Chapter Eight

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Marcus asked me out a little more than a four months ago.

I heard Vincent saying those things to Haze and I heard the tone in his voice when Jeremy told Vincent that he thought Vincent would have liked me. Well, Haze. You win. Vincent is yours.

(Ah, come on Violet. The story isn't over. Besides, I haven't decided which ship will become canon yet.)


I sighed as I played with my water bottle. I was on the day shift this month but come next week I have to go to Night Watch. Vincent and Hazel offer to come along but I always demand that Mike comes with me.

I flicked my water bottle and it landed on the ground. I wished I could just see Marcus. He's been acting weird lately and I've been trying to help but he won't let me in.  Vincent and I haven't been taking as much anymore so I was a little lonely. Hazel seemed to enjoy his company though. 

I listened as the front door bell jingles. A blonde woman walked in.  Maybe about my age if not a year or two younger. She stood by the door and looked at her phone smiling. Probably texting her boyfriend. Speaking of...

I pulled out my phone and clicked on Marcus' contact.


Vi: Hey r u gonna be home 2nite?

Bæ: No. I'm sorry but my boss needs me to work late.

Vi: how late? I get off shift in 15.

Bæ: I won't be home until 2 sory.

Vi: no its okay. Cya baby.

Bæ: cya


I put my phone down and sighed.

"Im gonna go be a part of Foxy's crew!!!" A little girl screamed and ran go Pirate Cove.

I scooped her up and gave her back to her mother.

Better get my shift over with.


I took off my cap and turned to walk away. I got off early today due to an appointment. I told Boss I was taking my leave and he allowed it. I saw the door come in sight and that blonde woman was still there.

I watched as Marcus walked in with flowers. Aww. He brought flowers for me? I was about to giggle and call for him when he spoke to the woman. His lips pressed to hers in a kiss and his arms went to her waist. Her arms went around his neck and I felt it.

My heart caught in my throat, my stomach dropped, and my anger rose.

"Marcus!?" I yelled.

He jumped and looked at me.

"Babe? I this isn't what it looks like. I got you some flowers." Marcus smiled, holding out the flowers.

I slapped them from his hand and the fresh tears spilled down my cheeks.

"You have the audacity to lie to me, just to cheat on me with some...slut? Much less at the place i work at!" I cried.

I saw the anger rise in his veins.

"Yes I cheated on you! I have been since day one!! Do you really think someone could love you? You're a useless, pathetic freak. You can't do anything for yourself. No wonder nobody loves you!!"

I didn't notice the eyes watching the scene go down. Even the Boss was watching in shock, his cigar on the floor. I covered my mouth and let the tears run down my face a little heavier.

"I hate you Violet Stryker!! I always have!!" Marcus yelled.

He pushed me down but before he could send me back to Fourth grade Vincent leaned over me and smashed his fist into Marcus' face. Marcus flew back and hit the ground, his nose broken.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Vincent yelled.

Before the fight could break out I ran off and hid in the back room with all the parts and stuff. I hugged a Freddy Fazbear mask and cried harder, sobbing into the plastic.

I have no idea how long I was there but it felt like forever. Soon enough I heard my name being called. I sat in silence, letting the tears continue to trail down my purple cheeks.

"Violet! Please come out!"

"Violet where are you?"

"H-hes gone n-now. P-P-please Don't h-hide Violet."

"Oh come on. Please, we're worried about you."

Mike, Jeremy, Haze, and Vincent. They were all looking for me. Mike opened the storage room door and saw me, his eyes widening. He sat down next to me and...he did something that was way out of Character for him. He hugged me.

I hugged back none the less and once my one Jeremy, then Haze, Then Vincent walked in. They crowded me but I tried not to mind it.

"Are you alright?" Hazel asked.

"I'm fine. I pro-" I couldn't even finish that lie before Vincent pulled me to his chest.

"Don't you lie. You're not fine and promising doesn't make it seem any less of a lie. That ass hole is gone, he isn't gonna hurt you anymore. I made sure of that." He whispered into my purple hair.

I felt his heartbeat increase speed. It pounded against my ear, leaving me shocked. I tried not to blush but when I sneaked a peek I saw Hazel with and arm around Vincent. Well there goes any hope.

"You made sure? I know you punched him and all but...I expected Hazel to tear him a new one." I asked and explained.

"We all kinda did that. Vincent and Mike did the punching and me and Jeremy did the yelling and tearing him down." Hazel admitted.

I smiled slightly into Vincent's chest. They all four cared about me. I'm not alone in this.

"Thanks guys." I muttered.

I pulled away and rubbed away the tear stains. I smiled and thanked them again before noticing how long we were in here. It was almost eleven! I stood up and brushed off my suit.

"It's my shift tonight. Come on Mike, we need to get settled in the office before the day friendly robots try to kill us all." I began walking to the door but a hand stopped me.

"Hey, why don't I take the shift with you? I'm's just that I w-"

"Nah. It's fine Vincent. Mike and I got this. Thanks for the offer though." I smiled.

"Come on Mike. Let's go." I walked from the room and to the office, sitting in the rolling chair.

It was 11:59 when Vincent walked in. I looked at him suprised and annoyed.

"What are you doing here? I thought Mike was comming." I asked.

"Mike told me to take his place. We all see that you've been avoiding me and acting weird these past few months. You're not too happy, or getting a temper very often. What's the matter? We all wanna know, not just me."

This came out of no where and it suprised me.

"There hasn't really been anything interesting  going on lately. Marcus took the life out of me those few months and I just didn't really see anything to do." I lied.

"Ya know. You're not a very good liar." Vincent crossed his arms an ld tapped his foot.

"Wow. Even if I'm not lying it's a lie. Fuck logic. I'm a flying unicorn and my horn is so far up my ass it tickles..." I ranted but Vincent stopped me.

"Okay...let's say that ass did take it out of you. That doesn't explain why you've been avoiding me."

"I'm avoiding you because Hazel can be very territorial. When she got a boyfriend if I so much as looked at him she threatened to gouge my eyes out with a spoon."

"Wait wait're ignoring me, avoiding me, not even talking to me because you think Hazel and I are boyfriend girlfriend?"

"Yes. Now close the door before Bonnie gets in."

Vincent jumped slightly seeing Bon-Bon right outside the door. He close it and leaned against the door.

The rest of the night I avoided all conversations about me and him or him and Hazel. She won him over right? He likes her back, doesn't he?

Or maybe...I do have a chance.

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