A Fresh Start

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Leon yawned and he slowly blinked as he got his eyes adjusted to the sunlight that was shining through the crack of the white curtains. The little one rubbed his eyes before leaning up and looking around the room. It was fairly simple. White curtains, white bed sheets, white painted wall, with cream colored night stands one on each side that had two lamps, and one lone long cream dresser across from the bed. Leon got down and he made the bed the best he could and opened up the curtains. Leon did love the natural sunlight. Leon turned around and he looked at the dresser, he walked over it and on top of the dresser was a white long sleeve shirt, light washed blue jean overalls, white socks, and some red converse. Leon looked over the clothes and realized he could fit them so he put them on, and went about brushing his teeth and washing his face. Once he did that he came out of the bathroom and closed the door. He could hear music playing from down stairs, it was a song he had never heard before; the song was M’ama o non M’ama . Leon slowly tiptoed down the stairs. Leon first saw the living room which was decorated with white couches, blue curtains, white area rug, a black chandelier, a flat screen tv mount above a fireplace, and a dark oak coffee table. And when he looked forward he saw an arched entryway and he walked forward as it led him to the kitchen. The kitchen was decorated with red and white with marble counter tops and an open pantry. And there were two glass double doors that led to a huge backyard. Leon saw a camera on the counter and out of curiosity like most children he picked it up and started going through the photos. It was of different things; nature. Like waterfalls, butterflies, and flowers. But there were also more personal photos; photos of Gina and Luciano, them kissing, on trips, and there was one of Luciano kissing Gina’s small baby bump stomach.

“Good morning Leon.” Luciano spoke up.

Leon jumped and turned around. When he saw Luciano the camera dropped from his hand but Luciano caught it, saving it from getting damaged. Leon froze up and pulled back. “...I- I’m… s-sorry… I didn’t-”

Luciano knew he was really tall and he figured maybe him hovering over Leon the way he was made him a bit scared. Luciano kneeled down and smiled. “It’s okay, you’re a kid. You were just curious right?”

Leon nodded slowly. 

“Curiosity has all gotten the best of us at times.” He said as he sat the camera back on the counter.

Leon looked down and his eyes looked sad.

“What’s wrong?”

“...Y-your hand… I… you’re the officer I bit… I’m sorry…”

Luciano looked surprised. “No need to apologize. It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it. Are you hungry?”

Leon nodded softly.

Luciano stood up and he decided to make Leon some pancakes because what kid doesn’t like pancakes? Well…. Luciano tried. He looked at the plate defeated as all the pancakes were burnt to hell. Gina just then came back from grocery shopping and getting a few things for Leon. 

“What the hell is that smell?” She said coming into the kitchen.

Leon perked up at hearing her voice. He ran from the chair he was sitting on and ran right into Gina’s arms and Gina quickly wrapped her arms around him and she gently ruffled his hair. Gina leaned down kissing his forehead.

“Well good morning sweet boy.”

Leon looked up at her and shyly blushed. “...g-good morning…”

Gina smiled down at him and Leon stayed glued to her a bit longer. Gina looked over at the counter and she saw all the burnt pancakes. “Ah that’s the smell. Honey, I don’t know why you tried to make pancakes. You know you’re not the best cook.”

Luciano whined. “Leon was hungry and kids need a healthy diet!”

Gina laughed. “They do, which is exactly why I will not feed him these burnt pancakes.” She said tossing them and she started over freshing, showing both of them how to make proper pancakes. Once the breakfast was done they sat down and ate together as a family for the first time, and once they finished Luciano helped Gina clean up.

Gina smiled at Leon. “Leon baby, why don’t you go outside and explore a bit?”

Leon looked at her sheepishly. “...really? That’s okay…?”

Gina dried her hands. “Of course it’s okay, you see that window?” She pointed and he nodded.

“Just stay where I can see you.”

Leon nodded and went outside to for once play like a normal kid. There were already quite a few kids outside. Leon had never gotten to play with other kids before.


Leon turned around and she rushed out with a box of chalk.

“You can use this to draw on the sidewalk.”

Leon nodded and took it from her and Gina went back inside to do a bit of cleaning. Leon sat on the sidewalk and opened the box and he started drawing a field of flowers. He was drawing for about 10 minutes when another kid approached him with blonde hair, he was known as Jack in the neighborhood.

“Are you drawing flowers?” The slightly older kid laughed. “What a faggot.”

Leon ignored him and continued to draw.

“What are you deaf and mute?! Don’t you hear me talking to ya?!”

Leon ignoring him pissed him off more and that’s when he kicked Leon dead in the face. Leon whimpered as his nose started to bleed. Jack would be damned if he was embarrassed in front of his friends by what he considered and in his own words a retard.

Leon was trying to stop the blood from running out of his nose and that’s when Jack went to hit him again but a boy around the same age as Jack grabbed his wrist and shoved Jack back hard.

“Piss off! Pick on someone your own size.”

Jack got up angry and stood directly in the other person’s face.

“Walk away. We both know you won’t hit me like you did him.” He said staring directly into his eyes. Jack tsked and walked off annoyed. The other kid turned around and kneeled down.

“Let me see.” He said.

Leon pulled back.

“Cmon, don’t be stubborn. Let me see.” He said again more gently, and he gently pulled Leon’s hands away. He lifted his face up by his chin.

“He got you good.” The other kid said and he pulled out some tissues he had in his pocket. He always had bad allergies so he kept a pack of the to go ones. He took the tissue and gently started wiping Leon’s nose.

“Why didn’t you hit him back?”

“...because it only makes it worse.” He said simply.

The teen sighed. “Never let anyone pick on you. No matter how scared you may be.”

The teen cleaned it as best as he could. “You live with the Kennedy’s?”

He nodded. So the teen took his hand and helped him up and walked him to the front door. He knocked twice.

“Ms. Gina? It’s me!” He yelled. She was very familiar with him because he’d come by and do little tasks around the house in exchange for allowance. Like he often mowed their grass. It helped them out especially when Luciano worked long hours which was always. She opened the door. 

“Hey- oh my god! Leon, what happened to your face?!” Leon was surprised by her immediate concern and she kneeled down looking him over.

“Jack Krauser kicked him in the face. That’s why his nose is bleeding.”

Gina looked annoyed. “That little shit. I’m going to talk to his mother as soon as I get him cleaned up.” She looked at Leon. “Are you okay baby? Does that hurt?”

“A-a little…” Leon said as Gina cupped his cheek.

Gina stood up. “Thank you Chris for bringing Leon to the door and taking care of him.”

Chris smiled. “Don’t mention it, you’ve cleaned up quite a few of Claire’s injuries and mine. Nice meeting you, remember what I said huh?” He said ruffling Leon’s hair. “Ciao Leon~” Chris winked at him before waving bye and going back to watching Claire.

Leon blushed as he touched the top of his head where Chris's hand was moments ago.

To Be Continued…

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