrily 😡

"I'm sorry father." Kyoichi said with a sorry look on his face.

"It's ok Kyoichi but remember that you won't do it again." Mr. Shido said.

~Time Skip~

Lucy and her dad were given specific rooms. They kept their things properly and then Mr. Shido called James downstairs. James did as he was told.

~Time Skip~

"Everyone come down for dinner." Mr. Shido called out.

Everyone came downstairs and sat on the chairs of the dining table.

"Now....here is your dinner for today. "
James said as he bought the tasty looking dinner 🍱🍜🍲🍛🍚plates in his both the hands.

After looking at the plates everyone started mouthwatering.

"Umm.....the smell is incredible. I can't wait to taste it." Mr. Shido said.

Everyone started eating.....

"Yum Yum Soooo delicious." Everyone said.

"Do you like it Kyoichi? " Mr. Shido said.

"Yes! It's very delicious Dad." Kyoichi replied with a grin.

"Glad you liked it." Mr. Shido said. He continued "Everyone! Do you wanna know something about Kyoichi? It's really amazing!"

"Ya! We want to know it" Everyone replied with curiosity.

"Dad.... No....Not that...." Kyoichi interrupted.

"When Kyoichi was a kid, he had a bad habit of rolling on the bed while sleeping. Once, he was doing the same thing and suddenly he fell down. We all heard a sudden voice. We were afraid that what happened. So, we ran into his room and we saw that Kyoichi was on the ground. But you couldn't believe that he was still sleeping." Mr. Shido said.

Everyone started laughing but Lucy couldn't stop laughing at all. Watching her laugh like this on him, Kyoichi got really angry and he went back to his room.

He angrily closed his door and sat on his bed and punched his pillow and murmured "That girl......I'm gonna kill her.....".

He kept on thinking about her. Her laugh, her smile, her sweet and kind voice.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kyoichi said as he held his head. "Wait.....a sec......this feeling......what is happening to me.......am I in......l-love with her..........?" Kyoichi continued thinking.

~Time Skip~

The next day......

Kyoichi was sitting on the sofa and was reading a book but suddenly he stopped reading it when he noticed Lucy going out of the door. He ran to her and asked "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to buy some vegetables for dinner. You see, there are no more vegetables left in the refrigerator." Lucy replied.

"Wait. I'll come with you." Kyoichi said with a serious look.

"N-No it's ok. I-I'll be fine. Don't worry about me so much." Lucy said as she started blushing.

"Look, you are new here and you don't even know where the super market is." Kyoichi said.

"Hahaha.....don't worry about the route, I've got my mobile though which I can search for its location." Lucy said as she smiled at him.

Kyoichi started blushing a bit "O-Ok as you wish. But take care of yourself." He said.

"O-Ok....." Lucy said and went straight ahead.

 ~Time Skip~

Lucy was done shopping and she was returning home.

"Kyoichi will be so shocked to see me alright......but still why did he started caring about me all of a sudden?..........wait a sec.........does that mean...........he loves me too?........" Lucy thought.

But then suddenly she saw four guys coming towards her. She was scared 'cause he felt something wrong about them. And within no time they surrounded her. 

"W-What do you w-want from me....?" Lucy asked with a crackling voice.

"Yes my Lady. I want something from you. So, now if you want us to go away, then you have to give us that." One of them said who seemed to be like their leader.

"W-What do you want....?" Lucy asked again.

"We want you. Come with us babe. You will enjoy being with us. We will treat you like our Princess." That guy said as he wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her closer.

"NO I WON'T!!!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" Lucy said and she started screaming "HELP HELP!!!!!!! THESE GUYS ARE TROUBLING ME!!!!! HELP!!!! SOMEONE HELP!!!!!"

"OH NO....No one will come to rescue you......HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!😈" One of the guy said.

One of them pushed him away from Lucy and grabbed her. "Now she is all mine!!!!"

"No stop! Leave me!!!!" Lucy said and started crying. 😭

"Shish! Look you made her cry," The another guy said and held her hair tightly and pulled her towards him "Now now Princess I will take care of you from now on." He said as he smirked.

All four of them started troubling her and she was crying helplessly and she finally screamed "KYOICHI !!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!" She started crying more loudly. 😭😭

Kyoichi ran and came towards her and started fighting with those guys. And within no time he bet those guys. 

"Are you alright Lucy?" Kyoichi asked.

"Yes....I'm ok.....T-Thanks for s-saving me......" Lucy said.

Lucy kept her head on Kyoichi's shoulder and started crying. Kyoichi hugged her and said "Don't cry.....it's alright.......I'm here now so no need to cry......"

Lucy wiped her tears and said "I want to......to.....tell you som-" She couldn't complete her sentence.

"Iwanttotellyousomethingtotellyou" Kyoichi said in hurry.

"What did you say?" Lucy asked him.

"I.......I.......s-said that.......I............."


"I........w-want to tell you s-something........"

"w-what is it.......?"

In no time, Kyoichi pics up Lucy.

"W-What are you doing Kyoichi?" Lucy said with a shocking expression on her face.

Kyoichi took her to a show her something......

"Wow!!!!! It's......soooo beautiful 😍......" Lucy said.

"I knew you would like it. 😊" Kyoichi said as he smiled.

Lucy kept on looking him non stop. 😶😶

"H-Hey! D-Don't look at me like that.....It feels so weird." Kyoichi said as he took a step back.

"Hahahaha.....you know what, it was the first time I've ever saw you smiling." Lucy said as she kept on laughing. 😂😂

"I-I want to tell you something....." Kyoichi said.

"Ya..... w-what is it?" Lucy asked as she gulped.

Kyoichi sat down and gave her a Red Rose 🌹 and said "I Love You Lucy".

"I Love You Too Kyoichi" Lucy said as she hugged him tightly.

And they lived happily ever after.......


Well,  ummm....this is my one shot. I know it's a bit lengthy and all. And I also know that it's a late submission Miss. Suzi but I'm begging you.....Please don't give me a remark in the comments. 😂😂

IDK how it is.....IDK whether it's good or bad......but I just hope that you guys like it. 😊😊


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