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I feel like I gambled with my luck too much and I've lost it all as it oozed from my hands like a deep wound and I can't get it back. I'm pretty sure I just lost my only friend on here, the only person I talked to on a kinda regular basis. I've had 3 school friends, but they were only people I talk to in school and with new school year (or working). I was 99% sure I won't have classes or colleges with any of them. and my a girlfriend?, I would love her with every atom of my body and the ones I breathe, but I can't get the physical affection I need since its online.
yet I sit here wanting to scream till I can't breathe anymore and cry till my eyes won't shed. I sit here and torture myself with memories of the past I wish I could bring back and the only piece of it I have left is nothing.
I so desperately want to hold a happy me back in my arms but yet again she has slipped from my arms as easily as like holding water in open uncupped hands. the only drink left for me to drink now are my own rare salty tears.
but, I love my mind because its mine. where MY thoughts are, and I don't have to share them with anyone because they are MY thoughts in MY mind. they're both mine because they are ME. and I am Me and you are You, two strangers worlds apart and yet we have the common denominator of needing help with issues and/or to help the ones who want to be listened to.

- Sorry

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