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It was on one of those dark and lonely nights where Evie was nursing another wound in her bathroom while her boyfriend slept peacefully as if nothing happened. The cool tiles of the bathroom floor bit into Evie's bare legs as she sat there, clutching a damp washcloth to the fresh bruise blossoming on her forearm. The house was silent except for the rhythmic snores of her boyfriend drifting in from the bedroom. Each breath he took felt like a mockery of her pain, a reminder of how he slept soundly while she suffered in silence. Evie stared at the mark, her mind wandering to the events of the night.

It had all started out innocently enough. A nice dinner, some light conversation. They were even making plans for a trip to the lake house next weekend. His family had a lake house, a beautiful little getaway that was secluded and peaceful. They would drive up there, spend the day boating, swimming, relaxing. Just the two of them. Evie had been looking forward to it. She'd always loved the lake house. But then, everything had changed. One wrong word, one misstep, and he exploded. He was yelling and screaming, throwing things around. Evie did her best to stay calm, to diffuse the situation, but nothing seemed to work. Eventually, he snapped and grabbed her by the arm. His grip was like a vice, his fingers digging into her skin. He shoved her against the wall, pinning her in place with his body. Evie struggled to free herself, but his strength was too much.

That's how Evie ended up here, sitting on the cold floor of her bathroom, nursing her wounds and wondering if she would ever be free of this h**. She wanted to cry, to scream, to break something. But instead, she just sat there, numb and defeated. She had no tears left to shed, no voice left to scream, no energy left to fight.

Evie's mind drifted back to Sam and Dean, and how she used to call them every night after a hunt. It had become a ritual, a way to decompress and remind herself that she wasn't alone. They were always there for her, no matter what. She missed them. More than she could ever admit. She was tempted to pick up the phone, dial their number and let it ring, just to hear their voices. She knew they were most likely busy. Sam had given up hunting two years ago to go to college, something he dreamt of doing. She remembered he had gotten into a big fight with his dad about it and then left afterwards. But she knew he was doing great, living his best life. He was going to Stanford and was living with his girlfriend, Jessica. Evie met her a few times, she was sweet and kind and perfect for Sam.

And Dean....Well, he was still hunting. At least that's what she thought. She didn't know what he was up to nowadays, but she imagined he was out there saving people and hunting things. Like they always did. She thought about calling him. She knew he would pick up. That's just how he was. Even though she had always been more close with Sam (and not just because they were the same age), Dean was always there for her too. Always. She missed him. Both of them. She wondered what they would say if they knew about her situation. She wondered if they would come running to her rescue, guns blazing, ready to kick her boyfriend's a**. Or would they tell her she should be stronger, that she should stand up for herself, that she should fight back.

Evie sighed and stood up. She had to stop thinking about the past. It was a dead end. There was no going back. She had made her choice and she had to live with it. She looked down at her arm, the bruise a dark reminder of the pain she endured. She would wear long sleeves for a few days until it faded. She didn't want anyone asking questions. Questions meant complications, and she didn't need any more complications. She put away the washcloth and cleaned up the rest of the bathroom. She walked into the bedroom, careful not to make any noise. She was about to step into the bathroom when suddenly there was a knock at the door.

She flinched at the sudden noise and stopped in her tracks. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to figure out who would be knocking on her door at this hour. It was well past midnight, and everyone she knew was asleep. Or maybe she was hearing things, she was paranoid sometimes, especially after a fight. She shook her head and took a deep breath. There was no way someone was knocking on her door. It was just her imagination. Another knock sounded, louder this time, and Evie nearly jumped out of her skin. 

Okay, so maybe she wasn't hearing things. Evie's mind raced as she tried to think of who could possibly be at the door. Maybe it was a neighbor, maybe they needed help with something. Or maybe it was a prank. But the rational part of her brain knew that no one would be pranking her at this hour. There was only one way to find out. She quietly walked into the main area of the apartment that had the living room and the kitchen. Then, she tiptoed to the front door and peered through the peephole. What she saw was the last thing she expected.

Sam and Dean Winchester were standing outside her apartment. 

Evie stared through the peephole, unable to believe her eyes when she saw the two brothers. She had just been thinking about them and now they were here, outside her door, at the dead of night. She couldn't deny that her heart did a little flutter at the sight of them. She hadn't seen them in years, she had tried to keep in contact with them, but after her boyfriend found out he got angry. He didn't want her talking to other guys and had made her promise to stop. Evie didn't have the strength to argue with him. But now, seeing them again, especially Sam, brought up old feelings that she had buried deep inside. She couldn't help but wonder what they were doing here. Were they in town? Did they need her help with something? Whatever the reason, Evie knew she couldn't let them stand outside her door.

She quickly unlocked the door and pulled it open. She was greeted by the sight of the Winchester brothers. They both looked tired and a bit disheveled, but that didn't diminish their good looks. Sam was taller and broader than Evie remembered, his brown hair slightly longer. Dean was lean and muscular, his green eyes glinting with concern as they both looked at her. For a moment, Evie felt a rush of emotions—relief, surprise, and a touch of fear, unsure of how they'd react to seeing her like this.

"Hey, Evie," Sam greets, his voice soft yet filled with worry. "It's been a while."

"Yeah, it has." Evie replied, her voice equally quiet while her lips curved up slightly. She was then suddenly very aware of her appearance, of her messy hair and pajamas. She wasn't exactly at her best, but she supposed it didn't matter. She wore black shorts and a dark red shirt, her feet were bare. She had forgotten about the fresh bruise on her arm, and Sam's eyes immediately caught sight of it. His smile disappeared and his eyes filled with concern.

"What happened?" He asked, nodding towards the bruise.

"Oh, it's nothing," Evie responds, instinctively covering her arm with her hand. "I just had a bit of a fall."

"A fall, huh?" Dean interjects, his voice dripping with skepticism. "Looks like you fell pretty hard to get a bruise like that."

"Yeah, well, it was a rough fall. You guys know how clumsy I can be." Evie tries to laugh, but it sounded forced. She hated lying to them, but she couldn't exactly tell the truth. Not yet. She needed to figure out why they were here, why they had suddenly appeared outside her door in the middle of the night. "So, uh, not that it isn't good to see you guys, but what are you doing here?"

"We need your help," Sam answers, his eyes still fixed on the bruise. "We wouldn't have shown up out of the blue this late if it wasn't important." He didn't like this. The way she was trying to hide the bruise. The way she seemed jumpy, on edge. Something wasn't right.

"Okay," Evie says, still not sure what they needed her help with. "So, what's going on?" She didn't have a good feeling about this. Not at all.

"It's dad," Dean replies, his tone serious. "He's missing." He looked away from the bruise back to her eyes, but he could tell she was shaken up. He and Sam were surprised by how different she looked. They hadn't seen her in years. But there was a haunted look in her eyes that they had never seen before. There were bags under her eyes and a weariness in her face that wasn't there the last time they had seen her. The light had gone out in her eyes and there was a tension in her shoulders that hadn't been there before. They wondered what she had been up to, and if her current state had anything to do with her boyfriend. She didn't tell them much about him. They hadn't liked him from the beginning, but Evie had insisted he was a good guy and that they were happy together. Still, something felt off.

"Missing? What do you mean, missing? Doesn't he always come back after hunting?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. She knew John Winchester was tough and had faced countless dangers before. For him to be missing, something serious had to have happened.

"Yeah, usually," Dean said, running a hand through his short hair. "But it's been weeks. He had left this weird voicemail, saying he thought something serious was happening, that we needed to be careful and that we were in danger. It's just...This isn't like him. We know it's late and that we shouldn't have shown up without warning, but we're worried about him and we could really use your help. We know it's been a while, Evie. But we didn't know where else to turn."

Evie felt a rush of emotions. It was overwhelming to see them again, to hear their voices, to feel their concern. She wanted to help them, to be there for them like they had always been there for her. But she was scared. Scared of leaving her boyfriend, scared of what he might do if he found out. But she knew she couldn't leave the Winchesters hanging. Not when they needed her help. Not when John was missing.

She glances over her shoulder, hoping that her boyfriend was still sleeping soundly and hadn't heard the commotion. Thankfully, the house was still silent, the only sounds coming from outside. She turns back to the brothers, making a split-second decision. "Okay," She says softly. "Let me get dressed and pack a bag. But I'm only going with you guys to help you find your dad. I have to be back after."

Sam nods, his eyes searching hers. He could tell she was worried, nervous. He didn't know why. Maybe she was just anxious about helping them find their dad. They hadn't seen each other in a long time. "Of course. Thank you, Evie. It means a lot to us." Sam said softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He couldn't deny how good it felt to see her, even if the circumstances weren't ideal. He'd missed her. A lot more than he'd realized.

Evie returns the smile, a small flicker of warmth blossoming in her chest. It was the first time she had smiled genuinely in a long time. "I'll meet you guys out front. Don't worry, I won't take long."

The brothers nod and walk out of her apartment. They waited outside, leaning against the Impala. "You thinking what I'm thinking? She's not telling us something." Dean muttered, glancing at his brother.

"Yeah, I know," Sam replies, sighing and running a hand through his hair. "Something's definitely going on. And it's not good." He looked back towards the apartment building, his brow furrowed. He couldn't stop thinking about that bruise on her arm. It looked recent, and yes, she could be clumsy, but there were too many other signs of her being hurt. The dark circles under her eyes, the way she seemed on edge, the way she covered up the bruise. Something wasn't right.

Evie's mind raced as she packed her duffle bag. She was going on a trip with the Winchesters. She hadn't done that in years. She didn't know why she was nervous, but she was. She quickly packed her essentials, including her hunting knife and some extra ammo and her gun. She knew she wouldn't need much since the Winchesters would have all their gear, but she couldn't leave without packing the necessities. Once she was done, she grabbed a hoodie and a pair of jeans and went into the bathroom. She took a quick shower, scrubbing away the grime and the exhaustion, and got dressed. Just as she left the bathroom, her heart sank at seeing her boyfriend standing by the door, arms crossed and a frown on his face.

"Where are you going?" He demanded, his voice low and angry. He clearly just woke up and wasn't pleased by her leaving the house. He was wearing his boxers and an old, ratty T-shirt, his hair sticking up in all directions. He wasn't an unattractive guy, but Evie knew the kind of man he was, the kind of person he really was. And it wasn't pretty.

"My friends came by and they need my help. They're family." Evie replied, her voice firm. She tried to move past him, but he stepped in front of her.

"Family?" He scoffs, his eyes narrowing. "If they're family why haven't you seen them in years, and now they're suddenly here out of the blue? What's really going on, Evie?"

Evie clenches her jaw, trying to keep her cool. "I told you, they need my help. And they're family so I'm going to help them."

"And you think that's more important than us? Than our plans?" His voice rose, the anger seeping through.

"It's not about that. It's about doing what's right. I can't just ignore them when they need me." She tried to push past him again, but he grabbed her wrist, his grip tight and unyielding.

"You're not going anywhere." His voice was a low growl, his eyes blazing with anger.

Evie felt a surge of panic but forced herself to stay calm. She had to handle this carefully. "Please, just let me go. I'll be back soon. I promise."

He tightens his grip, causing her to wince in pain. "No, you're staying here. You're not running off with them." He glares at her. "Are you cheating on me with one of 'em?" He accused, his voice was getting louder, angrier, his eyes flashing with fury.

"I'm not cheating on you," Evie insists, her own anger rising. "Why would you even think that? I'm not the one who goes out all night and comes home smelling like booze and perfume." She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. She couldn't help it. She had noticed lately that he smelled like alcohol and perfume. He had been cheating on her, she was sure of it. But she knew he wouldn't admit it. He would just say she was crazy, paranoid. He was good at turning things around, making her feel like the bad guy. She braced herself for his response, expecting an explosion of anger.

His face twists with rage, and he grabs her by the shoulders, shaking her hard. "Don't you dare accuse me of that, you little b**ch! How dare you say that to me!" He yelled, his grip on her shoulders tightening. 

"They're family, okay? I've known them my whole life." Evie says, her voice wavering a little. "I'm just going to help them out and then I'll be back, alright? Okay, I-I'm sorry I accused you of cheating on me. Just forget I said that. Let me go. Please." She knew she didn't need to apologize, that she was right, but that's something else he was good at. Making her feel guilty. Making her feel like a terrible girlfriend, like she was the one at fault.

He glares at her, his hands still gripping her shoulders. She can feel his fingers digging into her skin, and she knows it will leave bruises. Which was the last thing she needed. Bruises were hard to hide, especially when it was clear they were finger-shaped. But she can't do anything about that now. She just needed to get away from him. She was desperate to get away from him. And so she pushed his hands off her shoulders and made a beeline for the door. She quickly left the bedroom, grabbing her combat boots and putting them on as she walked towards the front door. Once she got them on, she was going to pick her duffle bag off the floor when suddenly her back is pressed against the wall and he was glaring at her.

"Don't ever try to push me away again." He growled, his voice low and menacing. Evie's heart pounded in her chest as she meets his gaze, refusing to back down despite the fear coursing through her veins. She knew she had to stand her ground, even if it meant facing his wrath head-on.

"I'm leaving, whether you like it or not," She retorts, her voice steady despite the tremble in her hands. "I'm done with this, with you. I won't let you control me anymore."

His grip tightens on her shoulders, his nails digging into her skin, and Evie winces in pain. But she refuses to let him see her weakness, refuses to give him the satisfaction of knowing he's hurting her. "You're breaking up with me? After everything I've done for you? You ungrateful little b**ch! If it wasn't for me, you'd be nothing! You'd be alone, with no one to take care of you!" He seethed, his voice filled with venom.

Evie meets his gaze with defiance, her jaw set in determination. "I'd rather be alone than stay with someone who treats me like garbage," She declares, her voice steady despite the fear bubbling inside her. "I deserve better than this, better than you. And I won't let you or anyone else make me feel otherwise." His eyes flash with fury, and he raised his hand as if to strike her. But before he can follow through, the front door busted open, and Sam and Dean Winchester storm into the room, their expressions a mixture of anger and concern.

"Get your hands off her!" Dean bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls. He marched over to her boyfriend and grabbed him by the shoulders, wrenching him away from Evie as Sam quickly move to stand between Evie and her now ex-boyfriend, his bodies forming a protective barrier.

Evie's ex-boyfriend recoils at the sudden intrusion, his anger momentarily replaced by surprise. But it quickly morphs back into rage as he glares at the Winchesters. "Who the h** are you? Get out of my house!" He snarls, his fists clenched at his sides. "I'll call the cops on you for breaking and entering!"

"Go ahead, we'd love to explain how we found Evie about to get attacked," Sam interjects, his voice steady but filled with warning. "Unless you want to explain why you were about to hit her?" His eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched with barely contained anger.

Evie watches with surprise, her eyes wide and her heart hammering in her chest. She can't believe they came in to rescue her. She never expected that, never thought she deserved that. But it meant a lot to her. More than she could put into words. Dean made sure to hold her ex-boyfriend tight, making sure he wouldn't be able to do any damage. He wasn't taller than her ex, but he had a strength about him that made it clear he wasn't someone to be messed with. He was intimidating, to say the least.

"This doesn't have anything to do with you, so why don't you mind your own business, huh?" Her ex-boyfriend spits, his eyes burning with hatred. "You have no right to come into my house and tell me what to do."

"I'm pretty sure we have every right to make sure you don't hurt Evie," Dean retorts, his grip on her ex-boyfriend's shoulders tightening. He was tempted to punch the guy, to teach him a lesson, but he resisted the urge. Now wasn't the time. "If you don't want us to call the cops, then you'll let her go. And we'll be out of your life."

Evie's ex-boyfriend sneers, his eyes darting from the Winchesters to Evie. "You're making a huge mistake, you know," He threatens, his voice low and filled with menace. "I'll make sure you regret this."

Evie can't help but roll her eyes at his empty threat. "I doubt that," She responds, her voice laced with contempt. "I've had enough of you and your empty threats. I'm done. We're done." She's surprised her voice isn't wavering, that she can sound so strong when she's still shaking inside. But she can't afford to let him see her weakness, not after the display she put on earlier. She doesn't want him to have the upper hand, to have any more control over her.

Her ex-boyfriend glares at her, his face red with rage and he tries to lunge forward, but Dean's grip on his shoulders keeps him in place. "You're going to regret this," He spits, his eyes flashing with hatred. "You'll come crawling back to me, begging for forgiveness. But I won't take you back, not after this."

Sam's patience was wearing thin as he watches the tense standoff unfold. He steps closer to Evie, offering her a reassuring glance before addressing her ex-boyfriend with a firm tone. "I suggest you leave now before things escalate any further. We don't want any trouble, but we won't hesitate to defend Evie if we have to."

"Oh, I want trouble," Dean chimes in, a smirk tugging at his lips. "It would be my pleasure to rough this guy up. Just say the word, Evie."

Evie shakes her head, a small smile forming on her lips despite the situation. "I'm good, Dean. Let's just get out of here."

"You're not going anywhere!" Her ex-boyfriend shouts, struggling against Dean's hold. But the older Winchester doesn't budge, his grip unyielding. "I'll call the cops! You're all trespassing! And if you don't let me go, I'll..."

"Yeah, yeah, you'll sue us or whatever. I'm not worried about it," Dean says, dismissing his threats while rolling his eyes. "Now, you can either walk out of here on your own, or I can drag you out by your hair. Your choice."

Evie's ex-boyfriend glared at the trio for a moment longer, his fists clenched at his sides. But eventually, he seemed to realize that he's outnumbered and outmatched. With one final hateful glare directed at Evie, he stormed back to the bedroom and Evie flinched at the sound of the door slamming shut. She could still hear him yelling from inside the bedroom and hear things being thrown and broken. It was clear he was angry and wasn't handling her leaving well. She was relieved she wasn't staying. Who knows what he would've done to her. couldn't help but flinch at the sounds, her hands trembling. She didn't realize her whole body was shaking until she felt Sam's strong hands gripping her shoulders gently. It was a contrast to how her ex held them earlier, with such force and anger. She glanced up and met Sam's gaze, her breath catching in her throat at the concern she saw there. He had always had that effect on her, his eyes so full of emotion and warmth.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice low and gentle. Of course he knew she wasn't, but he wanted to hear it from her, to let her know he was there for her. He could see the fear and uncertainty in her eyes, could feel the tremors coursing through her body. It broke his heart to see her like this, to know that she had been suffering. That he hadn't been there for her. But he was determined to be there for her now.

Evie takes a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "I... I will be," She replies, her voice trembling. "Thank you, Sam. And you too, Dean. Let's get out of here." Before either brother can protest, she pushed past him and went to pick her duffle bag off the floor. The last thing she wanted was to linger in the apartment, to be reminded of everything that happened there. She was finally free of her ex-boyfriend, and she didn't want to look back. She didn't even care about coming back to get her things, she didn't have many anyway and nothing too important to come back to get.  

Dean shared a look with Sam as they watch Evie gather her things, concern evident in both their expressions. They knew she was putting on a brave front, but they could see right through it. They had known her long enough to recognize the signs of someone who had been through h**and back. And they were determined to help her, to be there for her in any way they could and make up for the time they were apart.

A/N first chapter finally done!! gotta love overprotective sam & dean coming to save the day 

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