Baseball Logic

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Sitting watching the ball game and our team was batting. The announcer was discussing a newly acquired player and the fact that he was from a different league. He was saying how the player was struggling and would have to get to know the pitchers in this league.

I said, "The guy's been playing for ten years now, don't tell me all he can do is strike out."

Nat sat up and said, 'Well we'll just get him and he can sit down with us right here."

I laughed and asked what good would that do.

"He can watch the game with us."


A while later the announcer was talking about the opposing pitcher just brought in and he said that he had a devastating curve ball that was a beauty and difficult to hit.

I said, "Too bad."

Nat said, "Don't worry, you've got a beauty right here beside you."


We were losing and had an opportunity to tie the game when the batter hit the ball and the runner on first base tried to slide into second base to break up the double play. Too late, and I groaned aloud.

"What's wrong?"

"Aw, he hit into a double play."

"Which one?

I named the batter.

"So he goes again."

"Huh, no. They are both out."

"But he gets to do it twice."

"Do what?"

"A double play."


It's far easier to agree than to attempt explanations. But I find myself actually thinking about the logic or illogic as the case may be, and missing the game.

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