Prologue | The Cycle

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The winds were cold and harsh as they whipped past the Pokemon's frail body, frosting the poor thing in layer after layer of the thick snow and ice that was carried by the heavy gusts, so that it was coated thickly in rime. A dense fog surrounded the mountain atop which the Pokemon perched, wispy tendrils reaching out in an eerie motion as if grasping the life right out of the living being that sat alone atop the rocks.

The Pokemon looked lifeless, as it stared out into the misty lands beyond the peak of these mountains, its eyes ghostly slits. A corpse was held atop a mountain only by nonstop snow that accumulated on anything, biotic or abiotic, here in the towering heights of Mount Silver, where only the toughest were supposed to live.

It didn't know what or who it was looking for. Its barely conscious brain had simply directed the eyes to stare in that direction, to the nothingness beyond, for a reason that wouldn't surface to the Pokemon's mind. It was held there for more than a few minutes until it finally got it.

It was the anniversary.

Normally, that would've been a good thing to hear about. A celebration for the special occasion would be ready to enjoy. There'd be festive banners and neatly arranged Pokemon, joyous conversations and crazy dances between the entire family...

But instead the thought brought trauma; it wasn't the type of anniversary worth celebrating. The Pokemon's head felt light and dizzy as its eyes began to close, being pressured downwards with the help of the piled snowflakes. The whole world began to spin, jumbling up the Pokemon's thoughts more than what would've been possible. As everything rushed by, the what seemed like last moments of life, the memories came flooding in. They should've only been mostly nostalgic feelings, moments of good times only associated with positive emotions, and yet, the drama and screams, the bitterness and blood, all seemed so real as if they were recreated, and the little Pokemon was going through them all again....

It seemed like all the blood was leaving the body, and with it, all the consciousness, until the being could feel or sense no more. On the brink of death, a flashback, suddenly breaking through all the gore and disturbing scenes, displayed itself through the Pokemon's barely working mind.

~ *Flashback*

My siblings all curled up around me, their fur warm and soft, enough to make me sleepy and dreamy, I looked up at them, my little nose sniffling in the cold wind that rushed from the snowstorm happening outside.

"You'll never leave me, right? We'll always be together?" I asked quietly, my voice echoing in the silence of the cave.

They all stared profoundly at me, their eyes sincere and kind. All eight of them wore honest smiles as they purred, rubbing themselves against me in a kind of calming manner. At first I worried they didn't hear me, until my eldest brother, the Alpha of our pack, Jolteon, came closer to me, pushing my little body closer to him.

"There'll never be a moment with even a single Eeveelution short."

I nestled closer to my brothers and sisters, my eyes just about shut in the warm company of my family. There was no way to predict what would happen in the future. There was no possible telling we would be together forever as a pack. But despite it all, I believed him.

There was nine of us.

And that's how it would always be.


Or so I thought. The Pokemon, an Eevee, thought bitterly on its last moments of life after the flashback had painfully ceased. You could never imagine how fast a promise could be broken. How quickly you could be pierced. And worse than it all, despite the long, painful years you wait, how some wounds never heal.

The Eevee's eyes were now fully shut as it collapsed down to the ground, its body buried in snow. It would most likely survive another day, the Eevee knew, because this renewed strength appeared all too often to be normal now. Whatever the case, the pain was completely oblivious to it as the newly fallen sheets of white layered onto the next. Nobody cared for it anyway. If it died, there wouldn't be a bystander to notice. There wouldn't be a soul to shed a tear. It would be forgotten, cast away forever, known to none at all.

It was the one year celebration to the Separation today. The year to mark all those terrible months of painful waiting for the wound to stop bleeding and finally heal. But it never happened. Blood kept being spilled. Nothing changed except for the amount of agony the little Eevee felt each day.

Now it's life was a cycle. Visiting the places that had once been the source of joy and happiness in the Eevee's life, then coming to rest atop the peak until another flashback came, another long moment of pain as the consciousness left the body and the Eevee fainted shortly after the flashback. Then it would wake up bruised and shivering, making its way down the mountain to start the cycle again. It was not long before the cycle would no longer be completed and the little Eevee would finally die, but it could not be helped. With this cycle, the Eevee remembered the year gone by, passed the time before its life ended, having no one to care for anymore or no one to return the love to. But more importantly, the Eevee waited. The Eevee waited for the wound in its heart to heal. With every day the Pokemon grew more hopeful the gap would seal and it could be with the ones it loved, or much less, at least take joy from the moments it shared with its siblings.

Yet it never happened. No amount of hope would fix the pain. The poor Eevee knew all too well what most people didn't.

Some wounds never really heal.


A/N: Check out the awesome, fantastic covers in the media by:

Left: NyxAbsol

Center: AlphaWolf3312

Right: ShinyPonyta

Follow them, por favor! ^-^ This chapter is dedicated to all three of these spectacular gals!

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