xxii. awkward silence

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:: xxii, awkward silence

They both sat on the couch at Isabelle's place. Emma was reading the letters Isabelle wrote her but never sent. All she could do was smile as she read and Isabelle watched her smile, which made her smile.

Emma had finally got to the letter where Isabelle wrote about Dylan. It made her frowned a bit. She turned to the dark haired girl and just looked at her. Isabelle looked back. Emma scanned her face for an expression but she couldn't find one. The blonde glanced back down at the letter then her eyes shifted back to Isabelle.

"What happened to him?" She was just curious. She wanted to know if she possibly had competition.

"Well uh, we reconnected. As friends." Isabelle stood up from the couch then began to make her way to the kitchen. She thought it be nice to get Emma a glass of something. Just as she was taking the glasses out from the cabinet, there was a knock at her door.

"I got it!" Emma yelled from the living room. Emma gotten up from the couch as she placed the letter that she held down on the coffee table in front of her. She made her way to the door and opened it. There was a man there, handsome even. Emma wasn't dumb, she knew exactly who this man was. The pieces in her brain were formed together so fast.

"Emma Watson!" Dylan exclaimed. He was stunned to see her in his presence. He didn't believe that she was standing in front of him at his friend's apartment.

"Yes and you are?" Though she already knew, she wanted to act like she didn't. In respect for Isabelle of course, she gave no care to Dylan at all really. Isabelle did say her and Dylan are friends but Emma knew there was more . . at least for him.

Isabelle had brought the waters out and placed them on coasters that were on the coffee table. She turned around and she saw Dylan. Her eyes grew wide, "Dylan!"

He just smiled as he stood at the door with Emma leaning on the doorframe with her arms crossed.

• • •

It was now the three of them. Isabelle had gotten another water for Dylan and sat in between them. Everyone was silent. She didn't expect Dylan to come over, let alone unannounced so she was pretty pissed at that but she knew she had to make good of the situation now. Her ex and her soon to be girlfriend, what could possibly go wrong?

"So.." She turned to Dylan, "What brings you here?"

"I was hoping we could hang today but didn't know you be occupied with company." He gestured towards Emma.

"Right." She spoke softly, trailing off. She wasn't sure of what to do now. She couldn't just kick him out. That would be mean and she isn't mean.

The awkward silence was still thick in the air. It honestly was quite uncomfortable. If they weren't already feeling it, Emma sure was. She stood up and made her way in front of Isabelle and Dylan. The ex fiancé's shared a look then glanced back at Emma.

"Look, I'm not gonna say this isn't uncomfortable when it clearly is so let's make the best of it. We can all hang out, right?" Emma looked at Isabelle as if she wanted her to back her up.

"Now, I feel like I interrupted something." Dylan could feel there was slight tension in the air.

"You did." Emma shot back at him with a glare.

Isabelle stood up and dragged Dylan off the couch into a room where they could talk alone. She was now, finally, going to come clean to him about everything. Not that she was lying though. They aren't together, so why is she telling him anyway? Maybe she feels as if she owes him which should be the other way around.

"Dylan, maybe you could've called ahead of time." Isabelle told him as she closed the door to give them some privacy.

He completely ignored her statement, "Why did Emma just send me a death glare?"

"I need to tell you something, ok?" She gestured for him to sit down, which he did. She sat down next to him and began to tell him about the letters, Emma, everything.

He was more than understanding, he was happy for her. Isabelle found someone after everything that happened between him and her. He was being a friend which he was happy to be. He rather be in her life as a friend than not be in it at all.

They both stood up and shared a hug with a smile on their faces. Though, Dylan prompted he could go, Isabelle convinced him to stay. They both made their way back to the living room where Emma waited.

"So, Dylan's going to stay. Maybe we can walk the streets of LA and have fun?" Isabelle looked between Emma and Dylan, searching for an answer within their facial expressions.

"Sure." Emma agreed. She did want to spend time with Isabelle by herself but eventually she was going to have to meet her friends, so why not start now? Part of the reason she kind of gave Dylan the third degree was because she was scared that she could lose Isabelle back to him.

They were engaged, you just don't get over that so quickly. From what she read out of the letters, they've only been broken up for a few months. There had to be a done deal of why Isabelle got over their romanceship so quickly. Maybe Emma was just reading between the lines. Maybe there isn't anything else, maybe the break up was just a break up. But that thought, kept lingering in the back of her mind.

She didn't trust Dylan and she didn't think Isabelle should either.

so im going to do some
special chapters, starting
next chapter ((:

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