Chapter 14: Thursday II

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"I just wanted you to know that I kept my promise, Jonas." She spoke as she laid the flowers she had picked from Natalie's garden across the grave stone, "I've found someone to share myself with...soon to be two people." She rubbed her hand over her stomach, feeling her happy boy kicking around with excitement with inside of her. 

"And you don't need to worry about, Tara. Scottie and I've been keeping her real busy. She's really excited about the baby. Actually it seems like everyone is really excited to meet the little guy..."There was only a couple of weeks left before she would be a mother. There was still a lot of fear about whether or not she would make a good mother but Sierra knew she was going to do the best she could, "You are missed everyday." 

After a moment of silent reflection Sierra lifted her hand to her lips, blowing a kiss like she used to when they would part ways, "Goodbye, Jonas." She turned and walked toward where Scottie was waiting for her. Every time they had come here, he had given her privacy. 

His lips twisted up into a warm smile, holding his hand out for her to take, "You ready to go, Beautiful?" 

She nodded as she took his hand in hers, letting him lead her out of the cemetery and onto the main road, "I'm starving." Sierra remarked after a couple of minutes of silence. 

Scottie chuckled, "When are you not starving?" 

Sierra scrunched up her face and gave him a playful swat on his arm, "If you had to eat for two people you would be starving all the time also." 

"And if you had to buy food for three people like I do, your wallet would be as empty as mine." She couldn't stop the small laugh that bubbled out of her at his quick response. It was nice to feel that they had continued to grow closer over the past couple of months. They spent more time smiling and laughing. Of course, they still had their moments of miscommunication like every couple, they weren't perfect. Sierra didn't need perfect. Life wasn't a fairytale and she was okay with that. 

"So what do you feel like for lunch?" 

"Chow mien and orange chicken..." She could almost taste it already, "oh and those little dumpling things. Afterwards, let's get some ice cream. I've been craving cookies n' cream." 

Scottie shook his head, "I guess I should have asked you what you didn't feel like for lunch. It would have been a much shorter list." His comment received him another smack of her hand.

Sierra shook her head in mock annoyance, letting her gaze wander to the strangers passing them on the street. She felt a moment of surprise when she saw her sister walking next to Andrew hand in hand on the other side of the road. She was talking with excitement, and he seemed to be feigning that he was paying attention. 

Scottie must have noticed her interest had been diverted elsewhere, because he leaned down, "They should have never gotten back together. It's never going it work out." His comment stirred curiosity over the fact that his opinion was so decided. 

"You  don't know that..." Sierra replied softly. 

"I guess you're right. I don't know but I just feel Its kind of sad that she stays with him. I mean he has been cheating on her with...shoot I can't remember her know the one that is always hanging around your sister. The loud mouth." Sierra snickered at his comment, it was the first time she had heard him say anything truly mean about another person. 


"That's her. He's been cheating on her with Angela for months now..." His  hushed words were said as if he felt both disgust and pity.

She could understand the sentiment. Sierra watched as her sister walked away, hand in hand with the boy who had wrecked her heart. She thought she would feel anger for the cruelty and harshness that had been thrown in her direction, but that's not what she felt. She honestly wished the best for Chloe, hoped that someday she would be able to have all the happiness that Sierra had found. Even if they were to be forever estranged, they would always be sisters and she would always care enough to hope for a better future. 

A future like the one she had found with Scottie. She smiled to herself as she pushed herself closer to the warmth of his body, "So I've been thinking about names..." Sierra changed the conversation. She'd spent more than enough time on her sister, now she was going to focus on herself. Something she should have done a long time ago. 

Scottie glanced down at her, brow lifting as his dazzling gaze swam with curiosity, "Oh yeah?" 

Sierra placed her free hand on her stomach, looking down, "I was thinking, Jonas Michael Palmer." 

"Hmm...I like it but I'd make one minor adjustment..." She tilted her head back to look at him with her own curiosity. His eyes were full of mischief, "I'd have his name be Jonas Michael Sawyer." Her heart beat faster at the implication of his comment. 

Jonas Michael Sawyer. It did have a nice ring to it, the old with the new. 

"We'll see..." She teased him, heart full for the first time in a long time. 

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