Chapter 26- Death Is All Around

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*Randy's Pov*

After a few minutes we decide we should go ahead and go inside. Not wanting Lefty to get so far ahead from us, Mike went first then me. After me Springtrap, then Baby and Molten.. But after agruing over who should go first. You see they were trying to be nice and let the other one go first, but it turned into an agurement. It's funny how they can agure about almost anything.

While looking around I try my best not to look at the dead bodies, the stench was already sickening.

"Does anyone have a flashlight? It's getting dark in here pretty fast.." I say looking around. No one answered.

"... Guys?" Suddenly something popped up right infront of me making me jump and shriek in fear.

"WOAH CALM DOWN DUDE IT'S ME!" An all too familiar voice said. ".... MIKE THAT WAS NOT FUNNY I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE!" I shout. The only thing I get as an response is him turning on a flashlight while laughing. "I'm sorry, I just had to take the chance at scaring you."

I glare at him and snatch the flashlight from out of his hand. "Hey! I get to man the flashlight!" Mike tells me as he snatches it back. "After all.. I'm more of a man than you." He snickers. I roll my eyes looking away. "Yeah yeah whatever. Can we just find out if the power works?"

"Yeah sure, but I don't know if you'd like that. Since well.. I think we're still in the same room as the corpses." Yeah I wouldn't. But am I going to say that to my brother? No! He'd just laugh at me like he always does. "I think I can handle it." I tell him looking back at him. From the light of the flashlight I could see him shrug. "Alright. But don't jump into my arms once I turn the power on." I nod and he starts walking. I of course follow since he's the one with the light source.

"Is Baby and the other one still following?" Mike asks while stepping over a skeleton with a bit of clothing on it still. I cringe while stepping over it as well. "Uh.. They should be.." I say a bit uneasy, the smell of dead people is already making me sick to my stomach. Mike stops and points the flashlight at me then behind me.

"Well I don't see them. Like at all." Confused I look behind me and sure enough they weren't. "What? Oh crap I forgot to tell them to-" A loud clicking noise fills the room as the lights turn on, they flicker for a second but luckily stay on. "Did you do that?" I ask Mike looking back at him. He shakes his head no looking around. "Maybe Baby and Noodle boy had enough brains to find the lights."

"STOP CALLING ME NOODLE BOY. IT'S MOLTEN. I AM NOT NOODLES. YOU CANNOT EAT ME." I look to the right, since that was where Molten's shouting came from. He was flailing his wires around looking to be having a fit. While Baby looked somehow dead inside while watching him. Both were by lots of switches.

I start walking over to them, but trip over something landing on another thing. "Randy, what ever you do, do NOT look down." What do I do? I look down. And see that I am now on top of a rotting corpse who's eyes have been ripped out of it's sockets, dried blood all around the eyes and it's mouth was slightly opened having maggots and other insects all in it. I jump up screaming at the top of my lungs freaking out. "AHHH IT'S GROSS EW."

Mike comes over dragging me over to where Baby and Molten are. The both of them try calming me down while I'm hyperventilating.

*Mike's Pov*

Isn't this just fun. Why did Randy look down? I said NOT to. But then again that's what they do in the movies. God that was so cliche.

"Randy take deep breaths, it's alright. On the bright side you didn't pass out-" I stop myself seeing he had done just that. I groan faceplaming. Baby was now keeping him from falling onto the floor, so at least he didn't somehow harm himself. "Well looks like he's gonna need some therapy after this."

(Hope you enjoyed, I have decided that ships will still be in here, but.. They will not be mentioned a lot. Rarely though. Also you may have noticed, I'm not so good at getting into details about certain things. Or even writing. But I'm working on it!)

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