Chapter Thirty-Six

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I want to giggle as we leave a very depressed jewelry counter girl behind, moving on to bigger and better things, like warm coats and working phones.

"Why won't you wear your new coat?" Alex asks, as the cashier tries desperately to shove the thing into a tiny plastic bag.

"I don't know. I kinda like wearing your jacket. Makes me feel like I'm getting hugged by you all day."

"See, I knew you liked my cuddles," Alex taunts with a smug smirk.

"And I don't deny it, my Cuddle Bunny," I say, laughing. It feels so good. I can't get over how far life has come in just a few hours. Yesterday felt like the end of my world, yet today feels filled with possibilities. 

"Wanna check if the phone store fixed your phone?" 

"Sure." I take the bag from the cashier and use my free hand to reclaim Alex's. He's only been relinquishing my hand when I have to use it for something else.

"So any thoughts on what you are going to do now that you're not working?" I ask as we walk through the mall.

"I'm undecided. I need to get a job, eventually, but I actually have enough money saved I can probably move on to something part-time and still make rent. Doing so will help a lot with my ability to get my schoolwork done."

"I'm willing to help, you know. I paid my own way with Liam," I remind him.

"I know, Cat, but I'd rather you save that money for whatever you may need coming up, you know, for the baby."

I smile up at him. "Okay."

As he gazes down at me, his expression turns serious, but I don't have to wonder long what prompts his mood change as he stops me. "Cat?"


"You said something back at the police station I can't stop thinking about."

"What did I say?" I don't care for his unhappy look of concern regarding whatever I must have said.

"You said you'd like us to be a family."

"Oh, that," I look away in slight embarrassment.

I feel my cheeks heat and get the flutters in my stomach. I didn't actually mean for that to come out how it did. Although it is the truth, my soul has a way of talking for me when I'm not exactly ready for the outcome.

"Did you mean it?"

I glance briefly around the mall. This is not the place I would have expected to have such a conversation, but then again, when has life ever given me what I expect.

"Yes," I admit. I silently pray he doesn't wish me to explain more because I'm not sure I understand things myself. I just know it's how I feel.

He looks both relieved and happy again. "Then may I make a request?"

My eyebrows raise and I brace for impact. Hesitant I say, "Sure." 

Alex chuckles. "It's not that bad, Cat." Leaving me with no doubt that my cringing shows outwardly.


"I would like, if it's okay with you, to come with you on your visits to the OB from now on."

His request dumbfounds me. "Really?"

"Well... yeah," he half-smiles, trying to hide his awkwardness by rubbing the back of his neck. "It kinda drives me crazy that I don't know what's going on with you and with the baby. Ever since I heard that little one's heartbeat I have felt... well, connected."

I don't know what expression I am sporting, but Alex immediately follows up with, "That's weird, isn't it? I shouldn't have said..."

I put my hand on his chest and I feel his heart beating a mile a minute beneath my fingertips. He's really nervous about this.



"I would love for you to come."

"You would?"


His smile returns, lighting up the entire mall. He picks me up and swings me around. I squeal as his reaction surprises me. He doesn't let go when my feet touch the ground. Instead, he keeps me locked into place with one arm and pushes the hair that got in my face out of the way with his free hand.

I know that look. He's going to kiss me, and he does. I don't know what it is about Alex. I'm usually not one for PDA's (Public Displays of Affection). Mostly because when Liam did it was to show off as in, "This is my hot girlfriend, look what I can do," sort of thing, but when Alex kisses me in this crowded place, I could care less. He just has a way of putting so much of his feelings into his kisses. I know he is kissing me because he loves me, and he doesn't care who sees, or who knows, and neither do I. I just relish the feel of his lips on mine and to hell with the rest of the world.

He pulls away and sighs.

I giggle. "I don't think I will ever tire of your kisses."

"Good," he responds, taking my hand once more, "because I don't see myself ever tiring of kissing you."

We get to the phone store and they have downloaded all my stored information and messages to my new phone. I look down at it and I see several missed texts and voicemails from Olivia. I feel so guilty.

"Damn, she must be so worried." I haven't really given her much thought. "I should have borrowed your phone, so I could have called her right away. She doesn't even know they broke my phone."

I then see there are several messages from William. That's weird, unless he tracked down Olivia at school today to ask her why I wasn't there. I don't read them yet, choosing instead immediately to call Olivia back.

"Oh, Cat! I'm so happy to hear from you," Olivia says in a rush.

"I'm so sorry," I apologize. "They smashed my phone last night, and I had to go to the police station this morning."

"The police station?"

"Yeah, craziest thing they caught the guys. Can you believe it?"

"They DID?!"

"Yep, I pressed charges, but thankfully my involvement with the case is pretty much over so I can put the whole thing behind me."

"Alex and I were so worried about you? That was a really dumb move to just take off like that," Olivia admonishes but then softens with, "But I can understand why you did. How are you and uh... Alex doing?" 

"Better than you would expect."

"Really?" she sounds surprised and I guess it is surprising, but not to me.


"I don't know whether you are the most romantic minded person in the world or the most delusional. How do you just get over your boyfriend stripping at a club?"

"I'll fill you in later if that's okay?"

"He's right there with you, isn't he?"

"That's right."

"Okay, lunch date, you and me, full disclosure. No more secrets, deal?" 

"It's a date," I tell her.

"I'm really glad you're okay, Cat. You looked so bad last night. It was killing me not knowing what was going on. Now that I know they smashed your phone, you're forgiven," she teases me and I laugh.

"Well, thank you for that. I'll call you soon to set up a time, okay?"

"Okay! Talk to you later. Love ya, Girl."

"Love you too," I reply as she hangs up. "Damn!"

"What?" Alex asks.

"I forgot to ask if she talked to William."

"Why would you have to ask her that?"

"Well, I got all these missed calls and texts from him. I'm guessing that he must have tracked her down when we weren't in class today."

"Make sense..." Alex says.

As Alex is talking, I read through William's texts. "You've got to be kidding me?"

"What is it?"

I ignore Alex's question for a moment so I can call William.

"Baby girl, are you trying to make me insane?!"

"I'm sorry William, some of what you heard is true," I tell him.

"Which parts?"

"The believable ones," I say.

"That still leaves a sizeable gap, Cat."

"I know. Meet me back at the apartment. I promise to explain everything and I'd like to know what you know."

"Okay, when?"

"In about thirty minutes? Can you do that?"

"Done. Cat, he didn't..." William says, but I shut him down immediately.

"No. I'm surprised you'd even ask!"

"I didn't want to, but someone saw you today," and he sends me another text. It's a picture of my bruised and battered face.

"How the hell!?! I'll see you in thirty minutes." I rage as I hang up on him. I didn't mean to, but I'm furious, so I'm not thinking straight.

"What is it? What's going on?" Alex asks, his face full of concern.

"I'll explain on the way," I tell him, and we get into the car to head back to our apartment.

Now we're both livid.

Alex swings the apartment door open. "I'm going to kill whoever started that rumor!"

"You won't get the chance because I'm going to kill her first!"

Alex looks back at me, stunned. "You know who it is?"

"Not for certain, but I have a really good idea."

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