|Chapter 14|Caught|

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(Avery Taro ^^^)

"Alright, someone in the scout regiment or an outsider has sent out false signals that almost jeopardized the mission. We counted 126 people dead altogether." Erwin announced as soon as everyone was seated.

"So has anyone seen anyone who looked out of place, or suspicious in any way?" Asked Levi in a bored tone. Everyone looked at each other, shaking heads and muttering idea's. That's when it hit me.

"I think I saw someone. Wait— I definitely saw someone, I didn't realize it then with everything going on, but his name was Avery Taro." I said.


The other scouts looked at me and Levi quickly ordered the list of names to be given to him. One of the cadets quickly passed him the papers and he quickly shuffled through them. He glanced up at me for a split second and looked back down."She's right, no one by the name Avery Taro here." He said. I looked down at my knees."I'm so sorry, I was so distracted with all the injured and the people coming in—""It's alright, it's not your fault. Just describe him to us." Levi cut me off mid sentence. I sighed and looked back up at his steely grey eyes."He was tall, I would say around 5'9. He had reddish maroon hair with a small earring. His eyes were a darker brown color and he was wearing the scout uniform. Oh, and he looked around 20 years old." I explained, trying to give them as much detail as possible.

Levi nodded and snapped his fingers. One of the cadets quickly got the catch and wrote down everything I currently said."So, we keep an eye out for this boy, if or when you see him, don't attack right away. We need to find out why and how he was able to do this. Try and become close with him, if possible." Erwin ordered. Everyone else nodded in agreement, and then got up to leave the meeting room. I walked out and felt someone grab my wrist.

I was swiftly brought around the corner and was pressed against the wall. I laughed and looked into the captains eyes."Surprise?" He questioned. I shook my head and he frowned in disappointment."Well then, good night (Y/N)." He whispered, closing in on the small space between us. I closed my eyes and smiled, preparing for his warm lips to meet mine. But, when I felt nothing, I opened my eyes and saw him walking away.

"Levi! Your such a tease!" I called after him, following him back to the main area. He smirked at me right before we split off in opposite directions. I sat back down next to Sasha and Connie feeling glad to finally be able to sleep. Both of them were already unconscious and looked pretty peaceful after what happened today. And I wasn't to far from joining them.


I woke up pretty early the next morning. There was barley any other people awake and the sun was slowly starting to seep in through the windows. I yawned and carefully got up, trying not to wake the others. I put my stuff together and left it where I would return to. I was tempted to find Levi, but decided to go outside and check on the time based off the sun. I walked outside and breathed in the fresh, warm morning air. It was quiet and the sun was still a bit low in the sky.

"It's about 7 o'clock now." I heard someone say from behind me. I jumped up and saw the familiar maroon haired boy from last night. I immediately thought back to Erwin's order and put a friendly smile on my face."Hey, your the guy from last night. Avery, right?" I said warmly. He nodded and returned the smile."Yes, and if I'm correct, you must be Miss (Y/N) (L/N)?" He grinned. I laughed and nodded back.

"Whatcha doing up so early?" He asked me. I shrugged and pulled some hair behind my ear."Not sure, just checking the time and all. What about you?" I asked, hoping to gain some helpful information. He shrugged."Same as you I guess." He laughed, weaving his hand through his hair. I nodded and smiled awkwardly."Your a very pretty girl." He chuckled, glancing sideways quickly. I blushed nervously."Are you with someone?" He asked intently, his chocolate colored eyes looking into my (E/C) ones."I mean, I don't know. It's complicated." I lied. I was in a relationship, just not in a public one. Avery nodded and turned back to face the gate. There was a bit of an awkward silence before he spoke up again."Well, I'll see you around (Y/N)." He smiled and tapped my shoulder before retreating back into the castle. I nodded and waited a moment before following him.

My initial intention was to follow him, but I decided against it when I thought about what I should say to the captain. 'I'll go and report what I saw, and then we might have a better chance of catching him!' I thought. I quickly looked around to make sure no one was watching. When I was satisfied, I quickly ran down the hallway and towards the captains room. I knocked a couple times and he opened up.

"Morning." He yawned and opened the door wide enough for me to pass through. I walked inside and he closed the door behind me."I found the—." My sentence was cut off when I felt his lips meet mine. I smiled and dragged the kiss on for a couple more seconds before pulling away."I saw the guy." I said. Levi looked hurt for a moment before my words sunk in."I had a conversation with him, seemed pretty nice. Then he walked back into the building and I came straight here." I explained. Levi nodded and thought for a moment. I looked at him in anticipation.

"Let's go." Was all he said before grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of the room. I quickly followed and noticed that he wasn't being careful towards who was watching."Levi." I said warily looking around to see if anyone had seen us. He realized what he was doing and released my wrist. But I continued to follow after him and towards where I last saw the boy.

I saw Avery out of the corner of my eye and stopped to greet him. Levi didn't notice and continued onwards."What's got the captain in such a hustle?"He laughed. I shrugged."This is what he's normally like." I responded laughing along."Why were you following him?" He asked this time. I came up with a quick answer."He likes to have a Cadet around to do what he wants. I was 'lucky' enough to be passing by while he was looking for someone." I laughed. Avery chuckled and looked back at me."Will he be mad that your not there now?" He said. I shook my head."There are plenty of others just lying around." I responded, making sure my answers matched and I didn't give him any hints about anything. Avery nodded and smiled."Your friends looking for you." He pointed behind me and I turned to see Eren waving in my direction. When I turned back, Avery was gone.

'How does he keep doing that?' I thought while walking over to Eren.

Word Count: 1252

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