new year's special .*+

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(not related to the storyline btw, just a fun lil chapter to celebrate 2021)

You shivered and blew on your hands to warm them. Your breath came out white and cooled before it hit your hands, which made you shiver even more.

Ah, why didn't you wear warmer clothes? You looked super cute when you stood in front of the mirror, but you were regretting it now.

You tried to recall what was going through your head when you were choosing your clothes. Was it because you wanted to look pretty for the new year? Or because you wanted to show off all this cool new clothing?

Ha. Yeah, right. Who would you show it off to, anyway? All your friends were on the other side of the world, and your boyfriend was busy. With what, you weren't completely sure.

Sigh. You tried to be supportive and understanding, you really did. You knew he had a busy schedule, with his job and all, and you knew you couldn't expect him to give up everything for you.

But you couldn't help but feel lonely as you stood here by yourself on New Year's Eve.

Twenty-seven seconds until the ball started descending, and eighty-seven until it was officially 20XX, according to the clock on one of the screens.

A performer was up there doing their thing, but you couldn't really listen. Yeah, you could hear them, but listening was impossible. The painful tugging at your heart was way too distracting. The huge, screaming crowd wasn't helping, either.

God. You've never been surrounded by so many people, yet felt so lonely at the same time.


The sound of crashing cymbals shook you out of whatever you were in, and loud ticking signaled the start of the ball descent. The buzz of the crowd grew louder.

One of the screens changed from an ad to show the number of seconds until 20XX, which was at 57.

Then 56. 55.

Your heartbeat sped faster and faster with every passing tick.

But it was for the wrong reason.

You weren't excited for the new year. Not at all.

In fact, you were dreading it.

47, 46.

Every moment that passed was a moment that you were alone. You were going to go into 20XX alone.

And that thought was absolutely horrifying.

35, 34.

You watched the seconds pass, chest tightening as the ball dropped lower and lower, helpless, unable to stop what was inevitable.

23, 22.

It felt more like the ticking of a bomb than anything to celebrate.

You felt sick.


No... no, you couldn't do this. You couldn't enjoy this moment without him.

Or enjoy it at all, really, with what's going on inside your head at the moment.


You turned away from the brightly lit spectacle, trying to blink back the tears blurring your vision.

You wanting to run. Anywhere, really, just... far, far away from here and the ball and your overwhelming feelings.

And then you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders.


"Y/N! Ha, you didn't think I would really leave you alone for the countdown, hm?"

You blinked, and turned around.


"Jungkook! How... I... I..."

"Hang on, why are your eyes red? Wait, have you been crying?"



"No, no, don't! We can't have you going into the year with tear-stained cheeks." He took your face in his hands and swiped a droplet with his thumb.

You sniffed and smiled.


"Alright, there's that über-cheesy thing for New Year's that people cringe at but I want to do anyway."

"W-what is it?"


He flashed you his signature bunny grin.



And you went into 20XX in the arms of the love of your life, lips on his, surrounded by lights and the cool confetti thing falling all around.

Damn, was that cheesy, but, honestly... you couldn't be happier.

happy 2021 luvs 💜

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