Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


"You've got something really special here, Bray," Stella was saying, leaning over the kitchen counter where I was busy chopping vegetables into small pieces- vegetables that had been getting wrinkly at the bottom of the fridge.

Beside Stella was her DSLR camera that went with her everywhere, capturing pinnacle moments on her extensive travels that she documented and published to her social media accounts. I had seen her snapping away today and yesterday during and after the yoga retreat, as well as during the short hike this morning. It was part of Stella's gig as a freelance travel writer- her sole source of income came from her readership and selling a place to would-be tourists through captivating pictures and writings.

"I mean, look at some of these photos," Stella went on, flicking through the digital screen of her camera. "A lot of people would be interested when they see this."

I watched as Bray walked into the kitchen and set the empty wine glass she had been nursing on the counter close to where I was working. Her brows raised slightly as she studied her friend. "When?"

Stella glanced up at her. "Duh. I'm going to post some of these to my account and write a bit about the retreat you've got going on here," she explained with an easy smile. Then it faltered slightly and her gaze flickered nervously to the camera. "Uh... that is unless you don't want me to."

"You should let Stella post for you," I told Bray, slicing a sorry-looking carrot into small bits. "It'll be good for you. You'd get more clients in, at least."

Bray gave me a curious look that made every part of me tingle with awareness. Wearing little else other than a pair of loose-fitting silken tiny shorts and a top that hugged her torso so tightly every delectable inch of her was on display... It made me want to push her up against the nearest surface and rip everything off her. I avoided looking at her because if I did, my boner would poke somebody's eye out.

"That would actually be amazing, Stels," Bray said at length when her attention returned to the other woman. She had her hair in a neat ponytail, her hair curling with an artless grace at the nape of her neck with each subtle movement she made. "I'd love it if the retreats could generate enough income to tide me over and more. That would be a dream, really."

I envisioned Bray in her element out here in the mountains, surrounded by her animals and all this nature, and I wanted that for her, too. Except I wanted it to be her own place and her own retreat or incentive. Currently, the partnership with the older couple across the valley was all good and well, but I truly thought Bray had the ability to pull it off on her own.

She only needed to believe that she could, too.

"Consider it done," Stella said happily, switching off her camera and placing it in the bag she had slung over the back of a chair. "You'll have a glowing review by the time our holiday is over. Do you have any business links? Website, digital business cards, social media..."

A flutter of panic traversed across Bray's face. It amused me how adverse to technology she was. Luckily, she had me to sort it out for her. "I'll set up a few things and send you the links," I told Stels. "Just give me until the end of the week to sort out some of the graphics, and it'll be done."

"Aw, aren't you a lamb," Stella cooed. She turned to Bray with a beaming grin and jabbed a thumb at me. "He's a sweetheart for us girls. Dom sorted out my website and graphics, too. They are really great, by the way. I'd never have been able to do it myself."

"Should have charged you more," I drawled. Dumping the carrots into a large bowl, I began shredding some wilted lettuce next.

"You would never." Stella waved me off with a flick of her wrist. Killian came up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him so that he could drop kisses to her neck.

"What would Dom never do?" he murmured into her hair. "Think in complete sentences?"

"Har har." I threw a piece of lettuce at him. It sailed over the counter and landed on the floor beside the happy couple, and Bray went to collect it.

Bending over at just the right angle to give me a torturous view of her shapely ass in those shorts.


"Isn't it past your bedtime, old man?" I directed at Killian. "I'm sure that schedule of yours tacked to the wall in Bray's room said you needed to be in bed by 10pm on weekends."

"It's on his phone, actually," Stella provided gleefully. "And he has added one more hour to his weekend bedtime schedule."

"Thanks for ratting me out, darling," Killian muttered dryly into her ear.

She spun in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Aw, don't fret. Everyone knows you're a stickler for a well-organised schedule."

"Interpreted as a big pain in the ass," I added.

"You can't tell me you don't organise your life and work," Killian said. "Don't make me out to be the weirdo when the lot of you live in chaos."

"I like to think of it as organised chaos," Bray remarked with a soft smile.

"Heathens, all of you."

"Come on, bubs," Stella said, disentangling herself from him and beginning to lead him away from the kitchen towards their bedroom. "Grumpy Killian is making an appearance because it actually is past your bedtime."

He grumbled something unintelligible, but followed her regardless, and then they were ensconced within Bray's room after a quick goodnight thrown in our direction.

My attention became fully diverted to the few vegetables left before me as Bray and I were left alone. After our conversation earlier, we hadn't really explored things further. Killian and Stella's presence served as a sizable distraction in that regard and other than a few coy looks and quick, deliberate touches, we hadn't done anything else.

The tension was there though, present between us with a knowingness that set my teeth on edge.

I wanted her... bad.

And I think Bray wanted me just as badly, too.

I was ready to explore whatever this was between us, whatever had been simmering under false pretences for the last decade- ignored and pushed aside like the desired dessert on a person's strict diet.

She shifted closer in my peripherals, leaning against the side of the counter as she dropped the piece of lettuce she had picked up into the bowl with the other vegetables. "What are you doing?" she asked, resting her elbows on the counter and leaning forward. Her breasts globed pleasingly above the low neckline over her little top, her nipples taut and outlined by the sheer fabric. Christ, did she have to not wear a bra? My brain practically melted at the sight of her.

"Why are you cutting up veggies?" she clarified, eyeing the bowl full of random produce. "You can't tell me you're still hungry after the huge dinner we had."

"I'm a big guy, Bray." Scraping the last of the vegetables into the bowl, I set aside the chopping board and knife and proceeded to rub my belly for emphasis. "Takes a lot to fuel this machine of blubber and muscle."

"I'd believe you but I know you'd never willingly eat vegetables that didn't accompany a side of dead animal," she pointed out, amused.

"Hey," I protested. Collecting the bowl, I brushed past her- deliberately close so that I felt her curves slide against my body. "You've shown me that it is possible to eat only veggies for a meal and I haven't complained about it."


Barefoot, I padded through the lounge towards the patio door and slid it open, stepping outside into the cool evening air. Crickets chirped incessantly from the grass as I moved towards the edge of the bricked veranda, to the bushes and shrubs where Geraldine and her posse would inevitably gather in anticipation for their nightly snacks. I dumped the veggie scraps into the grass and sure enough, the grunting squeaks of the porcupines soon followed. I had to admit that they were kind of cute, even if they did keep setting off the perimeter alarms.

Turning back to the house, I spotted Bray in the doorway, her silhouette outlined by the line inside the house. There was a strange expression on her face.


"You..." She stepped off the low step and stalled, her arms at her sides. "That's so sweet, Dom."

Before I could react, Bray closed the distance between us, wrapped her arms around my neck, and nearly climbed my body.

I dropped the bowl because fuck that thing, and hoisted her into my arms, her thighs clamping around my waist, and then, sweet God, she was devouring my mouth. 


Author's Note:

Hello lovelies!

Just to update everybody that my writing is in a bit of turmoil of late due to some drastic life changes. Less than two weeks ago I accepted a new job in the UK, so that means the next month or two are going to be chaotic as I wrap things up here and prepare for a huge move. 

I've spent 9 years of my life building something where I am and to condense all of that into a couple of suitcases while simultaneously coordinating heaps of paperwork... well, I tend to spiral a bit because I am so not a chill person when it comes to this type of stuff. 

So my headspace is a wreck, but I am aiming to still push out as much of this story as possible when and while I can. 

Anyway, that's what has been going on with me, hence the delayed update- I am sorry, I know it stalls momentum, especially now as things heat up between B & D.  I won't give up though and get those updates to you as soon as I can! 

So that's me, a bundle of anxiety and nerves atm- send help. 

Thanks for your support and patience, it is so appreciated and much needed!

Ash x

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