Chapter 10....

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(If anyone wants to recommend a song for this chapter Id love it! Thanks)

By the way this book is not based off of 50 Shades of Grey. I honestly haven't read the book, which I want to, but I have seen the movie. I don't mean for it to sound similar.

Happy Reading

Layla's POV

Thankfully Kacey wasn't home so I was able to relax for a little while before being interrogated about my date with Ashton. After leaning against the door forever I set my stuff down and plopped down on my couch. Everything that happened over our 'date' keeps running through my mind, putting a smile on my face. I sat there in my clothes just staring at the blank TV trying not to reach for my phone to see if Ashton has texted me. Stupid, I know but I couldn't seem to get rid of Ashton. Before I could check my phone again Kacey burst through the door.

"Tell me everything!" She demanded after she set her purse down on the table by the door and jumped on the couch next to me. Sighing I dove into the story telling Kacey everything from the moment we left, to the kiss, to when he dropped me back off. Kacey sat there in silence just staring at me.

"Whoa." Was all she said as she absorbed everything I had told her. "Sounds like a pretty awesome date. Who would have known that Ashton Miller would spend the day with you at an aquarium?"

"Geez thanks for that." I said my fingers playing with my new necklace.

"Your welcome. Anyways did you guys say when your going out again?"

"No he didn't say anything. He just said 'I'll see you later' and that was it." I tried hard not to sound to sad about that.

"Don't worry he will ask you out again. He has too." Was all she said before she got up. "What do you want for dinner?" I glanced at the clock above the TV and saw it was 6:00 already. Wow, I was out with Ashton all day.

"I don't care. Want to make something or order out?" I asked getting up and stretching.

"Order out. Chinese sound good to you?" Kacey yelled from in the kitchen.

"Yeah sounds good. Want me to order it?" Hearing a vague yes I grabbed my phone and dialled the Chinese restaurant from down the street. Kacey and I have ordered take-out from there so many times I have the number memorized by now. Shung Ho had the best Pad Tai and Orange Chicken ever. After I ordered our usual I went to my bedroom to change into my comfy sweats and big t-shirt.

I was the kind of girl that immediately after getting home would change into pjs or sweats. I don't see how people can just sit around in their regular clothes all day. I don't find it comfortable but of course that's just me. After I changed and went to wash my face I heard the doorbell ring. That was fast but with the place being practically next door it doesn't take long and the Chinese family that owns the restaurant knows Kacey and I. Before I could leave my room and go pay Kacey was already there thanking the guy while handing him the money. After she shut the door I walked out and towards her.

"Kacey I was going to pay tonight." I said.

"No it's fine Lay. I got it." Knowing she won't budge I just rolled my eyes and walked over to the couch pulling my hair up in the process. Kacey spread the containers on our coffee table and went to grab forks and napkins. I opened the 4 containers and almost started drooling. I didn't realize how hungry I was until seeing Pad Tai, Orange Chicken, Teriyaki Chicken and fried rice. As soon as Kacey came back with forks and napkins, I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to our favourite show Friends. 

We ate in silence while watching Friends not really talking. After eating all the food, we started cleaning up. 

"So...are you going to text him?" Kacey asked suddenly as we finished cleaning up.

"I don't know. Maybe tomorrow." I said wiping my hands. 

"Why tomorrow? Text him now." 

"No, I don't want to seem to eager." 

Silence wrapped itself around us. I turned to Kacey to see why she was silent and just as I turned I saw her lunge for my phone that was sitting on the couch. Just as quick as she went for it I was behind her. 

"Kay, no don't!" I yelled falling onto the couch a little bit away from Kacey. 

"No you need to talk to him!" She yelled back at me reaching for my phone that was just in front of her. 

"No I don't!" I reached for her and grabbed her ankle trying to stop her. As I pulled back her arm she reached out and snatched my phone. "Kay don't you dare!" 

"Its for your own good!" I gripped her leg tighter pulling her towards me. Just as I thought I stopped her from texting Ashton, I heard her yell "Yes! Its done!" I let her leg go and stared at her. 

"You did not just text him!" 

"Yes I did. And you are welcome." She said standing up and dropping my phone by me as she walked off. 

"Kacey!" I yelled after her but she didn't answer or turn around. Great, just great, I thought to myself. I stared down at my phone waiting for Ashton's text to come through. Staring down at it for 5 minutes I finally stood up. Wait, why am I waiting for his reply? Get a grip Layla, you don't have to wait around for him. Get up and do something and leave your phone alone! The voice inside my head told me.

Nodding my head at myself I left my phone on the couch and heading to find Kacey. Finding her in the kitchen leaning against the counter on her phone I sighed and walked over to her. Looking up from her phone she sent me a sheepish smile.

 "Your not really mad at me are you?" She asked giving me her puppy dog eyes. 

"No I'm not." I said shaking my head and leaning beside her against the counter.

"Okay good. I did it for you because I know you would never do it. I don't know how much I could have taken you checking your phone every 5 seconds." 

"I wasn't checking it every 5 seconds!" I defended myself even though I knew she was right. Ever since I got home I've been checking my phone to see if Ashton has texted me or if I have missed a call or text. 

"Yes you were. Lay, I just want you to be happy. You've never been happy. Or at least not since you moved away from your parents." She's right. The moment I was free from my parents was a day I will never forget. It was the day Kacey and I left for NYU and I never looked back. For most families going off to college is a sad, depressing thing, but for me I couldn't be happier leaving and not ever coming back.

"I know Kacey but I don't want start to think he likes me when he doesn't or even won't. I'm not going to let my heart get broken by some hot millionaire bachelor." 

"I see what you mean, and I won't let him hurt you or I will hurt him where the sun don't shine. But see where it goes before writing it off because you never know where it will lead you." I nodded knowing that she was right. 

"When did you get so smart?" I asked her. "I use to be the smart one." I jokingly said. 

"Whatever, I've always been smarter than you." She said rolling her eyes at me. 

"Nuh uh I've always been the smarty pants here." 

"Says the girl who just said 'smarty pants'."

"Yeah I'll have you know that word is in the dictionary." 

"And how do you know that? Do you just sit in your room and read the dictionary for fun?"

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Your lucky your my best friend and that I'm tired from tackling you on the couch." Hey don't judge me. I could work out if I wanted to...just after this slice of pizza. 

Kacey opened her mouth to reply back at me but the ringing of my phone interrupted her. We both looked at each other wide eyed silently asking if it was Ashton calling. A second later we both shot towards the living room. I wanted to get there before Kacey because knowing her, she would answer and tell him something I don't want her too. Kacey was ahead of me so I did the only thing that came to my mind, I pushed her... hard. As Kay flopped down onto the other side of the couch I jump at my phone and quickly answered it. 

"Hello." I answered breathlessly not having looked at the caller ID. 

"Hello, Layla? Are you okay?" Ashton asked through the phone. 

"What? Oh no I'm fine just doing some....exercising." I answered shooting a glare over at Kacey who was glaring right back at me for shoving her on the couch. I heard him chuckle through the phone. 

"Anyways I'm picking you up tomorrow around 9am so be ready." He said, well more like commanded. Just as I opened my mouth to say yes the stupid voice in the back of my head had to remind me I worked tomorrow morning. 

"Sorry I cant... I have to work at 7." I said trying to hide my sadness for not being able to go. For only being with the guy for one day, I was already missing his presence. 

"Just quit." Came his simple response. 

"Ashton I just cant quit. Its my only job." I shook my head even though he couldn't see me. 

"It's okay I will just find you another job. I don't want you working at that place anymore."

"No Ashton I can't. I worked hard to get my job there and I am fine staying. It is not a bad place to work." I defended. 

"Layla you wear booty shorts and a tight shirt. I don't want you there." He said his voice becoming hard. This man already thinks he can tell me what to do. I am not letting that happen. 

"It is fine." I said even though I knew he was right. It was weird wearing such revealing clothes at such a fancy restaurant and I didn't like showing my ass off to strangers but it is the only place I could get a job at that pays enough for my side of the rent. "Sorry Ashton but I can't go tomorrow... and I have to go to bed it's late. Thank you for a good day and goodnight." I quickly ended the call and set my phone down in my lap. Did I just hangup on Ashton Miller?! I'm in deep shit now. I thought.

"Layla what just happened?" Kacey's voice asked bringing me back out of my thoughts.

"I may have just hung up on Ashton." I said staring at my phone in my lap. 

"What was he asking that made you hang up on him?" She wondered. 

"He wanted to take me out tomorrow but I have work. So I told him I couldn't than he went on about how he doesn't want me working at the restaurant anymore and that I should quit." I turned towards her. "Kay I cant just quit my job. Its the only one I have and it pays the rent."

"Lay." Kacey said shaking her head. "He is right you know. That place is all the way across town, you have to wear a ridiculous outfit even though its considered 'fancy', and no one ever tips you. Maybe Ashton is right and you should quit and look for another job." 

The idea of quitting sounded appealing but I'm not that kind of person that just gives up. I hate my job yes, but I just cant quit when I have nothing else to fall on. Kacey must have read my face because she put her hand on my arm.

 "Just think about it okay. You don't have to make decision yet." I nodded at her and shot her a small smile. Knowing that the conversation had turned 180 Kacey broke our tense silence. "Now about you shoving me on the couch." She glared at me. 


Ashton's POV

Everything that had happened today was better than I had anticipated. I found myself enjoying Layla's company and loved talking to her. She wasn't like my other hook-ups. She was smart, quiet, reserved, shy, and funny. After I had dropped her off at her apartment I couldn't stop replaying kissing her. Her lips were so soft and warm. I would have kissed her forever but I had found myself pulling away from her. The way she looked up at me with hooded eyes and swollen lips almost made me claim her lips one more time but I knew if I did that I wouldn't stop until I had ravished her completely making her mine. 

Whoa. Where did those thoughts come from? I wondered to myself as my driver drove me home. I just met the girl but I can not stop thinking about making her mine. Shaking my head at my thoughts I tried to think of something else. The harder I tried to not think of Layla the more I did. There was something about her that was addicting to me. Maybe it was her stubbornness, or that look in her eyes that shown sadness and pain, or even the way she talked back at me like no one has done in a long time. 

Thanking Clark and sending him home for the night I walked into my penthouse suite making my way to my bedroom unbuttoning my shirt along the way. After changing into some more comfortable attire I walked towards my kitchen. Even though I am a millionaire I like to do my own cooking. When I bought this hotel/suite I made sure the kitchen was exactly how I wanted it. Most say its weird for a guy to like cooking but for me it reminds me of when my mom would ask me to help her cook dinner and teaching me everything she knew. Ever since I was 8 years old I have helped my mom cook meals and when I can, I make my own as well. Everyone has to have their favourite hobby, mine is cooking. 

Taking everything out that I needed to make myself a grilled cheese (yes I still make myself grill cheese when I don't want to cook something big for just myself) I waited for the pan to warm up. I got the bread out and buttered both sides lightly and got to cutting pieces of cheese. About 10 minutes later I had myself 2 grill cheese sandwiches. I walked to my office and sat down doing some stuff that needed to be done for tomorrow at work.

Just because I'm the CEO of my families business does not mean I don't do any work. Anything that goes on I know about it and am fixing it. My company, Miller Enterprises, was well known for having great workers, and great outcomes to whatever we do. The company was passed down to me by my father, John Miller, when he stepped down at the age of 55 due to health issues. My father built our company, plus all the others that have expanded over the country, from the bottom up. 

All through high school and college I knew I was expected to take over the company whenever my dad decides to step down but at the time I actually wanted to do something different. Like be a chef or a fireman instead of a business man but with all the pressure from my father and his partners. I graduated College with a business degree and immediately started working under my father getting trained to take over. Now 3 years later here I am doing just that. My sister got out of having to follow our father but instead had to follow our mother. 

My mother, Clare Miller, is one of the highest paid lawyers here in New York. She came from a small poor family and grew up on the outskirts of New York. After working hard all through High School my mom got a full ride scholarship to Harvard to become lawyer. Determined to make something of her life she worked hard and became a great attorney. My mother is not a workaholic though. Growing up she was there when we needed her and if she had to choose her children over work she would. Now at the age of 52 she is thinking of retiring and letting my sister take over her job. 

My sister, Ariel Miller, followed in my moms footsteps and worked hard all through high school and college and is now a pretty successful lawyer at the age of 23. She is the youngest to make partner at her firm where my mother also works from time to time. My sister is the best. She is one of my best friends. A best friend that is always annoying me, but I love her. 

Suddenly the ring of my phone jerked me out of my thoughts and work. Grabbing my phone I saw it was from Layla. 

To: Ashton

From: Layla

Hey. What are you up to?

I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my face. Layla is already missing me. I stared at the phone for a few minutes trying to decide what to text back. As I stared at the phone and idea popped into my head. I should take Layla out again tomorrow. But this time I'll take her to the zoo or something, maybe let her decide. Just the thought of seeing Layla again tomorrow made me grin wider. Wow I'm starting to act like a girl. I thought to myself. Shaking my head at myself I picked up my phone and called her. 

"Hello." Layla answered sounding breathless. What is she doing? I wondered. 

"Hello, Layla? Are you okay?" I asked. 

"What? Oh no I'm fine just doing some....exercising." She said her breathing turning back to normal. I chuckled and shook my head through the phone.

"Anyways Im picking you up tomorrow around 9am so be ready." 

"Sorry I cant... I have to work at 7." She said and I could hear regret and sadness in her voice. 

"Just quit." I said the first thing coming to mind. For some reason just the thought of her in those booty shorts and tight shirt made me clench my jaw. I could just imagine men's eyes on her body.

"Ashton I just cant quit. Its my only job."

"Its okay I will just find you another job. I cont want you working at that place anymore."

"No Ashton I can't. I worked hard to get my job there and I am fine staying. It is not a bad place to work." She said her voice firm. 

"Layla you wear booty shorts and a tight shirt. I don't want you there." I said getting irritated. I am not going to budge on this. 

"It is fine." There was a pause. "Sorry Ashton but I cant go tomorrow...and I have to go to bed its late. Thank you for a good day and goodnight." She said than hung up. I stared down at my phone with a raised eyebrow. Layla did not just hang up on me, but for some reason I wasn't mad at her, I was amused. 

Layla Kingston, you don't know what you got yourself into. When I want something I WILL get it. I thought to myself.


Hey everyone! Sorry I havent posted but been busy with family, christmas and stuff. Classes start again next week but I promise ill keep posting. And I finally got my own laptop so updates will be more regular :)

Thank you soooooo much for the 1,000 reads!! I know it really isnt that much but to me that is huge. You dont know how thankful and happy I was when I saw it. So I quickly wrote a new chapter for you guys :) I hope you like it, I added an Ashton's POV so you get to see into his thoughts and know more about his family. Im sorry it isnt the greatest chapter but I wanted to put something out for you guys. :) Hope you enjoy it! Let me know I am loving people commenting :)




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