6 Days

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A booming voice coming from the living room stirred me awake. I knew that voice, and it did not belong to someone I wanted to deal with this early in the morning.

I glanced at the clock. Okay, so not early.

I really did not want to get out of bed, but I knew I would have to eventually.

With my brain now properly awake, I checked my phone. One text from Will filled the screen; okay sunshine, sleep well.

The butterflies that inhabited my stomach seemed to have woken up as well. A smile spread across my face and I nearly forgot about my problems. Nearly.

"Nicholas you had better be awake!"


I hopped off of my bed and walked into the hall, only to come face to face with my father.

"Good. We have places to be," he nodded before turning around and walking back into the living room.

I followed behind him and choked back tears at the sight before me. Moving boxes sat on the sofa. Rolls of packing tape were thrown across the floor. Everything was being packed away.

I noticed Bianca in a corner writing something down. She looked up and smiled sadly at me. I walked over to her and she took my hand.

"I'm really sorry," she whispered.

I knew none of this was her fault. I wanted so badly to tell her it was okay. But I couldn't. I physically could not form the words. So I nodded. She sighed and looked around.

"Bit of a mess, huh?"

Again, I nodded.

"Go to him, Nico."

I looked up at her. Go to who?

"Go say goodbye to Will."



I'm sorry. I don't want to.

I was crying. Will was shouting. The notebook was getting full.

"But- you said everything was okay!"

I'm sorry.

"Stop apologizing!"


"Nico DiAngelo, why didn't you tell me sooner!?"

I didn't know.



Then he was kissing me. Hard. I couldn't breathe and I didn't want to. I didn't want Will to stop. I wanted his lips to stay on mine forever. I wanted the heat of his body and the roughness of his hands to be something I would feel for the rest of all time.

He did pull away eventually. Both of us gasped for air.


I met his eyes and tried my best to convey how I felt.

"Damnit, Nico," he sat back and put his face in his hands, "I don't want you to leave."

I reached for the notebook, which had fallen on the ground during our exchange, but Will grabbed my hand.

"No," he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "I'm in love with you, Nico DiAngelo."

I smiled sadly at the beautiful boy before me.

He shook his head in frustration, "No, Nico, really. I am so in love with you. From the moment I wake up to the second I fall asleep, you are all that is on my mind. I dream about a future with you. I want to marry you, and start a family with you. I want to grow old and gray with you. I want you forever, Nico."

Tears were falling down his face and he pulled me into his lap. His arms wrapped me in a warm embrace and I felt safe. Truly safe. My shoulders relaxed and I leaned my head against his chest.

"I know I may never get to hear you say it," he whispered, "but I like to think you love me too."

I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. I wanted to be close to him. I wanted him to be there.

And he was.

He was right there.

But then he wasn't.


Flying in a private jet should be something everyone enjoys, but for me, it just brings back bad memories.

Same with the mansion Bianca and I walked into after we landed. The place was massive but I knew it like the back of my hand.

I instinctively found my bedroom. Or, what had been my bedroom. I guess it was a storage room now. It was filled, floor to ceiling, with bags and boxes of all sorts.

"Not quite how I remember," Bianca's voice came from behind me.

I didn't respond.

She cleared her throat, "I think you're a bit further down the hall."


The bed was cold. The sheets were so perfectly made, I almost felt bad getting under the blanket. 


I didn't even bother checking my phone before turning off the lights and going to sleep.

6 days.

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