CH 1: Hell's a do over

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me = bold, italics,  and underline
HM= he talks like a broken demon of your nightmares basically so if he talks thru his mouth think of that . Mind is underline bold  mouth is italic, and bold. He sounds normal when he mind talks if you ask 
Mb= italics
Dark= bold
Others= underline

???'s prov
I woke up screaming again I hated myself having phobias and fears. I got scared because I thought of pain sure im a person who likes pain but the thought of it or dream of it scares me. I'm fragile im death im hell my father named me after something im afraid of. Im Hell maker but call me HM I think its better than 666 my brother war calls me that. *poke* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"  I was having a panic attack my brother touched me if you don't know i have aphasia but im forced to talk by my parents "WAR STOP TOUCHING YOUR BROTHER" if I keep this up I might get Phonophobia, also called ligyrophobia or sonophobia, is a fear of or aversion to loud sounds. A type of specific phobia. It can also mean a fear of voices, or a fear of one's own voice. It is a very rare phobia which is often the symptom of hyperacusis. Sonophobia can refer to the hypersensitivity of a patient to sound and can be part of the diagnosis of a migraine. Occasionally it is called acousticophobia. I know this because I keep track of them I fear everything. This might be strange that the author might not have told you but I have and I mean the truth have all the disorders that medical professionals know and don't know of. Even so I can't heal from it its permanently there im forced to eat sleep even kill but death is something that other people misunderstand they say that
Life is the beautiful truth Death is an ugly, horrible lie. Its not
Life is an beautiful lie Death is an amazing gift the truth of our existence. I felt a hand "DONT TOUCH ME" "HELL MAKER DONT YELL AT ME" I forced myself to stand up it felt like lava that disagrated my bones my skin flowing upwards to my head it was my father Shadow Hunter AKA The Hitchhikers' Killer, The Zodiac Killer, The Human Dracula, Jack the Ripper aka Whitechapel Murder, exct. He lived for decades still active whom ever is a killer a creepy pasta or something else its either my dad or his gang. "im sorry sir Blood hunter" "speak thru your mouth" I didn't want to maids, servants, butlers were everywhere but I needed to I don't want to back to that room "im sorry sir" "hmm" he was waiting for the rest of the sentence "s-sir Blood hunter" I wasn't allowed to call him dad or father not even a simple sir I was his son but to him a servant no a scum a nothing my own mother never cared. She just wants me to get passed down the new ruler for the assassin creed empire. She wants her ancestors to be happy. Thare more like uncles to me thare nice when you get to meet them. Right now im keeping Ezio and Altair from fighting in the closet mom wanted to keep them so revival magic word the bad part is im in alot of trouble in 5... 4.... 3....2....1 " after school go to wait in front of 'the room' or be in more trouble got that" "yes sir Blood hunter". Then I walked out side and bolted down the volcano or mountain thru the forest and stared at the trees ( image above ) thare curved as always. And ran to my bus stop al the way in  2062 AU street 666 Alternate curve it was 666,666 km w we away from home but im not out of breath because I could run to the end of the universe and back without getting tired im always early but 666 follows me like a shadow that haunts you for ever it creeps me out but its my special numder. Im the 666 child. Now that im at the bus stop my head pounds a question that im familiar with comes back
"What will happen to me at school" it gave me a heart attack. Now I wonder what will happen?

See you next chapter
Author out♡♥♡♥♡

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