The One Where She feels devastated

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The One Where She Feels Devastated


Sometimes when you want the ground to open up and swallow you hard and never spit you out again is what exactly I'm feeling right now.
My mum has just made a major announcement about her split with my father. My parents are getting a divorce. Divorce means a lot to me where two people are beyond fed up with each other and if they spend a single second together, they might end up killing each other.

It's a drastic shock for me. I never imagined it in my wildest dreams. It contains a lot of hatred. I thought my parents had zeal in between them.
The intensity,love,lust and understanding between them is finished. Done. Over.

I'm going through a lot of pain. They both are marrying their fiancé which are unknown to me. I often saw them fight but never thought it would lead to a divorce. Man! I have an amazing life! Ugh!

It looks like I'm moving from my beloved country to another one. I surely won't live with any of my parents. Last night they made it clear that they don't want me bothering them anymore.


"Stella, you are fully aware about our divorce and we want to tell you something more important," my mother Jane said in her dauntless voice making me wanna hide in a dark hole.

It was obvious I have to live with my brother in Seattle as they won't keep me with them.

"I know it, mum. Please, just spare me from this drama which you and father have created," I replied in an irritated voice.

My dad glanced at me sending a warning look towards me to behave or else I'll be slapped by him.

"Okay, get ready to move out and before it, we have another announcement to make," my father said which made me more alert about the news.

"After four unsuccessful effort,we have finally found a perfect school for you. It's one of the most prestigious school in Seattle and you are expected to move out by tomorrow morning," my father said in a authoritative tone , after a few seconds of silence he stood and walked out from our meeting room.

My mother walked towards and patted my shoulder. I looked up at her and she smiled unsure what to do. I hugged her by her waist like I used to do and she hugged me back.

We were a loving family but everything turned upside down. Tears welled up in my eyes and my mother caressed my back. What happened to us?

This wasn't suppose to happen. Why me? Why me?

Yesterday night was the most awful night of my life. I was sitting on the edge of my bed admiring my room. Ahh! I spent my entire childhood in here and even experienced my first kiss in this very room.

Why is it happening to me? I was taken aback from my thoughts by knock on my door.

"Come in," I yelled from inside. The door opened showing my nanny, Elba.

"Miss, the car is waiting," she said in a pitiful tone and avoiding any kind of eye contact with me. "Yeah, I'm coming," I replied.

She nodded and left. It looks like I really have to cope up with my loss and live with my brother in Seattle. I'll miss London and my previous life too.


My mother drove me to the airport in early morning of London. This is my every last day to admire the beauty of my city but, it's not like I'm never gonna visit again.

"Stella, I know how you feel at this very moment but, baby, it's for your betterment," she said with her eyes on the road.

"My betterment?," I said in a disbelieving voice. How can she utter a sentence like that?

"Yeah,you'll understand it someday, darling," she said with a hint of guilt evident in her voice.

"Oh mom, please don't start with this pathetic act.I don't like it," I raised my hand in air gesticulating her to end her act.

To my surprise she didn't increased it nor glanced at my direction, just kept driving.

The moment we reached the airport I quickly got out of the car, but was stopped by my mother before taking out my luggage. "I know you hate me right nnow, butI'm doing this for you. Just remember one thing, I'm doing this for you. I don't want you to end up like your father and Ime We love you and I hope you find a better guy for yourself," she said and a sob escaped her throat.

"Mom, what's the point? You abasically shoveme away from you. Before last night, I was daddy's princess and now daddy can't even look me in the eye. I hope I never find anyone in my life because I don't want to end up like neither should my children suffer like me," I said while wiping faint tears from my eyes.

Now she was sobbing uncontrollably. I took my luggage and made my way to the airport and didn't turned back to see my mother crying. It was the most difficult situation of my lifetime.

I wiped more faint tears from eyes. I don't want anymore pain in life. I hope Seattle will love me.
Halfway walking to the airport it started snowing. I looked up and embraced the falling snow. By grace through faith.

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