Chapter 23

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It is only after I make my exit, that I realise I had come here with Mason, and I now have no way of getting home. But I walk on, approaching the end of the driveway and turning onto the street, determined to keep moving just in case Mason decides to follow me.

He doesn't.

This makes me more convinced that ending things with him was the right choice. I don't want another showdown with him, but it would be nice to know he cared enough to try and stop me. I shake my head, dismissing the thought immediately. I know he didn't care, that was the problem.

I take a left, hoping I'm heading in the right direction and cursing under my breath. Dramatic exits are so much better in movies.

In the movies, the girl exits with dignity, she doesn't have to worry about a ride home as one magically appears. She doesn't realise halfway down the road that she has left her bag with her costume and towel in it at the scene she just walked away from.

Screw it. I can buy new ones.

I walk a little way up the road, the heat making the back of my neck sticky and a layer of sweat cling to my body. But I march on, until I reach the next road where I pull out my phone from my handbag, grateful that I hadn't left that there as well.

I try dialling Alexa, but she's not answering. Hailee's too far away. I don't want to call my parents just yet, as I can just imagine the lecture I would get. Besides, they're an hour away and I could probably walk home in the time it takes for them to get here.

I look through my contact's list, searching for a name that might be available to come help me. My gaze lands on one, and, even though I know I shouldn't call him, I'm officially out of other options. I nervously press the dial button.

"Chase, I'm sorry I know you must be busy. But please could you come get me?"

Ten minutes later I hear a loud rumbling as Chase approaches me. He pulls up next to me, turning off the ignition and planting his feet firmly on the road on either side of his large motorbike. I eye it nervously as he pulls off his helmet and shakes out his hair. In my desperation, I had forgotten that this was his mode of transport. I really don't want to get on that scary piece of machinery.

Especially in this dress.

"Thank you so much for coming. I'm so sorry for disturbing you. I just didn't have anyone else-," I start but he cuts me off.

"Diana, it's okay. I'm always available to help you. But," he smiles mischievously, handing me the helmet he had only just removed. "You're going to have to take a ride on Suzie."

I hesitate before taking it, glancing once more at the bike before deciding that I don't really have much choice in the matter. Once I've managed to pull it over my head, Chase adjusts the strap and tightens it, patting me twice on the head and offering me his hand.

I grab it and clamber clumsily onto the back of his bike, trying to make sure I don't flash him in the process. As soon as I'm in my seat, I hear him shout, "Hold on tight."

Quickly wrapping my arms around his torso, I lean closer to him, clinging on for dear life. His woodsy scent floods my nostrils as the engine roars to life. Beneath my palm, I can feel the steady beat of his heart through the thin material of his shirt. I focus on the rhythm so I can try to ignore the fact that the bike has started moving underneath us.

Chase goes slowly, clearly aware of the fact that his bike scares me, and also probably the fact that I am the only one wearing a helmet. I've never been on one before and I dislike it as much as I thought I would. It's terrifying, going through the streets, constantly worrying that we are going to topple over. Squeezing my eyes shut, I take deep breaths and wait for our ride to be over so I can get off this damn thing.

When we reach my apartment, I climb off and almost kiss the ground in relief. I'm so excited to be off 'Suzie' that I don't even wait for Chase to cut the engine. He chuckles at my reaction as my legs wobble slightly, trying to regain my bearings. Turning off the ignition he runs a hand through his windswept hair, his cornflower blue eyes sparkling in amusement.

I pull off his helmet, static making my hair cling to it and messing it up even further than it probably already was. "I can't thank you enough Chase." I smile hesitantly as I hand it back to him.

"Anytime, Diana. Is everything okay, though?"

"I," I pause for a moment, almost scared to say the words aloud. "I broke up with Mason."

"That's great!" He beams, his blue eyes sparkling. Then his face falls and he quickly adds, "I mean, are you okay?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure. I'm furious, with him and with myself. I don't understand how I could have been so blind. But then, I'm also sad that this is what it's come to. And then I feel relieved because at least it didn't get too far." I gulp, my head a writhing mass of emotions that I can't seem to sort through. "I'm just confused, I guess. I don't really know what to feel."

He nods as though this was the answer he had been expecting. "That's understandable. Break ups are hard, no matter the circumstances." The way he says this makes me think that he's talking from experience.

It suddenly strikes me just how little I actually know about Chase. Of course he's had past relationships, but he's never mentioned them to me. He's never even spoken about other friends that he has. I've barely scratched the surface when it comes to getting to know him, and yet, I feel as though he's changed my life.

"What was her name?" I ask, despite the fact that the pavement outside my apartment building is definitely not the place to have this conversation.

I wasn't even sure he would understand my question. After all, I didn't truly understand it myself. But he smiles wistfully and breathes out, "Emily."

"Did she-,"

"She was my Mason," he tells me before I can even finish my sentence. "But, that's a story for another time."

I'm desperate to know more, but I understand that now isn't the time to ask. I have my own break up to recover from, one that is still sending swirls of anxiety and mixed emotions through my stomach. "Another time, then. Thank you, Chase. For the ride and for everything you've done to help me."

"Anytime." He grins, reaching out and taking my hand in his. "I will always be here for you."

I glance down to where his thumb is currently tracing circles on the back of my hand, and nervously bite my lip. I want to tell him that it's too soon, that I've been single for less than an hour. I want to say that, even though his touch is sending jolts of electricity all the way up my arm, I'm not ready.

I can't find the words, but he seems to read the hesitation in my eyes. "Diana, I know you're confused right now. I know you need some time to get over Mason and I don't just mean your feelings towards him." He pauses for a moment. "I mean that you need to put yourself first for once and start realising just how much your worth. Which by the way; is a hell of a lot. All I'm saying; is that if you need a friend, you have one."

"You're too good for this world, Chase." I manage a weak smile and step back from him, pulling my hand out of his grasp. His arm falls limply to his side and something flashes across his face, but it's gone so fast I don't have time to decipher it.

His mood switches from serious to playful in a matter of seconds and the tension lifts as he grins and sends a wink at me. "So I've been told. I'm really sorry; I have to get going back to work. Are you going to be okay?"

I can now add 'selfish' to my list of faults. It's Friday night and Tall-Oaks is probably packed right now. I've pulled him away from his job to come and rescue me like I'm some damsel in distress. Yet another mistake I have made tonight.

"I'm so sorry," I say.

"Don't be, Diana. I'm glad I got to see you. Just think about what I said, okay?"

"You will never believe it," Hailee says excitedly through the phone. I also have some news that she won't believe, but I keep quiet while she continues, letting her go first. "I just got off the phone with Ally."

I smile at the mention of Hailee's older sister. "How's she doing? I haven't spoken to her in ages."

"There's probably a reason for that." Hailee, always one for dramatics, pauses for effect before continuing. "She's met someone. But," she carries on, barely letting me squeal in delight. "You'll never guess who it is."

I wait for her to say a name, but the silence continues on for a little too long and I realise I am supposed to actually try and guess. "Uh, do we know her?"

"You might, although I'm not sure you ever actually met her. Does the name Margaret Hayworth mean anything to you?"

"Hayworth?" I ask. "As in Mason?"

"Yes! It's his sister. Did you ever meet her?"

"No." I remember Mason mentioning that they didn't talk about his sister and I wonder if it's because she's dating Ally. If so, it makes me hate them even more. "But, I am so happy for them!"

"And one day, you could be my sister in law! Who would have ever thought I would find a silver lining to you dating Mason? Although, I really hope it never comes to that." She's quiet for a moment, clearly deep in thought before she adds, "actually, scratch what I just said. Please don't marry that joystick. I don't need you to be my sister in law, you're already my family."

"It's probably a good thing that I broke up with him then," I finally tell her. This time she's quiet for so long I almost think our call's been disconnected. "Hails?"

"Woohoo!" She suddenly shouts so loud that I have to hold the phone away from my ear or risk going deaf. "I mean," her voice lowers. "I'm so sorry D, are you okay?"

I sift through the emotions I'm feeling, trying to decide which is the most dominant at the moment. They've ranged from anger all the way down to sadness and everything in between. My head is a swirling mess of confusion that I can't seem to sort out. But, at the moment, I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and so that's the answer I go with. "Actually, yes I am. I feel," I search for the right word, "relieved. Is that weird?"

"No not at all!" she insists, sounding happy once again. "You finally got rid of the soul sucking leech that is Mason Hayworth. I hope he rots in hell."

Despite everything, I still feel a twinge of sympathy at Hailee's words. He may have his faults, but that doesn't mean I wish him ill. "That's a bit harsh, don't you think?"

"He hurt my friend, I will be as harsh as I want thank you very much." I can hear the smugness in her voice. "Ah I'm sorry, I'm just so happy. I am so fucking proud of you for sticking up for yourself. You can do so much better, D! It's time to move on to bigger and better things."

"It's a bit soon to be thinking of anything like that, Hails." I berate myself for saying that to her when I can't seem to stop my thoughts from wandering to Chase. I've spent more time than I'm willing to admit thinking about what he'd said when he dropped me off earlier. In between bouts of anger, sadness and relief, I've also felt curiosity. I want to know what happened with Emily.

"It doesn't matter. Mason's finally gone!" she whoops.

Not wanting to burst her happy little bubble, I neglect to tell her about the numerous messages and phone calls I have received from him since I arrived home. All of which have gone unanswered.

They range from 'how can I live without you' to 'how dare you think you can walk out on me'. Another couple mention the bag that I had left there, and how I needed to see him at least once more so that I can get it back.

The amount of times he tries to contact me seems to escalate as the night goes on, probably due to the alcohol I imagine he's consuming. He doesn't leave the party to come and see me though, a fact that I am extremely grateful for, as he would be a lot harder to ignore in person.

"Yeah," I agree. "Mason's finally gone."

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