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~months later~
~Deadlox p.o.v~
months went by and this rivalry was still going on. it never really got better it was always fighting and more fighting. and in that time my mom was pregnant again today counted her last week of pregnancy. I couldn't wait but I felt sad for them. as usual my mom would just have a kid and go off somewhere not taking care of them and I will. It happened to me.

"Mr. Enderlox are you paying attention" my teacher said I looked around to see everyone staring at me. Sky giving me a ' ha you idiot' look.

"sorry no I been thinking a lot" I said and whispers began.

'probably about me'

ugh no I wasn't thinking about girls. "well then maybe you should go to the principal's office" she said

"and maybe you should shut your dick sucking mouth" I said back I really was in a tempered mood. many oooh and haha were covering the room. yet again I strike. I could see her angered expression. and I only gave her a wink with a smirk before I left the class to go to my administrator's office. As I entered he just kept working. he knee what I do and just gave up. it's sad yet funny.

"lox? do you by any chance have problems at home" he asked snapping me out of my thoughts

"what do you mean? I live alone at home"I said and he wrote something on the piece of paper.

"alright I will have you move to a classmates house" he said

"what??? but I like my house you can't do that" I said slamming my fists on the counter.

"what if they move in with you, your house is pretty big I will just have someone help the other bring in their stuff to your house" he said with a smile

"...uh...fine" I said sitting back down.

"alright your roommate will be Adam sky brine"

I know I do these longer but meh sorry

-Freak out

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