Chapter 2

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Also, don't forget that you're an asshole.

On Wednesday, I walk back into work to find that nothing has changed.

Not that I had expected it to during my three week absence, but my boss looks like he hasn't even moved from his position behind the bar counter since I left. His hair is still tied up in that bun thing he does to keep it out of his face and he's staring at his phone as though waiting to receive a message. Which he probably is. He's constantly receiving calls or texts, mostly from his girlfriend, occasionally to do with work.

Chase has got his shit together more than anyone that I know. Hell, he owns this place and he's the same age as me. All I own is a car that I have to share with my little brother. Even that is questionable, as Aiden definitely uses it more than I do.

"Devon." Chase looks up as I close the double glass doors at the entrance and a grin stretches across his face. "Good to see you back."

"It's good to be back." I tug off my black hoodie and drape it over my arm, revealing my Tall-Oaks trademark shirt. It's a relatively new addition to my wardrobe as Chase had decided to 'rebrand' and get a new logo designed for the bar. I didn't mind the old one, but I have to admit this one, which features the words Tall-Oaks in a circle surrounded by trees, is a hell of a lot better.

The smile slips off Chase's lips as he takes in the heavy bags under my eyes. His face goes serious for a moment, an expression I am unused to seeing on him. Placing his phone down on the counter, he gives me his full attention. "How is your dad doing?"

I try to ignore the cold fist that seems to have tightened its grip around my heart. It's harder than I would have imagined to swallow the lump in my throat and answer in a steady voice. "A bit better. Thank you again for letting me have the time off to take care of him."

"No problem, I've already thought of a way you can pay me back."

Here goes. I guessed this was coming and had been dreading it. I'm going to have to clean the toilets, or scrape gum off the bottoms of the tables, or something equally shitty.

Worth it though.

"I need you to run the bar tonight," Chase says, taking me by surprise with the simple request. "I want to take my girl somewhere special."

Ah, Diana. He hasn't been able to stop talking about her since I started working here. She had actually been dating someone else at the time and Chase complained long and hard about the fact that the guy was an asshole and she should be with him instead. I can clearly remember how excited he was the day she finally came in here and gave him a chance.

I'm glad he got her in the end. No girl deserves to be with a guy who would treat her the way Diana's ex-boyfriend apparently did. And from what I can tell, Chase is already pretty smitten and would do anything for her.

"Sure thing, boss."

"And please stop calling me boss, it makes me feel old." He unties his hair and shakes it out, running his fingers through it and turning around to check his reflection in the mirror behind the bar. "It's Chase, Dev."

"Sure thing bo-," I manage to stop myself just in time. "I mean, Chase."

"You know, I would like to think we are friends now right?" Satisfied with his appearance, he turns back to face me. He clasps his hands in front of him and leans against the bar, searching my face as though looking for the answer there.

Unsure of where he's going with this, I just nod slightly. I've never really pictured him as my 'friend'. To me he's just the guy who provides my pay check. He's nicer than most employers, but it's not like I've spent any time with him outside of work.

"So if you need someone to talk to, or even any help, you can come to me," he finishes off with a big smile on his face. "I mean it, Dev."

His kind offer catches me off guard; I'm not usually the type of person to talk about my problems. In fact, I try to avoid it. Sometimes, the emotions can be a little overwhelming. So I just shrug it off by saying, "you just want me to run the bar every night so you can be with your girlfriend."

He throws his head back and laughs; a great booming sound that echoes through the empty bar. "See you tomorrow, then?" He gives me a thumbs up and exits from behind the counter, clapping a hand to my shoulder as he does so. "I'm glad your dad's on the mend."

"Thanks." I attempt a smile but it feels incredibly forced. "Have fun tonight."

"Don't burn the place down
while I'm gone." He winks at me before grabbing his bike helmet. Stepping outside with a final wave, he pulls it on and turns to the left, leaving me to start setting up for the night ahead.

By the time I get home from work, after making sure everything was clean and locked up, it's already three in the morning. I'm exhausted from being on my feet all night. Even though it's a Wednesday, the bar was pretty busy.

And, thankfully, still standing by the time I left.

The hours are long, but I can't complain. Chase is a cool boss. There aren't many employers who would hire a college dropout with no previous experience. Or let one of their employees take three weeks off of work to care for their dad.

Speaking of.

I poke my head into his room but he's sound asleep, looking more peaceful in slumber than he does when he's awake. It hurts to see him like this, and knowing there's nothing I can do about it. His life is just one long series of medication and treatments, taking him from being a father to being a patient.

Which, I know he hates.

But staring at him there, looking cosy and warm under his blanket, I am reminded yet again why leaving college was worth it. And why working long hours is necessary. He's barely recovered from his surgery and the bills are stacking up, but he's here. For me, that's the most important thing in the world.

He shifts slightly in his sleep and I take a quick step back, not wanting to wake him. He has chemotherapy again tomorrow, which means this will be the last night of decent sleep he will have for a few days, and the last thing I want to do is disturb him.

Instead, I sneak further up the hall to peak into Aiden's room. He's also fast asleep; his covers are thrown off the bed, his body is sprawled out. His computer is still on, playing an endless loop of some game menu, casting a faint light across his face.

Trying not to think of our electricity bill, I nudge the door open further to turn it off, sending the room into complete darkness.

"How was work?" His sleepy voice behind me makes me jump and I knock over a book from the edge of his desk. It falls to the floor with a soft thud, the sound muffled by the carpet on Aiden's floor.

"Served people some drinks, got a few girls numbers. The usual." I wink, although I know he can't see me in the blackness of the room. It's the same response I used to give him before I took the time off and I hear a soft chuckle coming from under his duvet.

"Yeah, right."

"It's true. Being a bartender has its perks."

"Whatever," he mumbles over the sound of rustling sheets. "Get out of my room, I'm trying to sleep," he orders, but I can tell by his voice that he's smiling.

I creep back towards the door, guided by the small sliver of light peaking in from the hallway. For a moment, I debate having a shower. Someone spilled their beer on me earlier and it doesn't smell too great. But in all honesty, I am too exhausted. So I head into my room, collapsing on my bed fully clothed, and pass out almost immediately.

"Don't forget, dad's got chemo at two thirty," I tell Aiden, raising my voice so he can hear me over the hissing of the oil that I'm currently frying eggs in. I turn to look at our fridge where all his appointments are scheduled, making sure I have the time right.

"Got it." Aiden doesn't even look up at me, he's so engrossed in staring down at his phone. All I can see if the stubble of his shaved head. I must remember to borrow the electric razor from my friend, Reid, again. Aiden's dark brown hair is growing out fast.

"My shift starts at two," I remind him. "So, I will be home late again tonight."

"Got it."

"He will probably feel a bit woozy afterwards, so make sure you have orange juice with you, because that's usually the only thing he can keep down." I take another sip of my coffee. I'm already on my third but I can tell that's not going to be enough today.

"Got it."

"Also," I add, hoping to get a reaction from him. "Don't forget that you're an asshole."

"Got-, hey!" his tone finally changes and he looks up at me indignantly. Took him long enough.

"Just checking that you were listening, squirt." I butter two pieces of toast and place the fried eggs on top of them before handing the plate to him.

"Well, you always say the same shit," he grumbles, grabbing salt and pepper and covering his food with them. "I know how to take care of dad, you know. I've been doing it for a while."

He's right, but I think reminding him makes me feel better too. It always worries me when I can't be there with them. "Eat up quick or you're going to be late for school," I command, before turning back towards the stove and cracking two more eggs into the sizzling oil.

"Yes, sir. When did you become such a pain in my ass?"

"I've always been a pain in your ass; you're only noticing it now."

"Whatever," this seems to be his new favourite word. I can't say I'm overly fond of it.

I never should have worried about him being late. He basically inhales his food, before wiping his mouth and standing up, leaving a trail of crumbs on the table. "See you later."

I watch him out the kitchen window as he throws his backpack in the car and jumps into the driver's seat. He checks his rear view mirror before taking off down the road, the tires squealing slightly against the gravel. It's only after he's left that I realise I forgot to give him a letter to explain why he's leaving early, so I make a mental note to call the school just now and let them know.

It's another thing to add to my already long to-do list, right under topping up dad's prescription. Checking the time and deciding I can have one more coffee before I start my day, I wipe off the table where Aiden messed, chucking the crumbs into the bin. I grab a clean plate and my eggs, then sit down and munch my breakfast, preparing for another long day on only four hours of sleep.

There's not enough coffee in the world for this.

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