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A few days later after Mark has gotten settled in at the new school things are going smooth. his friendship is very strong with the rest of the guys from the singing group who thanks to Youngjae  call them selves Got7 since they couldn't think of  anything else and you know  they got 7 members it just kind of fits.

Mark has really been the glue that the group really needed they even got a shout out in a local newspaper Mark may not stand out all that much in school but when he sings and dances you can't miss him thought Jinyoung as he works on audio for the music video there trying to put on Youtube  and he just can't help but stare right at Mark.

In Jinyoung's eyes Mark is a guy that any girl would love to have he's shy, adorable and very lovable, but every time he thinks of Mark with a girl he can't help to feel jealous for some reason. I have a girlfriend plus Mark probably only likes girls I mean he was from America people probably shame same sex relationships thought Jinyoung.


The progress the group is making is amazing thought Mark as him and Youngjae sit and work on biology homework.

"How did you do on the test?" Asked Youngjae as he flipped a page in his bio book.

"Um don't laugh okay,"said Mark timidly.

"Oh did you do that bad."

"well I got an A-," said Mark embarrassed.

"Are you crazy I got a flipping D," said Youngjae almost shouting.

Mark and Youngjae have become very close Youngjae is the first guy to show Mark how it is in Korea although there relationship is strong it is nothing compared to the feelings Mark is gaining towards Jinyoung.

as Mark and Youngjae sit and work a conversation gets started.

"So what's the background on our group,'' Asks Mark

"what do you mean?" Questions Youngjae not really paying attention.

"I mean why is Got7 Got7 what made you and the guy start the group"

"Oh well to start we all took the same choir class, but all of us have different reasons to why we started singing most of us just get a different joy from doing it like for me it is a stress reliever, for JB it's a hobby, for Yugeom its a thing to do when bored and so on but its different for Jinyoung as a child Jinyoung's parents fought all the time and brought him in to it they would try to make him pick a side and if he didn't say or do the right thing they would punish him. They were terrible people and one day Jinyoung's neighbor found Jinyoung beaten and bruised on his door step. that's when he was sent in to the foster care system. He was passed from home to home till one day a wealthy man adopted him it was all good at first but then the training started for days on end Jinyoung would train to be the best he would not be given food until he could sing a song perfectly without error. this went on for 6 years until he was 16 and decided to do some thing about it he went to the police and begged to be taken away from the pain and ever since then he has sung to get away from the pain of his past."

with this story Mark was speechless. how could such a strong guy have gone through all of this and still seem like his life is perfect with hearing this mark couldn't help but to fall more for the strong and amazing Jinyoung.


as he sat and looked through songs that the group could sing at the music fest Jinyoung couldn't help but think about his past he thought of all the things that have tried to tear him down and all of the things that have built him up. he couldn't help but feel that even with all the pain he had a great life now and he wouldn't change a thing then he thought about Mark and he felt a rush of happiness he started crying because with every thing bad meeting mark was the beginning to even more happiness to come. with this thought Jinyoung decides to text Mark.


hey u want to meet


what's wrong!!


nothing just thought you may be bored


oh ok you scared me, ya i guess you wanna go get frozen yogurt at B'chill


sure isn't that where Bambam works though won't we bother him

It will be fine plus it'll be cheaper that way we can just mooch off of Bambam's employee discount lol :)


ok see you soon :)


As Mark stands out side of B'chill waiting for Jinyoung he can't help but wonder what this is about is Jinyoung really just bored or is there more to the story. no matter the reason Mark is happy to meet Jinyoung especially since he knows his backstory. he feels the best thing to do right now to grow closer is for mark to just be a good friend and once that happens he will let Jinyoung know how he feels he knows it may take time but he doesn't care.

when Jinyoung finally arrives they go up to the counter where Bambam is taking selfies and dabbing along to the music.

"what are you doing you know your selfies don't even look good," joked Jinyoung.

"Yeah says the guy who doesn't even have a profile picture on instagram." replied Bambam.

"Okay guys be nice," says Mark being the glue that he is.

After the two guys order they get seated and start to eat the frozen yogurt Bambam specifically made for each of them.

Jinyoung's is a black cherry white chocolate mix that Bambam said represents the light and dark moments in Jinyoung's life. after spending all the time coming up with something to represent Jinyoung Bambam came to Mark and gave him a fruity mix with the explanation that it was weird like Mark although it may not mean as much as Jinyoung's Mark still enjoyed every last bit of it.

Later on when they Finish their yogurts with out much conversation they decide to go rollerskating which was probably a bad idea since the last time either of them went rollerskating was in grade school.

When they got to the rink they saw many couples gliding along hand in hand. they walked up to the counter to get shoes and while they were getting there shoes they noticed a sign that said half price skate for couples so both of the boys looked at each other and laughed.

"Babe,"says Jinyoung to Mark trying not to die laughing.

"Yes oppa," replies Mark as they try to convince the lady at the counter to give them the discount it worked surprisingly well they got the discount with no question from the lady at the counter.


After a long night of falling and laughing Jinyoung finally makes it home and takes a shower and gets ready to climb into bed. while lying in bed Jinyoung can't help but think about the fake relationship that felt so real and the moment Mark called him oppa hung in his heart like a weight it felt so natural it felt so real when his girlfriend said it it felt strange and out of place but when Mark said it it was perfect Jinyoung needed that he felt as if that one word said by that one person could get him through even the darkest of nights.


When Mark got home and settled in after saying good night to his brother the events from that night replayed in his head he couldn't stop thinking how right it felt to be in a relationship with Jinyoung even if it wasn't real he now truly knows how he feels about Jinyoung and that feeling is love it may be one sided but for right now that's all right. Mark went to bed feeling happy and comfortable for the first time since he came to South Korea.

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