Chapter 4- A New Person

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(So I just made up a thing the recording will say, since I can't remember what it was, so hope you still enjoy!)

I keep walking the only way I can, since the other way is blocked for some reason, I stop at a desk and behind it was a door. It probably  leads to a store or something, I try moving passed the desk, but get shocked. I fall in the place I was just standing, and from all the shock damage, my power goes off.

"As you can see, we've found a animatronic in the alleyway, we are unsure about its origins. The company hired you to check this animatronic to see if it's in working order, so if you look under the desk there is a tool box."

What is making that sound? Wait why can't I move?!

"If you think the animatronic is becoming unstable or aggressive, then you will be able to shock it, but only three times. If you shock it to much it will just break down, meaning we will have no use of it, that's when we'll just place it in the alleyway and forget about it."

Wait, shocks?! I got to get out of here! I try moving, but of course, the power of the author makes me stay. Dang it you people!

"Now began."

A young looking man looks at me nervously and takes the tool box, then comes over to me and looks me up and down. Then he opens my stomach, and looks around in there, and to animatronics everywhere; it's very embarrassing. Would you like people looking at your insides?

After looking at my insides to make sure I'm working good; and I should be since you know, walked all the way here? Well working good enough to walk, just not entertain children. He closes it and looks at my face, inspecting it closely, his face inches apart from mine.

"Excuse me, but I like having my own space." I say, he shrieks and falls to the ground, looking at me wide eyed with fear writen all over his face. He reaches for the taser thingie, and I panic. "You seem like a nice man, so can you not shock me?" I say nervously, somehow I can move again so I back away, not wanting to feel another zap.

"I won't if you don't hurt me!" He says pointing it at me, I put my hands up and look at him. "I won't, now put it down." I say shaking a little, since that's the way I am, I always shake when walking or standing now. He slowly puts it down and watches me closely.

"What's your name stranger?" I ask putting my arms to my sides. "Its Randy." He says, barley saying it with out screaming. "Well hi, I'm Lefty, please don't pick that thing up and try shocking me while I'm talking to you." I say the last part louder since he started to reach for the thing again.

He stops. "Good, now can we shake hands and agree to not hurt each other?" I ask extending my hand out for him to shake, he slowly reaches he's hand out to shake mine. He does a little squeak while we shake hands and quickly pulls away, hugging himself.

"See? Very easy." I come closer to him and he stays in his spot. "So, where am I?" I ask, still having that question on my mind.

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