How it all started part 2....

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Natsu brought Lisanna home but then remembered Luce...oh my god i forgot about her the whole day i'm such a shitty best friend Natsu thought he sighed and thought Lucy will be fine she's strong..

Natsu went home and slept.


Lucy went to her Aunt's room (at the time she was living at her aunt's house ) and took out her makeup and clothes she puts on her Aunt's makeup practically smudging it on her face not knowing what she was doing, she then puts on a large dress and stares at herself in the mirror twirling around. I hope Natsu likes it WAIT WHAT...did I just think that? ... I am doing this to get Natsu's attention..? I just wanna be beautiful like Lisanna.. she thought sadly.

Lucy walks to school and when she makes it the whole school is immediately laughing at her whilst pointing fingers and taking photos she sees Lisanna and Natsu talking and smiling at the school entrance. She looks down sadly but then she ran up to them excitedly Natsu takes one look at her and tries not to laugh at Lucy but it just spills out "How do I look?" Lucy asked hopefully to Natsu.

 Natsu was still laughing continuously and Lisanna tried to shut him up by slapping his bicep but she ended up laughing too. The whole school was laughing at Lucy and she felt like a fool. Lucy started tearing up as she faced everyone and she ran away she cried so much her make up smudged even more. Lisanna sees this goes after Lucy wiping her tears away "Don't cry, Lucy.." Lisanna says with a frown on her face.

Lucy looks up at Lisanna and cries even more Lucy sees how perfect Lisanna looks.. her beautiful curves and face. In Lucy's eyes she was ugly and flat-chested Lucy never thought she would think like this she's seen lots of beautiful girls before and she's never seen Natsu so happy with another girl except her.  "E-easy for you to say I'm ugly and you're beautiful," Lucy says sniffling  "No you're beautiful as well Lucy," Lisanna says rubbing Lucy's back in comfort  "B-but you heard them laugh.." Lucy says as more tears stream down her face.

 "You're beautiful the way you are Luce," Natsu says to Lucy unexpectedly showing up.  Lucy turns around in shock and immediately runs to hug Natsu. Lisanna Looks down feeling out of place and Natsu senses this and holds Lisanna's hands as he is hugging Lucy. Lisanna looks at Natsu and Lucy and wonders if she's getting between their relationship she shakes the thought off and smiles a the scene. The rest of the day went well and Lucy quickly changed into her gym clothes and everything went back to normal least that's what Lucy thought...

The bell rings signaling the students to go home Lucy and Natsu run outside excitedly but not for the same reason. "Hey, Luce do you mind if I drop Lisanna off home?" Natsu asks with his eyes glittering excitedly "Sure.." she says disappointed that he ditched her again. He waves a lazy bye to Lucy and runs to Lisanna grabbing her hand and running off with her looking all excited as both of them had large smiles on their faces.

Lucy waves bye to him but he ran away too quickly he didn't even see it. Lucy frowns and as she quickly skates home when she makes it home she jumps onto her bed and sighs. She gets really bored but then suddenly starts to think about Natsu she turns red and tries to shake the thoughts of him out of her head and decides to go to the park to clear her head out.

 "Hey, Aunt I'm heading off cya!" Lucy says rushing off to the park as she skates out. It starts to rain out of nowhere causing Lucy to mumble curses under her breath she suddenly sees a silhouette running towards her at a quick speed startling her it turns out to be Natsu. He stops in front of her and hugs her tightly.

 "I-i love you," Natsu says stuttering and blushing as he stares at Lucy passionately. When Lucy heard those three words her heart stopped "I-i.." she was about to say the same back until. "How do you think Lisanna will react? did I sound passionate?" He asks her repeatedly anxious for a reply  Lucy tears up and stares at the ground trembling.

 Natsu stares at her confused as she slowly backs up trembling as sobs escape her mouth she takes her skateboard and skates off as fast as she could all the way back to her house. She made it back and ran into her room slamming the door shut and sobbing as she fell onto the floor of her room and cried. "I-I hate you Natsu" she shouts sobbing as she bangs her door repeatedly she loves Natsu and she realised that the harsh way.

Natsu brushes off the Lucy incident as one thing is only on his mind he runs all the way to Lisanna's house excited to finally confess to her and get this heavyweight off his shoulder he makes it to her house and smiles brightly as he grabs a ladder and climbs through her window he sees her doing her homework at her desk with her cute thinking face. He slowly approaches her tiptoeing as he slowly  puts his hands on her waist "Guess who it is?" he says with a husky voice  "Natsu?!?" Lisanna asks gasping slightly as she turns around and faces a smiling Natsu  "What the hell are you doing here?! how did you get up here? -" Lisanna asks a bunch of questions but then gets cut off.  

Natsu shuts her up with a kiss and her eyes widen but she slowly kisses back gripping his neck. They pull away gasping and Lisanna blushes hard "I-is that what you came for..?" Lisanna asks shyly. Natsu inhales and exhales before saying something "I l-love you Lisanna" he says smiling at her with a slightly red face Lisanna's eyes widen and she cries tears of joy while saying "I love you too Natsu..." she says grabbing him and kissing him passionately they both get blinded by their immense passion and they both fall onto her bed and show their passion to each other.

Back to Lucy..

Lucy is still crying and she hears the door open slowly  revealing her concerned Aunt Anna "I WANT TO GO HOME PLEASE AUNT P-PLEASE!"  Lucy shouts breaking down as she falls onto the ground sobbing loudly "L-love hurts Auntie" she chokes out while holding a picture of her mom and sniffling. Her Aunt frowns " Alright if it makes you feel better.." her Aunt says sighing deeply and picking up the phone to dial Lucy's mom. She talks to Layla discussing what to do and she slowly hangs up and stares at Lucy.

"Are you sure you want this?" she asks slowly "Never been more sure.." Lucy says with a hoarse voice "Okay.. I'm going to drop you off so pack all your bags this gonna be a long journey" Her aunt says walking to start the car.  Lucy quickly packs up all her things and checks outside her window to see if Natsu comes cause usually, they have a round of basketball on her porch.

Her Aunt comes in holding all her bags and puts it in the trunk, they get into the car and start their journey to return Lucy back home with her mother. Lucy opens her window to get fresh air but she sees Natsu and Lisanna hand in hand approaching her porch she tries to hide but Natsu easily spotted her and stares  at her with scrunched eyebrows in confusion "Lucy where are you going?" He asks approaching the car slowly "I-i'm going back to my mom Natsu.." Lucy says choking back on her tears.

"YOU CAN'T WHO AM I GOING TO PLAY BASKETBALL WITH!?" Natsu screams as tears run down his face. "You can figure it out Natsu..." Lucy whispers silently as more tears well up in her eyes. Her aunt sees what's going on and speeds up her car. Lucy waves goodbye to Natsu as she slowly rolls down her window sadly sobbing as soon as it closes. Natsu chases after the car crying.

"NO LUCY!  NOOOOOO L-lucy!" Natsu screams out as he slowly stops running after the car panting and screams curses he sobs loudly. Lucy turns around for one last time and rolls down her window quickly throwing her scarf out the window letting it flow with the wind, Lisanna catches it and holds it close to her chest as tears stream down her face she approaches Natsu hugging him tightly as they both comfort each other.

Natsu cries into Lisanna's chest  "Don't worry  we will see her again.." Lisanna says wiping his tears away as well as her


Natsu and Lisanna's daughter Lucy cries after reading her dad's past and about Lucy his once best friend and how he met her mom.. so thats where i got my name from she looks at the photo of Lucy heartfilia in awe.

She's so pretty like me no wonder our names are Lucy...Lucy though looking down to see the letter hasn't finished 

I didn't realise i got in between Lucy and Natsu's that I'm gone I would like for you to bring Lucy back her first and only love..

Sincerely, your mother Lisanna.

'MISSION NALU STARTS NOW!! but How am I going to find Lucy Heartfilia?' Lucy thought. 'Oh, tomorrow is my mom's death anniversary...So we have to go back to Magnolia for that so I could ask my grandpa Strauss and grandpa Igneel for help and since grandpa Strauss was a principle he'll be able to find her easily or at least I hope so.'

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