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Another average day at school, hearing everything, but listening to nothing. Everything was so loud, nothing was ever quiet anymore. Noise cancelling headphones were just there for detail now, they never helped anymore.

Back in first period, where I was yesterday. Like I am every other day, one of the ‘quietest’ classes, though that was just another lie. It’s never quiet in there, the whispers would always be like rock concerts, blaring into my ears. Though it was hard to pay attention to the teacher, considering all the noises were in my ears. I could hear the teacher just fine, but I wish they were quieter.

I could hear the answers to all the questions the teacher gave us, halfway across the room. That’s why I was passing every single class. Everyone always called me an eavesdropper, that I need to mind my own business. But it’s not my fault people can’t keep quiet. All I could do was cover my ears, and wait for the whispers to go away.

‘Group project’ The teacher assigned, so everyone could, and would talk freely, while I sat in silence, listening to everyone’s conversations. Barely any about the assignment. They all talked about different things.

‘Did you watch the game last night?’ One asked, (skip this part if you want ->)‘Can I hit your jewel really quick?’ Gross.(<-) (start here if you want to skip that part ->)‘I know right, she’s so weird.’ I hope that isn’t me they’re talking about.

Whispers. Talking. Noises.

Silence. Peace. Quiet.

Back at the doctors, sitting on the high chair, though I couldn’t hear him, I could only guess what he said by his lips.

‘You’ve gone deaf’

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