No Wonder I Couldn't Perform

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Watching TV after dinner, sitting on our love seat, Nat kept starting sentences and never finishing.

"Oh, I know what I wanted . . ."

"Are you ready to go?"

"We have to get this done  . . ."

All of these I respond and get nothing. In between she kept bending down and I couldn't see what she was doing. Sometimes she just keeps straightening the crease in her pants. So she said suddenly,

"That's what they want." And then she bent down again.

I said, "What are you doing down there?" And I bent over to see. She was feeling inside her slipper and I asked if her foot hurt.


"Well what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for your fiddle."

"My fiddle? Is it in your slipper?"

"No, I looked."

"So I have a fiddle?"

"Not now."


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