Chapter 16...

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Song on side is I'm A Mess by Ed Sheeran (He is literally one of my favorite singers!) Thought it fit pretty good and its a great song :)


Dinner with Ashton turned out to be a lot of fun, making me forget about him being rude to me. The Mexican restaurant we were at was semi fancy and people stared at us almost wondering why we were so dressed up.

"You've never been to a concert?" Ashton asked looking at me like I was from outer space. I shook my head and took a sip of the margarita Ashton practically made me order.

"I never had time or the money to go." I said shrugging. My parents never let me do anything beside go to school and work. It was a miracle if I could go hangout with Kacey once in a while. I only worked because my parents forced me to and than when I got my paychecks they would take it. And of course the money I worked for only went for alcohol and food for them, not me.

"Wow." Was all Ashton said.

"What concerts have you been to?" I asked turning the topic away from me.

"I've been to ACDC, Counting Crows, U2, Sting, and a few others." (I made him go to concerts with older bands because All Time Low, or Taylor Swift wouldn't be around than. Plus can you see Ashton going to them?)

I stared at him than shook my head.


"I just...I just can't see you going to a concert. Your so formal and business like." I said hoping I wouldn't offend him.

"Ill have you know I was a big partier in College and High School." He said almost proudly.

"Sure you were." I said and rolled my eyes.

The rest of the night we talked and relaxed. I learned that Ashton had a sister and that she was about my age. I learned what his mom did and that his dad stepped down from CEO only a year ago. When Ashton asked me about my family I just vaguely answered. My parents were or I guess are not dead beats. They do have good jobs. My father is an electric engineer, and my mother is a manager at a fancy restaurant in my hometown. How can two well known people in my hometown abuse their child I have no idea. From the outside no one knew what my home life was like and my parents made sure to keep it that way. I was threatened multiple times if I told anyone they would made me suffer more than I ever have. They made sure that when they hit me it wouldn't be see or could be covered up buy a long sleeve shirt or makeup.

I think Ashton started to pick up that I didn't want to talk to my parents because only after a few questions he switched the subject, and for that I was grateful. Kacey was the only person to know, even though she didn't know all of it, and I wanted to keep it that way.

Around 6 o'clock Ashton drove me home seeing I was tired as I yawned every 5 minutes. Walking me to my door he said a quick goodnight and kissed my forehead once again. As he walked away I had to hold myself back from running after him and kissing him. I wanted to fill his soft and warm lips against mine again but for some reason Ashton wouldn't. Sighing I twisted open my door and walked in.

"Your home." Kacey's voice said out of nowhere making me almost scream. It was almost like one of those scary movies. Kacey sat on the couch, crossed legged, and staring at me almost creepily. I could tell she had been waiting for me to come home and she had on her interrogation face on. Her blue eyes were narrowed and her eyebrows drawn in. I gulped waiting for all her questions to start flying at me. I didn't have to wait to long before her mouth was moving a hundred miles per hour. I only caught a few of her questions, making me stand there staring at her confused. She finally took a deep breath.

"So what happened, and don't you dare leave anything out." I slipped off my high heels and dropped my bag on the table, than I took a seat on the couch. Before I even sat down I was telling Kacey everything from the moment I left the apartment yesterday morning to when I just walked through the door. For the first time she sat there quietly listening to me and not making comments in-between. When I got to the part where Ashton was rude to me and than nice by taking me to dinner I got confused.

"Kay I don't know what to do. One second he is super sweet and caring, than the next his rude, curt and doesn't care if he hurts me." I said almost whining. "He seems almost bipolar."

"Layla you keep forgetting that work Ashton is different than nice Ashton. Do you think he would be where he is right now by being nice? Things probably would have been a lot easier if you had met business Ashton before nice Ashton. You have to realize that at work he is going to be different to you even though you are is PA." Kacey said.

"I know its just hard. When I see him at work and his is hot suits I just want to jump him." I admitted embarrassedly.

"You know you can't date him now right?"

"What?" I asked even though I knew what she meant.

"You know what I'm talking about. Do you want people to start thinking the only reason you got the job was because you slept with him? Now that you are his PA you can't have him." Her words hurt but were true. I couldn't have anything to do with him romantically. "I am sorry Lay." She said when she saw the look on my face.

"No its fine." I said shaking my head. "I don't like him Kay. I mean I can't deny that is he isn't attractive but I don't like him like that." I lied although I didn't sound convincing at all. Even though I have only known Ashton for a week I already felt something for him. Kacey just stared at me giving me a look.

"Layla I don't want you to get your hopes up. You have to remember that Ashton is a womanizer as well. I just don't want you to get hurt."

The rest of the night Kacey's words kept running through my mind. He's a womanizer. What if he is just using me? That I am just his flavor of the week? Later that night as I sat in bed researching the company on my laptop, I thought of Ashton. I didn't want to be just a fling or his flavor of the week. I wanted something more but I knew that it couldn't happen, and I work for him now. Finally around 10 o'clock I forced myself to stop thinking of him and to sleep. Unfortunately that was impossible and I went to sleep with his face imprinted in my head.


Ashton POV

After dropping Layla off at home I drove home with a small smile on my face and her in my thoughts. Ever since I met her I can't escape her. Everywhere I went and everything I did I see her in my head. After parking my 911 Carrera Porsche in my garage, I walked inside.

"Dude why are you smiling?" A familiar voice asked as I passed by my living room. I stopped and turned to see Nick sitting on my couch.

"Why are you aren't you in your house?" I shot at him but my tone wasn't as rude as I wanted it to.

"You know I love your couch." He said getting up. I just rolled my eyes at him. Having known Nick since we were teens I was use to him and his weirdness. "What's got you smiling?"

"Well...its my new PA. Its the girl from the bar the other night." I told him loosening my tie.

"The one with the cute dark hair girl I danced with?"

"Yeah her friend. Her name is Layla. I hired her to be my new assistant."

"So she's the one occupying your time lately and who was in your thoughts at lunch today." I nodded. At lunch my thoughts were stuck on her and I couldn't seem to concentrate on anything and ended our meeting early wanting to get back to the office.

"Man she has you wrapped around her finger doesn't she." Nick said smirking at me. "Never would have thought I'd see the day Ashton Miller was hooked on a girl."

"Wait? I am not wrapped around her finger. Ashton Miller doesn't get hooked on a girl either. They get hooked on me."

"Than why are you smiling and thinking about her twenty-four seven?" I glared at him. I am not that guy who lusts after woman, its the opposite. Something about what he said though stuck in my head. Maybe I was getting hooked on her. That thought alone was worse than anything I could think of. No way was I going to let that happen to me. From now on I needed to stay away from Layla. I would not let my business and reputation get ruined over some girl. With that thought I made it my goal to ignore Layla and go back to things before I met her. Ever since I met her things have changed and they needed to get back to normal.

"Get out of my apartment." I growled at Nick and went back the way I came. I was going to get Layla out of my head.


I woke up the next morning to a hand running across my chest. I opened my eyes and stared at a pretty blonde stroking my head. I briefly remember meeting her last night at a bar but wasn't to sure. I think her name was Emily.

"Good morning." The girl purred as she saw I was awake. I glanced around and was relieved to see we were in one of my guest bedrooms. I don't ever sleep with someone in my own bed. We either go to one of my guest bedrooms, her apartment, or even do it at the bar in the bathroom. Seeing the sun was up and shining through the blinds I knew I was late for work. I got up and started walking out the bedroom door ignoring the girl protesting behind me.

"Wait? Where are you going?" She asked as she trailed behind me only covered in a sheet. I turned around and looked at her. It didn't bother me that I stood naked in front of her. I could see her breasts through the sheet and almost wanted to take her back to the guest bedroom but I stopped myself.

"Make sure you don't take anything on your way out. You know where the door is." I said and with that I walked away from her. I felt her eyes on my back as I left her standing there but I ignored that. I'm not going to lie but when I woke up for a split second I though Layla was the one next to me. I guess going out and hooking up with a random girl I still couldn't get my mind off of her.

I went to a bar last night hoping I couldn't find someone to get my mind off of her but the entire night I kept comparing woman to Layla. The more I did it the more I got mad and soon I had lost count of how many drinks I had and I only remember grabbing some girl and taking her back here. I heard my front door slam shut as I walked through my bedroom door. I just shrugged as I made my way to my shower. I could care less if that girl was pissed at me. It wasn't like I asked her to my girlfriend, plus I don't plan on seeing her ever again. She should be happy right now I gave her the best sex she will probably ever have.

I washed my body throughly in the shower, getting the smell of sex off of me, before stepping out. I saw on the clock it was 8 o'clock. Seeing as I was already late and that I was the boss I took my time getting dressed. After putting on a grey suit I went downstairs grabbing my keys and phone that I had thankfully remembered to put by the door last night. As I locked the door behind me and made my way to my car I thought about last night. I could feel myself getting mad that I cheated on Layla but I stopped it before it could get worse. I didn't cheat on her. We aren't even together. I told myself. That thought did little to make me feel better.

As I drove to the office I was shocked at what I was feeling. I am Ashton Miller I don't get feelings over a girl, and I sure as hell don't feel bad about 'cheating' on them. I have to start keeping my distance from Layla. She was making me feel things that I shouldn't. It would be hard since she now works for me but I had to do it. With a plan inside my head I got out of my car. I head to keep away from her and break whatever it is we have before its to late, even if that means I have to hurt to do so.

Layla's POV

When I got to work the next morning I was surprised to see Ashton wasn't already there. I even asked Judy where he was but she didn't know either. Sending him a quick text from my work phone I headed to my office to start on my work. I had been up late into the night researching and studying up on everything I could about the company. If someone came up and asked me who were our biggest competitors, and who were our biggest beneficiaries I could tell you. I was really impressed with myself honestly. Who could have learned all that in just a few long hours?

I spent the next few hours setting up meetings for Ashton, talking to supervisors, and finishing the filling cabinet. Walking out of my office I stared down at my phone making sure I hadn't missed a call or text from Ashton. I was starting to worry about him since I haven't heard from him since he dropped me off last night around 6. Sighing I closed my phone and headed to the elevator. I had paperwork I needed to be signed and looked over by marketing. I wasn't entirely sure where to go but I figured it couldn't be that hard to find. As I silently rode the elevator down I remembered Neena said Marketing was on either the 25th floor. Seeing that the elevator was stopping on the 25th I got out along with a few other people. I figured since I had to get these paper signed by the supervisor I should head to the back where that person would have their office. Hopefully the floor was the same layout as mine or I was going in the wrong direction. After almost getting lost twice I came to a stop in front of what looked to be a receptionist.

"Uh hi." I said awkwardly to the lady. She looked to be in her mid thirties and had a cute shoulder like cut to her hair. When she looked up at me a pair of deep green eyes stared back at me.

"Hello. What can I do you for?" She asked politely.

"I'm here for Mrs. Johnson. I have some papers that need her approval and signature."

"She just to met with someone but I can give them to you for her if you would like." I know it was bad but I felt relieved that she was gone. I wanted to get back upstairs and see if Ashton had come in yet, and I didn't want to talk to the lady forever as well. I know I'm rude but I just didn't have it in me today.

"Yes thank you so much. Just tell her that they don't need to be handed back until Friday. And when she is finished have her call my number." I said sending the lady a smile. I didn't know if Mrs. Johnson would have my number so I made sure to add it onto the topic with a sticky note. Thanking the lady once again I headed back upstairs.

I said hi to a few people as I made my way back to Ashton office and I was relieved to see Ashton standing next to Judy's desk. I picked up my pace, hard to do in my heels, and quickly came to a stop beside him.

"Ash- Mr. Miller you are here." I said fixing myself. I tried not to check him out which was very hard to do. He was wearing a nice grey suit that somehow made his bright blue eyes pop even more. His brown hair was styled in his sexy curly but slicked back way. I could feel my stomach erupt into butterflies just looking at him. Stupid feelings!

"Ms.Kingston." He said to me but kept his eyes away from my face. 'What did I miss?"

"Nothing. I just got back from giving those papers you asked me to give to Mrs. Johnson in marketing. I confirmed your 12 o'clock meeting with Mr. Holland. And I have a few things for you to look over before I can type up those reports to send to London; I sat them down on your desk earlier." I rattled off the things I had done and needed to do. See I did do my research! I stood there feeling proud for it only come crashing down.

"I need you to go pick up my dry cleaning, make sure my maid has come to my house and cleaned up and that she had stocked the fridge up, and I need you to book me a reservations at Servantino's tomorrow night at 7 o'clock." Ashton said to me. He was back to being cold when talking to me. I swallowed what I wanted to say to him when I remembered what Kacey had said. This was business Ashton, he will treat me like every other employee.

"I uh what?" I stuttered out confused. He wanted me to run errands for him?

"Did I stutter?" He finally turned to me and glared at me, his voice as hard as a rock. I took a small step back from him. Seeing him glaring at me made me scared.

"I uh I n-no." I shook my head my eyes wide.

"Good. I want it done and I expect you to be here at noon for my meeting to take notes. I need everything set up in the conference room, that includes all the inquires of Mr. Holland's account, everything that has been used with his money, and a reason as to why he should stay with us." I stood there staring at him confused. He has never talked to me this way before. From the corner of my eye I even saw Judy staring at him wide eyed.

"Sir that's only 2 hours away from now!" It was a little after 10 and he expected me to get that all done in two hours and still be at that meeting?!

"Is that a problem? You are my PA not some other employee, I expect 110% on this job. Just because I knew you before I hired you does not mean I will give you special treatment." He hissed at me. "If you can not follow my orders than expect to be put out on the street. I do not care that it is two hours away from now. I want it done and it will be done. If you can not do that than don't bother coming back at all." He leered down at me. With one last venom look he stalked into his office.

I stared after him feeling tears pooling in my eyes. Never have I seen someone look at me with such venom besides my father. I bit the inside of my cheek hard, tasting blood. Taking in a shaky breath, and swallowing my tears I headed to do what I was told. I was going to do everything Ashton told me to do in time and than shove it in his face.


Woah what just happened?!?!?! You get to see a bad side to Ashton in this chapter. And your welcome for finally putting an Ashton POV in. Sorry for the sudden ending but I wanted the next chapter to be separate because some BIG things are about to happen!!! AHHHHHHHH

I made this chapter pretty long in honor of getting to 11k reads in just 4 days!!!!!!!!!!! WOW. Thank you guys so very very much! I love opening up Wattpad and seeing how people are reading and liking a story I wrote. Pwetty Plwease keep it up! (Sorry for using baby talk but I had to) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

My next update will be soon but the next few chapters after the Chapter 17 may be a little slow. I have a big midterm in my Astronomy class coming up and I need to study hard for it, but I promise something will be uploaded even if it is really short!

VOTE, COMMENT, READ, and GO FOLLOW ME! (Will follow back (: )

Also I should have done this a few chapters ago but....what should Ashton and Layla's ship name be?!?!? Taking suggestions! Please comment what you think it should be!



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