His popularity

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As Deadlox walked through the hallways of Ender high whispers began. he was really used to the constant murmers that ran through the halls as he walked by. After all he was one of the most popular guys in school along with his Friend Seto, and Brice. They were the top pack and he was the alpha. Though his reputation began when he set fire to the pool, it may seem impossible four new comers of the school but he tested the limits of everything and he did make it possible. He's been known for being a bad Apple nothing much but trouble,would be what teachers say. However if you just based him off of his grades you would think other wise. though he did keep his reputation about being a 'bad boy' he kept his grades up as high as he could He wanted to be someone who would make a difference in his blocky world. Once at his locker he gave his lock a few pulls before it finally pry open. Grabbing his hoodie and putting away his books. the school had ended not to long ago so he only toon what ever he needed in his black string backpack.

"hey Deadlox you know we have a new student coming tomorrow" He heard his Friend Seto say behind him.

"a girl or boy?" Deadlox asked as he looked through his locker once more making sure he didn't forget anything.

"a boy I didn't get much other that he is coming from Nether high" Seto said as he closed his locker behind him and heading towards the doors.

"hey guys wait up" Brice said racing to catch up with his friends.

All three lived in the same neighborhood so it was always walking with then and catching up on their day. As they kept talking about their day and the new kid that was going to come tomorrow they bumped into a few girls from school. From the looks of it they did it on purpose.

"hey guys me and Alice here are having a party would you like to come" a girl with purple hair asked she was a natural beauty they would say, the only thing unnatural was moat likely her hair and eyes, purple hair and pink eyes her name was Megan and surely enough she wanted to invite the guys.

Seto lightly budged Deadlox' arm and gave him a smile saying that Megan was trying to invite him. Deadlox did want to go but being a responsible teen he has some issues with that he can't miss studying there will be a test soon and if he doesn't study he would fail. "sorry Meg but I can't however these guys can I need to get home" Deadlox said rubbing the back of his head as if he really was sorry which he was.

"alright it's ok if they want to come it's cool, the party starts in an hour I hope I see you there" she said as she began to walk away smiling at the fact that he had used a nickname.

"bro again? I mean I know studying is important.i mean I get it to but even you need a break from being the popular here" Brice said when he saw Deadlox begin to go home.

Deadlox turn around to look at his friends and shrugged his popularity had nothing to do with the fact that he misses out on things. that is his decision to kee, he knew what Seto meant after all he also studies a lot but he takes breaks that's different with Deadlox.

"naw guys if you want to go then go ahead I'm not really in the mood today I had a long school day and on Friday we have a test so I rather not risk it" he said to his friends.

"suit yourself bud" Brice said as him and Seto went to get ready.

"huh I don't got time for that" Deadlox said as he walked home. He knew he passed up something but he didn't have time for that. All he needed was to get on track love,parties,and other stuff just gets in the way. He did have his fun once and a while but today really wasn't the day. he sighted as he entered his silent house. "well time to read I guess"

what do you think?
I know I know it's sucky but I tried really. And if you die like it hit that vote button (OMG I'll never sat that again)

-Freak out

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