Chapter Six

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"You're not going to work!!!" The four yelled at me.

I giggled and pulled my now, blood free work shirt from the dryer. Hazel yanked it out of my hands and Vincent took my slacks. I Groaned And snagged the shirt back. I went to take the slacks back but unfortunately, Vinny was 6'2" and his arm added about a foot more of heighth.

"No!" He ordered.

I Growled and went to jump but his hand touched my head, keeping me down.

"If you jump you'll pop the stitches." Mike said.

"Guys...I swear. Give me my work pants back Vinny!!" I yelled.

"No!!" The four yelled.

I groaned.

"Okay...fine. Ya meanies." I pouted and walked off to Vinny's room.

I closed and locked the door before quietly searching for his work pants. If I can't have mine, I'll just use his.

"Vi? Come on. Those animatonics hurt you and we don't want you going in and getting hurt again." Vinny explained.

"We care about you Viola. Please don't be mad." Haze said quietly.

"P-please understand V-violet." Jeremy studdered.

I opened the door and peeked out.

"Okay fine...I'll stay. And if you want me to I'll lay down." I said quietly.

"Please do. We wanna see you feeling better." Mike smiled slightly.

I nodded and smiled gently.

"Thanks for caring you guys. It means a lot. G'night." I closed the door and didn't bother to lock it.

I grabbed Vinny's work pants and put them on. Fuck...he's got some Damn long legs. I pulled out a few Bobby pins from my hair and I pinned the pant legs up a bit. I buttoned up my purple work shirt, braided my hair and put on my cap. I looked in the body mirror and giggled. Purple work shirt and purple work pants.

I smirked at the door and pushed open the bedroom window. I Climbed out, making sure not to pop the stitches in my torso. I walked off and to the office.

They wouldn't be here for another five minutes. Plus, by the time they're here I won't be able to leave. I giggled and played on my phone until Vinny and Haze walked in. They stopped and I smiled at them.

"Hallo!! Take a seat, it's time for work." I spoke, spinning around in my seat.

I noticed that Vinny was wearing jeans and he saw I was wearing his work pants. I giggled again and looked at the cameras. Bonnie was just down the hall so I pushed the two in and waited. Bonnie decided to hide in the kitchen so I sat down and pulled out the headphones in my pocket and began listening to my music.


Haze and Vinny were sitting next to me. It was three a.m and Vinny's phone rung. Vinny took it and sighed.

"Hey Vincent? We have a problem....Violet is..."

"Here in the office with me and Haze."

"She's with you!?" Mike yelled.

I took Vinny's phone and put Mikey on speaker.

"Haiiiii Mikey!!! How are you?" I asked.

"How did you get out of the house?"

"Well, Mikey. What most people don't know is that I'm a smart Lil shit. I just crawled out the window." I giggled.

"It's too late for her to leave so we'll keep an eye on her. We'll be back once the shift is over." Vinny stated and hung up.

I looked back at the camera and saw Foxy running down the hall.

"Hehe...Swiggity Swooty imma coming Fer ye booty." I chuckled.

Vinny did too and Haze laughed. I closed the door as giggled.


The six a.m bell rung. The last day is over!!! Yay!!! The three of us walked off out of the Office. I didn't realize Vincent wasn't with us. Haze and J Laughed while we made fun of the boss. I made a really cheesey pun just as Mike and Jeremy walked in.

"O-Oh, you d-do puns?" Jeremy asked.

"Hmm...yeah I'm punny." I giggled.

Jeremy supressed a laugh and so did Haze.

"Oh, so we got a challenger for the pun crown huh? How about a pun off?" Mike grinned.

Vinny walked up and shook his head.

" puns." He begged.

"Oh come on, puns aren't that bad. Lighten up Sunny." I gently nudged Vinny.

Haze and Jeremy's faces were slowly turning red.

"That's nothing. If you wanna hear a pun you need to ask why the bike couldnt stand on its own." Mike chuckled.

I was confused.

"Why couldn't it?" I asked.

"It was two tired."

Even Vinny snickered. I pouted. This pun crown will be mine.

"Hey Mikey what do you do when a chemist dies?"

"I don't know...what?"

"You Burium." I snickered.

Mike growled.

"Hey Violet. The furniture store keeps calling me back...the problem is...I only wanted the one night stand." My face turned red as I tried not to laugh.

"Do you know how I escaped Iraq?" I asked.

"How?" Mike smirked.


Mike snorted and tried not to laugh. Dang close.

" it true that ghost serve I scream for dessert?" Mike retorted.

"Thieves had broken into my house and stolen everything except my soap, shower gel, towels and deodorant. Dirty Bastards."

"Hmm...When I get naked in the bathroom the shower usually gets turned on."

My face turned red at that. Mike is dirty little birdie, but Toucan play at that game. (I'm terrible...XD)

"Hm...reminds me of sex in an elevator. It's wrong on so many levels." I smirked.

Before Mike could say anything we heard the boss growl.

"Next person to say a pun gets it!!" Boss yelled.

Mike and I had derp faces and the other guys kept an eye on us. I opened my mouth to say something but Haze kicked me. I growled and touched my shin. I tried to say something but Vinny covered my mouth.

Mike tried to say something but Jeremy covered his mouth too. Boss looked at us and glared.

"If I hear one more pun I'll cut your pay." He growled.

Mike and I looked ay eachother before we began sweating. We need it...we have to say it. Mike kicked Jere-bear at the same time I kicked Vinny.

"Cut us some slack boss. You're not being beary nice, we only wanna be punny!!!" Mike and I yelled in unison.

A low growl was heard and I guess the boss had had enough.


"Ya still got a tissue in your hair Violet." Mike muttered, pulling out the Tissue.

The boss threw us in the trash can and we had trash on us. I plucked a few plastic shards off Mike's shirt. J giggled.

"It was totally worth it...even though it may have popped a few stitches." I muttered.

Mikey sighed.

"Lets get you back to Vincent's place. He'll fix those stitches. I'll take the night watch shift for the next few days until you're better."

I hugged Mikey and we left the Pizzeria.

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