CH 2: The darkness swallows you whole Prt 1

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me = bold, italics, and underline
HM= he talks like a broken demon of your nightmares basically so if he talks thru his mouth think of that . Mind is bold and underline. Mouth is italic, and bold. He sounds normal when he thinks his speech if you ask
Mb= italics
Dark= bold
Others= underline

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I ran not because I'm scared its because what happened this morning.
Flash back...... I really don't like this
I was peaceful and sleeping until. *Splash* "W-WHAT IN THE HELL!!!!!"
"finally awake" I questioned thare looks it was time for school I had no weapons that time. So they unlocked the steel type straitjacket and mouth mask made of a heated leather. "Hurry up or you'll miss
the bus" "what time is it" "6:15" oh no I'm at least 13 minutes late but im luck my bus comes at...... 6:17!!!!! They were on daylight savings. I rushed out of the asylum they know why and their not chasing me of course. I went straight for the bus stop. I knew I was late HM wasn't thare hes always early.
End flash back.. I hated every word of it I hate time
I had everything I needed in a red satchel(picture above) a couple of books a binder and art supplies sometimes I get bored of art and decide to bring yarn and knitting needles and crochet hooks. Then when I got thare I hit me on the face its 6:30 I missed my bus I yelled to my self AND MY PROBATION also my luck I was soaking wet it was raining. I mentally slapped my self and saw one of my teachers Professor/Mr. Guard's (picture below not colored yet) house . I was hoping for this to work. I knocked on his door "U-Um M-Mr. Guard!" I heard stepping of his steel toe gold and silver boots. Then he opens the door "Dark!!!"
He looked shocked and worried about me "C-come in" one I came in I was dripping on the floor. He was gone for a while I thought he was calling the cops but instead he came back with towels. "You pour thing come next to the heater you must be cold! Oh mon venir sur votre trempé!(Oh my come on your soaking wet!!)" I tried to make out what he said because sprize sprize hes the schools only French, Japanese, Spanish, teacher. Hes also Home.Ec too he was my 3-5th period teacher he's the only teacher that takes us to life threatening places he cool to be exact. I started to explore the house and found some stuff like a sword sheath in the living room no sword tho. After that he called the school and started to talk in all three mentioned languages readers out thare note that I can talk and understand all the languages listed. " B-bonjour je suis ici pour parler de l'absence de Darks. (French: h-hello i'm here to talk about Darks absence.) est là (French: he's here)..... Watashi wa doa no mae de kare o mitsuketanode, nurete itanode, watashi wa kare o kansō sa sete, watashi wa kare ga byōkide wanai koto o kakunin shimasu (Japanese: I found him outside in front of my door soaking wet so I decided to let him dry off and i'll make sure he's not ill )..... Sí, lo llevaré a la escuela ( Spanish: Yes I'll drive him to school)....... Sí, una vez que compruebo ( Spanish: yes once I check).... gracias ( Spanish: thank you)". He hanged up after a while he checked if I was dry and if I had a fever. "M-mr. Gua-ard" "oh dark call me shadow out of school grounds". "O-ok Mr.- i mean shadow whare are we going" "My car of course." He opened the garage door and I saw a red and black lambrogi my jaw hit the floor "THATS YOUR CAR!!!!!!" "Of course im not a completely cheap." We went to school and saw people staring at us. I was hearing people saying I blackmailed him I would never do that I just looked at the ground I felt tears forming burning my eyes it's been so long 13 years to be exactly. When I heard running I looked up. It was her


The Shadow Guard pic( drawn by me plz note I made a chapter on what he really looks like in my Ask and Dare book. He is originally a skeleton)

And the lambrogni ( I don't know how to spell it)

Take care see you next chapter

Thats all

Author out♡♥♡♥

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