Prologue - 3 days later

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It's been three days since the shadow and catastrophic-anomaly incident....but things were the way they were around the village and the island...but all things were really bad for Sonic and friends... Amy, Sticks, Tails, and Knuckles were extremely mad that Sonic still didn't know teamwork when he sees it....but they didn't know that Sonic was trying to.. so on that day.... Amy said, why does Sonic always have to jump into action when we were supposed to be a team.... Knuckles didn't say anything because he has a crush on Sonic and he didn't wanna hurt him....but she was right....but something told him that Amy was about to do something careless and stupid.... Sticks said, yeah... Tails said, agree... then Amy had an idea and said, I'll tell you what....we should teach Sonic a lesson for making decisions for us...I say we avoid, ignore, pretend he doesn't exist, and do and say mean things to him.... Knuckles didn't like the idea.... though Tails and Sticks agreed...Knuckles objected and said, I...I don't know...Amy you know how your ideas go too far... Amy ignored what he said cause 1 she thought this was a good idea this time & 2 she only ignored him because she knew that Knuckles would defend him... unaware that Sonic heard everything... Sonic ran off and stopped... he was in tears and whispered, why...why can't they understand?'s the truth that it's necessary to do stuff myself sometimes....I...I thought they would understand....I thought they were my friends... then a voice Sonic was familiar said behind him, they are dead to YOU! In fright Sonic turned around and saw nobody.... Sonic thought, wh..who was that?....that voice....wh..where have I heard that voice? Sonic was oblivious and said with a sad sigh, I miss my old team...I miss my big brothers....I wonder if Manic is feeling the same way...I hope Seelkadoom is okay...last I heard he was corrupted....but I hope he's snapped out of it right now....where are you now guys? *Sonic looks at the sand and thinks of his big sister, his mother, and his older brothers*...I wonder if mom is doing okay....I wonder if Sonia is doing okay....she's been taking care of her since both my dads died....I should give my mother a call to see if she's's been only a few years since my step-father died and 12 years since my real dad died....although it's been hard for mom...I better call my sister and mom.... 10 minutes later he was on the phone with his mother just to check up on he does once every 3 days... Sonic said sadly, I miss my brothers mom....(Aleena: I know too) anyway how are you feeling?....(Aleena: I'm doing okay but I'm still a little depressed...I know it's hard since Sonic's my life.)....I still recovering from a loss......I'm sorry mother...(Aleena: no Sonic...there's no need to apologize...listen sweetheart I love you...I appreciate you checking up on me...your still coming for a visit?)...yes I'm still coming for a's Sonia doing?...(Aleena: she's doing okay....look I gotta appointment with my therapist so....can I call you back?...)....yes mom...they hung up...but things took a turn for the worse when 2 weeks went by.

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