Chapter 7

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When I do remember, it feels like a bird has just taken a shit on my head.

"Hey, Ma." I cradle the phone between my ear and my shoulder, attempting to type and speak at the same time. It doesn't work as well as I'd hoped and I resign myself to returning emails after this very important phone call.

"Hi sweetie, we have some exciting news!" her voice crackles slightly, and I wonder which country she is currently in. She did send me their itinerary, but I haven't had a look at it in a while.

"Oh yeah?" I smile; pretty sure I already know what she's going to say. I've been waiting for this call ever since she left four weeks ago.

My mum and I have always been really close. My father and brother were involved in a car accident when I was a year old, leaving her widowed and heartbroken. I can't honestly say I remember much about them, but I know she does and it still hurts her, even now, twenty four years later.

She had raised me as a single parent and done a damn fine job of it. So what if I didn't get to go to a nice school like Hailee or even Diana? Instead going to one that had much lower school fees. So what if I didn't get to go to University? I still managed to get a low paying job and work my way up to where I am now, even without the fancy degree.

There were times when we struggled just to stay afloat, and others when we managed to have a bit extra. I worked through school holidays and on weekends, and she went through patches where she had to work two jobs, but none of that ever mattered to us.

I had my mum and it was always her and I against the world.

When Will first came onto the scene a couple of years ago, I resented him for coming between us. I had never really had to share my mum with anyone before and the whole experience was new to me. Now, of course, I am so grateful that he came in and swept her off her feet. She had been alone for so long and it was so good to see her happy again.

Although, I admit to being jealous that he was currently taking her on a trip around the world. How does my mum snag a wealthy bachelor? And where can I get one?

You don't want one. You want Devon.

"Will and I are engaged!" she squeals down the phone line.

I had known this was coming. Will and I had a chat before they left and he sat me down and asked for my permission to propose to my mum. It was very sweet and thoughtful of him, a true testament to his character. I will never forget the day he pitched up at my apartment in a suit and tie, nervous as all hell and stammering his way through his request. It doesn't make the news any less exciting though, I've been waiting to celebrate this moment with my mum ever since they left.

"Congratulations, mum. I'm so happy for you!" I have to fight the urge to start bouncing up and down like a toddler on Christmas day. A wide smile stretches across my face, almost reaching my ears.

"Will you plan the wedding?" Will's voice takes over as my mum starts sobbing loudly in the background.

"Honestly, Will, I would be offended if you asked anyone else," I tease.

"We were thinking something small and elegant," he explains. Though, knowing my mum the way I do, I would have guessed as much. Ideas are already starting to fly through my head as I contemplate which colour scheme would best suit my mum's ivory complexion. "Just a few close friends and family. You can bring a date if you want? Is there a special someone we should know about?"


Normally, I would talk to my mum for hours about him, dissecting every detail from his smile, to the way he took care of me. She's always the first person I go to in times like this and I want to know if maybe I'm reading too much into the whole Devon situation. I barely even know him and yet I can't stop thinking about him. My mum would know what to say, but this is their moment and I want them to focus on that. Besides, she's too busy crying with joy right now.

"Nope," I answer, though deep down I know that's not true. "No one special!"

"He's out there kid, I know it," Will reassures me. Even though I can't see him, I can picture him smiling. I wish I could be there with them for this special moment, but I'm also glad that I'm not. They should be able to celebrate, just the two of them, in whatever magical place they are currently in. "See you soon!"

"See you soon, Will."

I hang up the phone, basically radiating happiness. Will has completely changed my mum's life and I just know he is going to be an amazing husband to her. It's the best news I've heard in a long time and I can't help the smile that seems glued to my face.

In fact I am so ecstatic, that I briefly forget I am about to go into a meeting with Bridezilla herself.

When I do remember, it feels like a bird has just taken a shit on my head.

Oh crap.

"It feels like no one pays attention to what I am saying!" Madeline screams at me. It takes all my will power to calmly meet her furious gaze from across my desk.

It's hard not to pay attention when the whole neighbourhood can hear you.

"I said I want to have the wedding at the Upton Hotel!" she continues, her cheeks turning scarlet. Small specks of spittle fly from her mouth as she shouts, landing on my in tray, and I make a mental note to sanitize my whole desk the second she leaves.

"I understand that Miss Barnes," I explain calmly, though it's more difficult than I could have imagined to keep my voice steady. "But, unfortunately I have already called the Upton and their function room is not available on your date. If you were to consider changing the date-,"

"Are you on drugs!?" her voice is so high pitched I am pretty sure only dogs can hear her.

Never, but I might have to reconsider if I am going to continue dealing with you.

Unfortunately, I'm still at work. But, she's so painful, I'm even considering a Chase Special to soothe my nerves. "Miss Barnes, I have looked into similar locations and I believe I may have found a compromise-,"

"There is no compromising!" she spits. "This is my wedding, you useless cow!"

Deep breaths Alexa.

A client has never called me names before. It's not so much the 'cow' part that offends me, but the mention of the word 'useless'. I may not be good at holding my liquor and keeping my bodily fluids to myself, but if there is one thing I know, it's that I'm damn good at my job.

"Sweetheart," Jason, the groom, thankfully cuts in, seconds before I reach over and strangle his bride with my bare hands. "We need to keep our options open. After all, you are the one who decided to change the venue halfway through planning."

"Mary-Anne had her wedding at the Upton!" she argues, as though Mary-Anne is the yardstick to which all brides should aspire to.

"Miss Mitchell." Jason calmly turns to me and I can't help but admire his composure at a time like this. "Is there any other suggestions you may have?"

Yes, don't marry this ogre.

"Yes Mr Hart, I have two other options for your perusal. One is the Perrington, which is just as upscale as the Upton." I open the pictures on my laptop to show them, taken from the hotel's website. "It has a beautifully landscaped garden, which would be perfect for the ceremony. Their function room is exquisite, and I have already checked, it can hold your numbers."

He nods thoughtfully while his bride to be seethes silently beside him. "And the other one?"

I open more photographs to show the second venue I looked up for them. . "Lisbet Castle. Also gorgeous, outdoor ceremony site, and a beautiful function room. The only problem with this one is that it is a forty-minute drive. However, it is definitely a venue fit for a princess."

Or a queen bitch, like the woman you're marrying.

"Right darling, take your pick between the two," Jason says to a very sulky Madeline.

She huffs loudly, crossing her arms over her chest and pointedly looking away before answering, "The first one is pretty."

I honestly thought that women like her only existed in the movies. I do my best not to judge, and I'm sure she has her reasons behind her behaviour. But damn, she's hard work.

"That's settled then," Jason decides, and not for the first time I wonder what this kind man is doing with someone like Madeline. Though, maybe Madeline is nice when she's not planning her wedding. Who knows? "Miss Mitchell, please can you book it for us?"

I nod quickly, glad that this matter at least has been resolved, and steeling myself for the next issue that the future Mrs Hart throws my way. "Of course Mr Hart."

As I am walking them out of my office, I catch Kerry's eye through her open door. She mouths at me to come see her, inclining her head quickly. I follow the soon to be Mr and Mrs Hart to the elevator, waiting until they are inside and the door is closed, before I turn to walk back to Kerry's office, muttering curse words under my breath as I do so.

Kerry is probably the coolest boss anyone has ever had, and I am extremely grateful for her. I've heard people complain long and hard about their bosses, but I've been lucky with mine. Yes, she has scolded me for my mistakes, but she uses them more as a lesson than a chance to berate me. As I enter her office, she pours me a cup of coffee and gestures to the chair across from her.

"So planning the Hart wedding is going well then?" she smirks, the walls are quite thin so she probably heard all the screaming that was coming from Madeline.

"The bride wanted the Upton at six months' notice," I complain, eager for the chance to have a good old fashioned moan with someone who understands difficult brides.

"Yeah I heard that." She sits down and leans back in her chair. The smile on her face tells me she's grateful that I'm the one dealing with Madeline instead of her. "Is she insane? That place is booked up for years!"

"She is a walking nightmare, Kerry." I take a long sip of my coffee, desperately wishing it was laced with something stronger. "I have never dealt with a bride as difficult as her. Hell I have never dealt with anyone as difficult as her."

"I've dealt with a few in my time." She smiles, clearly reminiscing over her many years in this line of business. "They're not easy, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I have complete and utter faith in you, Alexa."

"Thanks, Kerry." I breathe out a deep sigh, resigning myself to the rest of the work I need to get through, including booking Bridezilla's venue.

It's been a hell of a long week and it's only Wednesday.

I need wine in my system to deal with this.

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