Chapter 25

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I turn off the ignition and sit in the car for a moment, eyeing the familiar exterior of 'A Latte Coffee'. The irony of this being the place that Mason chose to meet is not lost on me. It feels like years since I came here with him, the start of our whirlwind reunion.

The parking lot is pretty full, and through the glass windows of the café I can see that most of the tables are taken up. I quickly exit the car, thinking that I will probably need to go book us some seats before there is none left. I'm already ten minutes late, but I have no doubt in my mind that Mason won't be here yet anyway.

I step through the entrance and let the warm aroma of coffee wrap itself around me. Looking around for a vacant table, I feel a jolt of surprise as I see a familiar face waving to me from a booth in the corner.

Mason Hayworth; actually on time for once.

"Di." He stands up as I approach, a warm smile on his face. "I'm so sorry, I mean Diana," he says apologetically. He clearly remembers my parting words from that day.

It's only been three months since the night at Drew's and yet Mason looks like a completely different person. His cerulean eyes appear softer, as though he's lost some of his cruel spark and deep purple bags hang under them. The sharp edge of his jaw is peppered with stubble and his hair has grown slightly longer, the ends curling upwards.

I wait for my heart to betray me and skip a beat at the sight of him. But, for the first time in my life it doesn't. "Mason hey."

"I um, hope you don't mind but I ordered for you." He takes a seat and gestures for me to do the same. "Coconut and caramel latte."

He remembered.

I'm lost for words as I look at him. I'm almost expecting a snarky comment about the amount of calories in the drink, but it never comes. Instead, he looks at me earnestly, the warm smile spread across his face.

Seeing him now is surreal. It takes me straight back to that day almost four months ago when I saw him for the first time in years. But, this time it's different. I'm different. I can feel the shift already.

"You look good," he says and the sincerity in his voice surprises me. "Really good."

And you look exhausted. Is being an asshole that tiring?

I dismiss the unkind thought immediately. I know that Mason wasn't the only one at fault. I made my fair share of mistakes as well. Once again I wait for the swell of emotions to engulf me and swallow me whole. I'm almost expecting anger or hatred, possibly even the usual butterflies. Nothing comes. In fact, all I feel for him is sympathy, as he clearly hasn't been sleeping well.

"Thanks, Mason," I respond, relieved at the absence of feelings I have for him. I hadn't wanted to see him, but right now I'm actually glad that I did.

A waitress comes and places two lattes in front of us and I'm shocked that not only does Mason not even spare her a glance, he has also ordered the exact same thing as me. He wraps both hands around his cup and blows softly on the foam before speaking again. "How have you been?"

"I've been good. And you?"

"Oh, you know." He half shrugs and looks away from me. "I've been okay, I guess. I've been thinking about you a lot though. I'm glad you called."

"Mason," I bite my lip and also grab my coffee, desperate for something to do with my hands. "I didn't call you because I want to get back together, you know that right?"

"I know." He nods solemnly. "You want the complete opposite, don't you?" I expected anger from him at my words, instead I'm faced with a patient and understanding man that I'm not sure how to react to. For the first time I realise that I'm not the only one who's different. Mason is too, and not just his appearance. He used to ooze confidence and charm, but now the air around him is contrite and remorseful.

"I'm so sorry Diana, for everything."

The sincerity behind his apology makes me freeze with my cup of coffee halfway to my lips. I lower it back down with shaking hands, sure I must have misheard him. "Excuse me?"

"It's funny." He leans back in his chair and drags a hand through his hair. "It feels like the first time I actually mean those words. No wonder you seem surprised. God, I've been awful."

"Mason," is all I manage. I'm still too stunned to form a coherent sentence.

"I've been seeing someone, Di. I mean, Diana. A therapist. After everything that happened between us, I took some time to reflect on the person I was." He gives me a wry smile. "Turns out I didn't like that guy very much. So I asked for help."

I'm too shocked to respond, but he doesn't really give me the chance to anyway. He continues on as though my mouth hasn't dropped to the floor. "You may not believe me but I'm working on it, on myself. I want to be a better person. Dr Shaw is helping me work through my issues. I've still got a long way to go, but it's a start I guess."

He takes a long sip of his latte, eyeing me over the rim. "She's helped me see that my behaviour was due to my own insecurities. I never felt good enough for my parents, so I took it out on everyone else, especially you."

I am at a loss. I had come here expecting to lay everything out on the table. I wanted to tell him how much his actions affected me and make him see how hurtful his words could be. I didn't expect this complete change of attitude from him. I can't believe that he's already taking the steps to try and be a better person.

"Mason," I finally find my tongue. "That's really great. I'm honestly so happy for you."

"You've taught me so much, Diana." He pats my hand on the table, but it feels more comforting than condescending. "I'm glad we ran into each other again. Even though it ended the way it did."

I still remember the pain I felt when he first broke up with me and the anger when I found out why he dated me in the first place. But, I'm also glad that we ran into each other again. Mason has taught me more than he will ever know. "So am I." I hesitate for a moment, not sure if it's worth bringing it up now when he's already so apologetic. But then I realise that I am a strong and confident woman who is allowed to speak her mind, and I continue.

"Mason, you really hurt me. Back then and now." He opens his mouth to say something but I hold my hand up, silently asking him to let me finish. "You made me feel worthless and like I wasn't good enough. I also had to see a therapist after we first broke up. And then you crashed back into my life like nothing had changed. In a way, you were right I guess, nothing had changed then, but it definitely has now."

"I'm sorry, Diana. I can't say it enough."

"You don't have to apologise to me anymore, Mason. You weren't the only one in the wrong. I let you control me, I should have learned to stand up for myself long ago. But I am learning now." I smile at him. "I guess, what I'm trying to say is; maybe it's time we both let the past go. We've both learned from each other. But in the end, it wasn't meant to be."

"Some people come into your life to stay. Others come to teach you a lesson." He grins.

"Look at you sounding all deep and philosophical." I can't help the laugh that escapes my mouth. "I didn't know you had it in you."

"Me neither. I'm clearly not paying Dr Shaw enough. She's helping me more than I realised."

Sitting in the café where we had our first date and laughing with Mason feels completely surreal. It feels as though the last four months never even happened. It feels like I'm sitting across from a completely different person than the one I met all those years ago.

"You seem really happy," he adds. "I'm glad about that, at least. Are you seeing anyone?"

Immediately, I think of cornflower blue eyes and long blonde hair. Of old buildings and motorbikes. Of kind words and easy laughs. I can't help the smile that tugs the corner of my lips at the thought of him, even though I haven't spoken to him in weeks.

"No," I answer, despite the image of Chase that is firmly imprinted on my brain. "But I am happy. In fact, I'm happier than I can ever remember being."

As soon as I've said it I realise two things. The first is that it was probably an insensitive thing to say to Mason, who shared so much of my life. The second is that it's the irreversible truth. I've never felt so at peace with myself.

And even though I think of Chase all the time, I've realised that I don't need a man to be happy. All I need is myself. My mind drifts to the last message that Chase sent me, the one that's gone unanswered for weeks.

And when the sun comes up, and you feel ready, I'll be waiting.

I think I'm finally getting there. I was right, seeing Mason has given me the closure that I needed. I can finally shut the door on this part of my life and move on to the next. I'm hoping the next will involve a certain bar owner with a cheeky smile and eyes that twinkle. But, even if it doesn't, I will be okay with that.

For now, I'm just happy being me.

Instead of taking offense at my words, Mason offers me a tentative smile. "That's great. I want you to be happy. You deserve it."

For a moment the air between us is filled with memories, so thick I can almost taste them. Lazy summer days filled with outdoor picnics and pool parties. Stolen kisses in the library. Puppy love and broken hearts. Harsh words and shattered dreams. Hurtful truths and confrontations.

High school is over, and now, so are we. All that's left are the memories, both good and bad. And even though it's taken me seven years to move on from my first love, I'm glad that I can look at Mason now and feel nothing but good will towards him.

"So do you Mason," I tell him honestly. "I hope you find your happiness one day."

And I do mean it. Mason and I aren't bad people; we are just bad for each other. He wanted me to be different than I was, and I had let him have that control over me. Instead of balancing each other out, we brought out the worst in each other. And I do hope that he will be happy. I hope that, one day, he will find a girl that he accepts for who she is.

But, for the first time in my life, I am really glad that it's not me.

The End

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