Chapter 6 - it begans

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A police officer informed the mayor and another police officer saying, we found two bodies right next to the river.... in said, is it my boys? Orbit said, no it can't be the boss.... the officer said, were waiting on a doctor but...three of you can identify the corpses... Knuckles was following the cops slowly...and sees the two heads of their sworn enemies...Knuckles felt like he was going to be sick as he sees the two heads on one stick each...he ran off from the scene.... tired out Knuckles said, oh my...oh I think I'm gonna be sick....oh man... then he sees Belinda crying in front of an officer... she sobbed and said, I...I don't know...what had happened...wh..when I got back home....I...I...I saw fi...first I...I thought he....he was tr..trying to...scare me....b..b..b...but then I...realized...wh..when I took a closer look...he..he wasn't...he...was gone...Charlie....I don't...I don't know why he hung himself....c..c..covered in's n...not right....I can't believe he's dead... she lost her words as she began to sob again... Knuckles eyes widened at the horror...he caught a glimpse of Charlie....covered in blood...his glasses were broken....and he was hanged by the neck... Knuckles was in horror and whispered, oh no...what is happening?.... Knuckles walked off and saw Shawn on the phone talking to his father....he slowly walked off as he heard Shawn said, Dad...I'm telling you something's wrong these villains are being killed...someone is murdering the villains....Dad I saw someone making it look like one of the weasel bandits shot himself...I don't know how he was able to never leave his fingerprints on the I didn't know who it is?...well who do you think? neither....look Dad I gotta go....I haft to call one of my pals....yeah I heard about that....if there's one thing I know Dad....I was there Knuckles went Bessel as Sonic ran off...I also heard Knuckles told her repeatedly to stop....he told that pink-snob to never go with the plan....guess she'll listen better next time...yeah I know... Knuckles walked off completely... Knuckles thought, oh no...I forgot all about Manic...oh Manic isn't gonna like it when he hears that his little brother has been missing...I know how he is....he would be really furious... then something hit him and he went to see Sonics mom... moments later he sees the violet hedgehog sitting there crying... Knuckles whispers as he stood in front of the depressed hedgehog, Mrs The Hedgehog? Aleena said in tears, what is it?...can't you see I'm busy.... Knuckles whispered, I'm terribly sorry.. Aleena said, you don't haft to apologize...I just wish I knew where he is...*Knuckles thought and thought and then he came up with an idea....something that he never know that it would be completely risky*...Mrs The Hedgehog...I know it's sudden but.... Aleena interrupted, just give me some alone going somewhere or something? Knuckles replied, I'm going to search for your son...and bring him back safely... surprised Aleena said, what?...*Knuckles repeated what he said.*...are you sure?....*Knuckles nodded*...okay if this is what you want...then I won't stop you...and if your serious please....bring my baby back to us... Knuckles nodded and then he walks out to find Sonic.

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