Chapter Three

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I tip toed into Viola's room. That's my nickname for Violet.

Her alarm clock was glinna go off in




Her alarm went off and I pounced, landing on her and violently shaking her.

"Wakey Wakey Cakey!!" I yelled.

Viola kicked me off the bed and groaned, rolling off. She stood up and so did I. She shut off her alarm and looked st me a little tired.

"Go get dressed." Was all she said.

I Pouted and went to my room. I took off my tank top and put on my bra before slipping on my blue work shirt. I pulled my chessnut hair into a low pony tail and put just a little make up on. Just enough to make it look natural.

Now before you freak out. Yes I am putting make up on. I never do that but today is...different. You'll know why here soon.


Viola walked out. She had her shirt on and black slacks like me. Her hair was different though. If we get a job she usually hides her hair but today she had her hair down, as if leaking out from under her hat. She smiled and grabbed the keys.

As we got in the car and drove off to work I watched Viola carefully. Why was she so happy? I mean...yeah she met Vinny....I mean Vincent....yesterday but still. What's gotten into her?


We made it to the Pizzeria as the guys were closing up. I smiled at Jeremy and he smiled back.

"Hey. You sure you're ready for night two?" He asked.

"Heh...Nope." I giggled, popping the 'p'.

He just laughed and patted the top of my hat. I pouted but giggled anyway. I looked around for a certain male but...he wasn't here.

" you know where...uh...V....Vi....Viola is?" I bailed.

I wanted to see Vincent but I don't think I want the other guys to know.

"Um...oh! She's over there talking to Vincent." Mike pointed.

I Looked To See Viola talking to Vince. My face heated up as I watched Vince throw his head back and laugh. I scolded myself. Viola probably likes him too...just because he's purple like her.

For some reason that made me mad.

I watched as Vince handed Viola a purple shirt. He said something but I couldn't hear over the screaming kids. I kept watching him and soon enough, Viola walked off and into the women's bathroom. I took that as an opportunity and skipped up to Vince.

"Hello Vincent. How are you?" I smiled.

" very tired." He chuckled.

We began a conversation and soon Viola walked out of the bathroom.

"Vincent...It was a little tight." She said.

She saw me and pretended to be normal. She pulled her hat down a little and handed Vince the shirt.

"I think I'll just stick to this shirt. Thanks though, Vincent." Viola was gonna walk off but Vince chuckled.

"But you didn't let me see it. What if I liked it?" He grinned.

Viola's face turned a little pink.

"'s not really a very interesting sight...I'm just gonna...go set up in the office."

Viola walked off and Vincent chuckled.

"Could you give this to your sister for me, Cutie?" Vice asked and handed me the purple shirt.

I blushed at the little nickname and nodded before taking the shirt. I looked at the clock, said my goodbyes to Vince and walked to the office. I sat down with Violet, tossing the shirt over her head and we started up a conversation.

"So what were you and Vince talking about?" I asked.

"I asked him if he was worried what the world thought of him...since he was purple ya know? I just asked him little questions about himself and all that." She answered.

"Well...what's up with this shirt? He wanted me to give it to you."

"He said that I shouldn't be worried about what people thought about me. He told me that it would cute if the purple guy and the purple girl both wore purple and blah blah. It doesn't fit though. Too tight."

"Try it on for me. I wanna see what you mean."

Viola sighed and stood up.

"Keep an eye on the cameras and doors." She ordered.

I fake saluted.

"Yes sir!"

Shira unbuttoned her shirt and tossed it on the back of the chair and picked up the purple one. She wore a purple spaghetti strap croptop underneath so nothing was showing...well her stomach was. She slipped on the purple shirt and buttoned it up to the last button.

It fit her perfectly, what is all this talk about it not fitting?

"It fits perfectly." I giggled.

"But it makes my boobs look big." She muttered.

"No it doesn't. It's adorable. Keep it!" I squealed and hugged her.

She just sighed and sat down, leaving the purple work shirt on. She played with the buttons at the bottom and we went back to work, watching the animatronics.


"Hey cute stuff." Vince chuckled and ruffled my hair.

I had taken my hat off once the six a.m bell rung. I poked Vince in the stomach and smiled.

"Hey Vince. Where is Jeremy today?" I asked.

"Him and Mike are setting up some crap for a kids party in the dining room."

"Ah makes sense." I turned to see Viola sitting in the rolling chair ignoring us.

Maybe she doesn't like him in that way... I can never tell who she likes. She gets real giggly then next thing I know she seems bored. Last guy she had a crush on she pretended to hate his guts. Turns out he liked her too and she admitted it but he a car wreck...Two days later...yeah...nice love story right?

"Hey Vi...I see you're wearing the shirt. It fits you fine, what's with you and it not fitting?" Vince asked.

Vi? That's a personal nickname.

Viola looked up and smiled sweetly and waved.

"I thought it made my boobs look big but Haze said other wise. She convinced me to keep it." Viola looked back down to her phone and plugged in her earbuds.

She put a bud into her left ear and listened to music, lip syncing the song. I shook my head and was about to turn back to Vince when Viola spoke up again.

"Oh and Vinny?" She looked up.

Vinny???? That's a personal nickname!!!

"Hmm?" Vince hummed.

"Thanks for the shirt."

Viola giggled and stood up, pulling her cap off and putting her violet hair into a low pony tail. I looked back and Vince and he looked down at me. He was tall. Like really tall. Jeremy was like 5'5", Viola and I were like 5'6", Mike was 6'0" and Vince was at least two or three inches taller than Mike. Vince litterally towered over me. It was a little intimidating but extremely attractive. I've always like tall guys.

"Alright we better go. I'll see ya later Vince." I smiled.

"See ya shorties." Vince teased.

"Goodbye tall person...See ya later." Viola chuckled and grabbed her car keys from the desk.

We walked out and into the car. Our place was on the outskirts of town so it was a bit long of a drive to get home. We sat in silence for most of the drive until I got the urge to ask Viola something.

"Do you like Vince?" I asked.

"Well yeah...if I didn't I would be avoiding him. And besides, he's just like me." Viola smiled.

"No...I mean like. Do you like like him?"

"Like like? No. I like him but not like that." Her voice cracked and she swallowed thickly.

Hmm. Odd. I brushed it off and looked forward, awaiting our arrival to our house.



Hey guys! It's me, Author-Chan. I wanna know what you think.

Which ship is better?

Vinolet (Vincent x Violet)


Hinzent (Vincent x Hazel)

You guys vote.

First ship to have 17 votes wins!! is a twist.

Your choice on which ship is better will decide how this story ends. So choose wisely.

*Dark laughter*

Vincent: What's up with the laughter?

Author-Chan: I wanted to make it sound sinister...

Mike: Well ya failed.


*Bonnie tackles Mike and fight breaks out.*

Vincent: Hehe...sweet. *eats popcorn*

*Richard and Freddy pull Bonnie off Mike.*

Author-Chan: Thank you Bon-Bon! *hugs Bonnie*

Mike: Dafuq!? I though you hated eachother !?

Bonnie: We did. But we made up and started over. We friends now.

Mike: *flips Bonnie off*

Bonnie: *Drags Mike away*

Author-Chan: Well guys. Hope you like the story. Be sure to Vote...

Mangle: Comment!!

Chica: Follow

Freddy: And make sure you're ready for Freddy.

Foxy: *facehooks* Aye...Ye be a cheesey land lubber.

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