its continued

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HM ..... continued
Chronophobia- Fear of time.

Chronomentrophobia- Fear of clocks.

Cibophobia- Fear of food.(Sitophobia, Sitiophobia)

Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.

Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia- Fear of being locked in an enclosed place.

Cleptophobia- Fear of stealing.

Climacophobia- Fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs.

Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed.

Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia- Fear of being enclosed.

Cnidophobia- Fear of stings.

Cometophobia- Fear of comets.

Coimetrophobia- Fear of cemeteries.

Cyberphobia- Fear of computers or working on a computer.

Demonophobia or Daemonophobia- Fear of demons.

Francophobia- Fear of France or French culture. (Gallophobia, Galiophobia) ( Encre would kill him)

Ecclesiophobia- Fear of church.

Ecophobia- Fear of home.

Eicophobia- Fear of home surroundings.(Domatophobia, Oikophobia)

Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror.

Electrophobia- Fear of electricity.

Eleutherophobia- Fear of freedom.

Hadephobia- Fear of hell.

Hagiophobia- Fear of saints or holy things.

Hamartophobia- Fear of sinning.

Haphephobia or Haptephobia- Fear of being touched.

Harpaxophobia- Fear of being robbed.

Hedonophobia- Fear of feeling pleasure.

Heliophobia- Fear of the sun.

Glossophobia- Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak.

Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone.

Illyngophobia- Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down.

Leukophobia- Fear of the color white.

Kainolophobia or Kainophobia- Fear of anything new, novelty.

Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat.

Katagelophobia- Fear of ridicule.

Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down.

Katsaridaphobia- Fear of cockroaches.

Kenophobia- Fear of voids or empty spaces.

Keraunophobia or Ceraunophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning.(Astraphobia, Astrapophobia)

Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia- Fear of movement or motion.

Kleptophobia- Fear of stealing.

Koinoniphobia- Fear of rooms.

Maniaphobia- Fear of insanity.

Mastigophobia- Fear of punishment.

Lygophobia- Fear of darkness.

Metathesiophobia- Fear of changes.

Melanophobia- Fear of the color black.

Pagophobia- Fear of ice or frost.

Panthophobia- Fear of suffering and disease.

Panophobia or Pantophobia- Fear of everything.

Numerophobia- Fear of numbers.

Nyctohylophobia- Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night

Nyctophobia- Fear of the dark or of night.

Rhabdophobia- Fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod, or of being severely criticized. Also fear of magic.(wand)

Pediophobia- Fear of dolls.

Metallophobia- Fear of metal.

Metathesiophobia- Fear of changes.

Merinthophobia- Fear of being bound or tied up.

Oneirophobia- Fear of dreams.

Paraskavedekatriaphobia- Fear of Friday the 13th.

Pyrophobia- Fear of fire.

Uranophobia or Ouranophobia- Fear of heaven.

Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia- Fear of poison or of being accidently poisoned.

Traumatophobia- Fear of injury.

Tremophobia- Fear of trembling.

Sciophobia Sciaphobia- Fear of shadows.

Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia- Fear of standing or walking. (Ambulophobia)

Basophobia or Basiphobia- Inability to stand. Fear of walking or falling.

Bathmophobia- Fear of stairs or steep slopes.

Bathophobia- Fear of depth.

Batophobia- Fear of heights or being close to high buildings.

he fears everything, everyone exct. OK

Actions (around others): he would have a panic attack because of all the phobias he has are rlly severe.  Thats why he has staff, nurses,  doctors,  physicians, psychiatrists, therapists,  exct. Around him in his classes but they stay outside till need.

Im finally done that is alot of phobias I got them off a website that lists phobias till next chapter.

Dont forgot to visit_ink_girl and tell me if I dubbed some of the phobias

Auther out♡♥♡♥♡

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